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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* $Id: DOMStringPool.cpp 568078 2007-08-21 11:43:25Z amassari $
#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
#include "DOMStringPool.hpp"
#include "DOMDocumentImpl.hpp"
// DStringPoolEntry - one of these structs is allocated for each
// XMLCh String in the pool. Each slot in the
// hash table array itself is a pointer to the head
// of a singly-linked list of these structs.
// Although this struct is delcared with a string length of one,
// the factory method allocates enough storage to hold the full
// string length.
struct DOMStringPoolEntry
DOMStringPoolEntry *fNext;
XMLCh fString[1];
// createSPE - factory method for creating sting pool entry structs.
// Allocates sufficient storage to hold the entire string
static DOMStringPoolEntry *createSPE(const XMLCh *str, DOMDocumentImpl *doc)
// Compute size to allocate. Note that there's 1 char of string declared in the
// struct, so we don't need to add one again to account for the trailing null.
size_t sizeToAllocate = sizeof(DOMStringPoolEntry) + XMLString::stringLen(str)*sizeof(XMLCh);
DOMStringPoolEntry *newSPE = (DOMStringPoolEntry *)doc->allocate(sizeToAllocate);
newSPE->fNext = 0;
XMLCh * nonConstStr = (XMLCh *)newSPE->fString;
XMLString::copyString(nonConstStr, str);
return newSPE;
DOMStringPool::DOMStringPool(int hashTableSize, DOMDocumentImpl *doc)
: fDoc(doc)
, fHashTableSize(hashTableSize)
// needed to get access to the doc's storage allocator.
//fHashTable = new (fDoc) DOMStringPoolEntry *[hashTableSize];
void* p = doc->allocate(sizeof(DOMStringPoolEntry*) * hashTableSize);
fHashTable = (DOMStringPoolEntry**) p;
for (int i=0; i<fHashTableSize; i++)
fHashTable[i] = 0;
// Destructor. Nothing to do, since storage all belongs to the document.
const XMLCh *DOMStringPool::getPooledString(const XMLCh *in)
DOMStringPoolEntry **pspe;
DOMStringPoolEntry *spe;
int inHash = XMLString::hash(in, fHashTableSize, fDoc->getMemoryManager());
pspe = &fHashTable[inHash];
while (*pspe != 0)
if (XMLString::equals((*pspe)->fString, in))
return (*pspe)->fString;
pspe = &((*pspe)->fNext);
// This string hasn't been seen before. Add it to the pool.
*pspe = spe = createSPE(in, fDoc);
return spe->fString;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// DOMBuffer: Constructors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
DOMBuffer::DOMBuffer(DOMDocumentImpl *doc, int capacity) :
, fIndex(0)
, fCapacity(capacity)
, fDoc(doc)
// Buffer is one larger than capacity, to allow for zero term
fBuffer = (XMLCh*) doc->allocate((fCapacity+1)*sizeof(XMLCh));
// Keep it null terminated
fBuffer[0] = XMLCh(0);
DOMBuffer::DOMBuffer(DOMDocumentImpl *doc, const XMLCh* string) :
, fIndex(0)
, fCapacity(0)
, fDoc(doc)
unsigned int actualCount = XMLString::stringLen(string);
fCapacity = actualCount + 15;
// Buffer is one larger than capacity, to allow for zero term
fBuffer = (XMLCh*) doc->allocate((fCapacity+1)*sizeof(XMLCh));
memcpy(fBuffer, string, actualCount * sizeof(XMLCh));
fIndex = actualCount;
// Keep it null terminated
fBuffer[fIndex] = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DOMBuffer: Buffer management
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DOMBuffer::append(const XMLCh* const chars, const unsigned int count)
unsigned int actualCount = count;
if (!count)
actualCount = XMLString::stringLen(chars);
if (fIndex + actualCount >= fCapacity)
memcpy(&fBuffer[fIndex], chars, actualCount * sizeof(XMLCh));
fIndex += actualCount;
// Keep it null terminated
fBuffer[fIndex] = 0;
void DOMBuffer::set(const XMLCh* const chars, const unsigned int count)
unsigned int actualCount = count;
if (!count)
actualCount = XMLString::stringLen(chars);
fIndex = 0;
if (fIndex + actualCount >= fCapacity)
memcpy(fBuffer, chars, actualCount * sizeof(XMLCh));
fIndex = actualCount;
// Keep it null terminated
fBuffer[fIndex] = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DOMBuffer: Private helper methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DOMBuffer::expandCapacity(const unsigned int extraNeeded)
//not enough room. Calc new capacity and allocate new buffer
const unsigned int newCap = (unsigned int)((fIndex + extraNeeded) * 1.25);
XMLCh* newBuf = (XMLCh*) fDoc->allocate((newCap+1)*sizeof(XMLCh));
// Copy over the old stuff
memcpy(newBuf, fBuffer, fCapacity * sizeof(XMLCh));
// revisit: Leave the old buffer in document heap, yes, this is a leak, but live with it!
// store new stuff
fBuffer = newBuf;
fCapacity = newCap;