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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* $Id: PSVIAttributeList.cpp 568078 2007-08-21 11:43:25Z amassari $
#include <xercesc/framework/psvi/PSVIAttributeList.hpp>
#include <xercesc/framework/psvi/XSAttributeDeclaration.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
PSVIAttributeList::PSVIAttributeList( MemoryManager* const manager ):
, fAttrList(0)
, fAttrNameList(0)
, fAttrNSList(0)
, fAttrPos(0)
fAttrList= new (fMemoryManager) RefVectorOf<PSVIAttribute> (10, true, fMemoryManager);
fAttrNameList= new (fMemoryManager) RefArrayVectorOf<XMLCh> (10, false, fMemoryManager);
fAttrNSList= new (fMemoryManager) RefArrayVectorOf<XMLCh> (10, false, fMemoryManager);
* Get the number of attributes whose PSVI contributions
* are contained in this list.
unsigned int PSVIAttributeList::getLength() const
return fAttrPos;
* Get the PSVI contribution of attribute at position i
* in this list. Indeces start from 0.
* @param index index from which the attribute PSVI contribution
* is to come.
* @return PSVIAttribute containing the attributes PSVI contributions;
* null is returned if the index is out of range.
PSVIAttribute *PSVIAttributeList::getAttributePSVIAtIndex(const unsigned int index)
if(index >= fAttrPos)
return 0;
return fAttrList->elementAt(index);
* Get local part of attribute name at position index in the list.
* Indeces start from 0.
* @param index index from which the attribute name
* is to come.
* @return local part of the attribute's name; null is returned if the index
* is out of range.
const XMLCh *PSVIAttributeList::getAttributeNameAtIndex(const unsigned int index)
if(index >= fAttrPos)
return 0;
return fAttrNameList->elementAt(index);
* Get namespace of attribute at position index in the list.
* Indeces start from 0.
* @param index index from which the attribute namespace
* is to come.
* @return namespace of the attribute;
* null is returned if the index is out of range.
const XMLCh *PSVIAttributeList::getAttributeNamespaceAtIndex(const unsigned int index)
if(index >= fAttrPos)
return 0;
return fAttrNSList->elementAt(index);
* Get the PSVI contribution of attribute with given
* local name and namespace.
* @param attrName local part of the attribute's name
* @param attrNamespace namespace of the attribute
* @return null if the attribute PSVI does not exist
PSVIAttribute *PSVIAttributeList::getAttributePSVIByName(const XMLCh *attrName
, const XMLCh * attrNamespace)
for (unsigned int index=0; index < fAttrPos; index++) {
if (XMLString::equals(attrName,fAttrNameList->elementAt(index))
&& XMLString::equals(attrNamespace,fAttrNSList->elementAt(index)))
return fAttrList->elementAt(index);
return 0;