blob: 68bf2de4a2e12ccad06766a9f2cfbbef3eba2449 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* $Id: NodeImpl.cpp 568078 2007-08-21 11:43:25Z amassari $
// This class doesn't support having any children, and implements the behavior
// of an empty NodeList as far getChildNodes is concerned.
// The ParentNode subclass overrides this behavior.
#include "NodeImpl.hpp"
#include "AttrImpl.hpp"
#include "DOM_DOMException.hpp"
#include "DOM_Node.hpp"
#include "DOM_DOMImplementation.hpp"
#include "DOMString.hpp"
#include "DStringPool.hpp"
#include "DocumentImpl.hpp"
#include "NodeIDMap.hpp"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "TextImpl.hpp"
static DOMString *s_xml = null;
static DOMString *s_xmlURI = null;
static DOMString *s_xmlns = null;
static DOMString *s_xmlnsURI = null;
static XMLRegisterCleanup nodeImplCleanup;
const unsigned short NodeImpl::READONLY = 0x1<<0;
const unsigned short NodeImpl::SYNCDATA = 0x1<<1;
const unsigned short NodeImpl::SYNCCHILDREN = 0x1<<2;
const unsigned short NodeImpl::OWNED = 0x1<<3;
const unsigned short NodeImpl::FIRSTCHILD = 0x1<<4;
const unsigned short NodeImpl::SPECIFIED = 0x1<<5;
const unsigned short NodeImpl::IGNORABLEWS = 0x1<<6;
const unsigned short NodeImpl::SETVALUE = 0x1<<7;
const unsigned short NodeImpl::ID_ATTR = 0x1<<8;
const unsigned short NodeImpl::USERDATA = 0x1<<9;
const unsigned short NodeImpl::HASSTRING = 0x1<<10;
int NodeImpl::gLiveNodeImpls = 0; // Counters for debug & tuning.
int NodeImpl::gTotalNodeImpls= 0;
NodeImpl::NodeImpl(DocumentImpl *ownerDoc)
this->flags = 0;
// as long as we do not have any owner, ownerNode is our ownerDocument
this->ownerNode = ownerDoc;
this->nodeRefCount = 0;
// This only makes a shallow copy, cloneChildren must also be called for a
// deep clone
NodeImpl::NodeImpl(const NodeImpl &other) : NodeListImpl()
this->flags = other.flags;
this->nodeRefCount = 0;
// Need to break the association w/ original parent
// this->ownerNode = other.getOwnerDocument(); this doesn't work???
this->ownerNode = ((NodeImpl*)&other)->getOwnerDocument();
NodeImpl::~NodeImpl() {
if (hasUserData())
// Dynamic Cast substitute functions
bool NodeImpl::isAttrImpl() {return false;};
bool NodeImpl::isCDATASectionImpl() {return false;};
bool NodeImpl::isDocumentFragmentImpl() {return false;};
bool NodeImpl::isDocumentImpl() {return false;};
bool NodeImpl::isDocumentTypeImpl() {return false;};
bool NodeImpl::isElementImpl() {return false;};
bool NodeImpl::isEntityReference() {return false;};
bool NodeImpl::isTextImpl() {return false;};
void NodeImpl::changed() {
// we do not actually store this information on every node, we only
// have a global indicator on the Document. Doing otherwise cost us too
// much for little gain.
int NodeImpl::changes()
// we do not actually store this information on every node, we only
// have a global indicator on the Document. Doing otherwise cost us too
// much for little gain.
return getDocument()->changes();
NodeImpl * NodeImpl::appendChild(NodeImpl *newChild)
return insertBefore(newChild, null);
// NodeImpl::deleteIf is called when a node's reference count goes
// to 0. It is separate function from removeRef because removeRef
// is likely to be in-lined.
// See comments at RefCountedImpl::removeRef().
void NodeImpl::deleteIf(NodeImpl *thisNode)
if (thisNode == 0)
if (thisNode->isOwned())
// Delete this node. There should be no siblings, as the DOM
// supports no node operations that would detach a node from
// its parent while retaining siblings.
// The target node may have children, in which case they must
// be removed from this node before deleting this node.
// First, if this node is an ID attribute, we need to remove it
// from the hashtable of element IDs before removing the Attrs
// children. This is because the Attr's children Text nodes
// contain the attr's value, which is the hash table key.
if (thisNode->isAttrImpl() && ((AttrImpl *)thisNode->isIdAttr()))
((AttrImpl *)thisNode)->getOwnerDocument() ->
getNodeIDMap()->remove((AttrImpl *)thisNode);
thisNode->isReadOnly(false); // removeChild requires node not be readonly.
NodeImpl *theNextChild;
for (NodeImpl *child = thisNode->getFirstChild(); child != 0;
theNextChild = child->getNextSibling();
if (child->nodeRefCount == 0)
delete thisNode;
NamedNodeMapImpl * NodeImpl::getAttributes() {
return 0; // overridden in ElementImpl
NodeListImpl *NodeImpl::getChildNodes() {
return this; // overridden in ParentNode
NodeImpl * NodeImpl::getFirstChild() {
return 0; // overridden in ParentNode
NodeImpl * NodeImpl::getLastChild()
return 0; // overridden in ParentNode
unsigned int NodeImpl::getLength() {
return 0; // overridden in ParentNode
NodeImpl * NodeImpl::getNextSibling() {
return null; // overridden in ChildNode
DOMString NodeImpl::getNodeValue()
return null; // overridden in some subclasses
DocumentImpl *NodeImpl::getOwnerDocument()
// if we have an owner simply forward the request
// otherwise ownerNode is our ownerDocument
if (isOwned()) {
return ownerNode->getDocument();
} else {
return (DocumentImpl *) ownerNode;
// unlike getOwnerDocument this is not overriden by DocumentImpl to return null
DocumentImpl *NodeImpl::getDocument()
// if we have an owner simply forward the request
// otherwise ownerNode is our ownerDocument
if (isOwned()) {
return ownerNode->getDocument();
} else {
return (DocumentImpl *) ownerNode;
void NodeImpl::setOwnerDocument(DocumentImpl *doc) {
// if we have an owner we rely on it to have it right
// otherwise ownerNode is our ownerDocument
if (!isOwned()) {
ownerNode = doc;
NodeImpl * NodeImpl::getParentNode()
return null; // overridden in ChildNode
NodeImpl* NodeImpl::getPreviousSibling()
return null; // overridden in ChildNode
void *NodeImpl::getUserData()
return (hasUserData()) ? getOwnerDocument()->getUserData(this) : null;
bool NodeImpl::hasChildNodes()
return false;
NodeImpl *NodeImpl::insertBefore(NodeImpl * /*newChild*/, NodeImpl * /*refChild*/) {
throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,null);
return 0;
NodeImpl *NodeImpl::item(unsigned int /*index*/) {
return 0;
NodeImpl *NodeImpl::removeChild(NodeImpl * /*oldChild*/)
throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR, null);
return 0;
NodeImpl *NodeImpl::replaceChild(NodeImpl * /*newChild*/, NodeImpl * /*oldChild*/)
throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,null);
return 0;
void NodeImpl::referenced()
// unreferenced will be called whenever the refernce count on
// this node goes from 1 to 0. This node will only be
// directly deleted here (by deleteIf) if it is outside
// of the document tree.
void NodeImpl::unreferenced()
DocumentImpl *doc = this->getOwnerDocument();
deleteIf(this); // This gets nodes outside of the document -
// deleteIf() deletes only if the parent
// node is null.
// If this was the last external reference within the document,
// the entire document will be deleted as well.
void NodeImpl::setNodeValue(const DOMString & /*val*/)
// Default behavior is to do nothing, overridden in some subclasses
void NodeImpl::setReadOnly(bool readOnly, bool /*deep*/)
// by default we do not have children, so deep is meaningless
// this is overridden by ParentNode
void NodeImpl::setUserData(void * val)
getOwnerDocument()->setUserData(this, val);
if (val)
DOMString NodeImpl::toString()
return DOMString("[")+getNodeName()+": "+getNodeValue()+"]";
// return getNodeName();
//Introduced in DOM Level 2
void NodeImpl::normalize()
// does nothing by default, overridden by subclasses
bool NodeImpl::isSupported(const DOMString &feature, const DOMString &version)
return DOM_DOMImplementation::getImplementation().hasFeature(feature, version);
DOMString NodeImpl::getNamespaceURI()
return 0;
DOMString NodeImpl::getPrefix()
return 0;
DOMString NodeImpl::getLocalName()
return 0;
void NodeImpl::setPrefix(const DOMString & /*fPrefix*/)
throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::NAMESPACE_ERR,null);
bool NodeImpl::hasAttributes() {
return 0; // overridden in ElementImpl
DOMString NodeImpl::getXmlnsString() {
return DStringPool::getStaticString("xmlns"
, &s_xmlns
, reinitNodeImpl
, nodeImplCleanup
DOMString NodeImpl::getXmlnsURIString() {
return DStringPool::getStaticString(""
, &s_xmlnsURI
, reinitNodeImpl
, nodeImplCleanup
DOMString NodeImpl::getXmlString() {
return DStringPool::getStaticString("xml"
, &s_xml
, reinitNodeImpl
, nodeImplCleanup
DOMString NodeImpl::getXmlURIString() {
return DStringPool::getStaticString(""
, &s_xmlURI
, reinitNodeImpl
, nodeImplCleanup
//Return a URI mapped from the given prefix and namespaceURI as below
// prefix namespaceURI output
// "xml" xmlURI xmlURI
// "xml" otherwise NAMESPACE_ERR
// "xmlns" xmlnsURI xmlnsURI (nType = ATTRIBUTE_NODE only)
// "xmlns" otherwise NAMESPACE_ERR (nType = ATTRIBUTE_NODE only)
// != null null or "" NAMESPACE_ERR
// else any namesapceURI
const DOMString& NodeImpl::mapPrefix(const DOMString &prefix,
const DOMString &namespaceURI, short nType)
DOMString xml = DStringPool::getStaticString("xml"
, &s_xml
, reinitNodeImpl
, nodeImplCleanup
DOMString xmlURI = DStringPool::getStaticString(""
, &s_xmlURI
, reinitNodeImpl
, nodeImplCleanup
DOMString xmlns = DStringPool::getStaticString("xmlns"
, &s_xmlns
, reinitNodeImpl
, nodeImplCleanup
DOMString xmlnsURI = DStringPool::getStaticString(""
, &s_xmlnsURI
, reinitNodeImpl
, nodeImplCleanup
if (prefix == null)
return namespaceURI;
if (prefix.equals(xml)) {
if (namespaceURI.equals(xmlURI))
return *s_xmlURI;
throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::NAMESPACE_ERR, null);
} else if (nType == DOM_Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE && prefix.equals(xmlns)) {
if (namespaceURI.equals(xmlnsURI))
return *s_xmlnsURI;
throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::NAMESPACE_ERR, null);
} else if (namespaceURI == null || namespaceURI.length() == 0) {
throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::NAMESPACE_ERR, null);
} else
return namespaceURI;
return namespaceURI;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notification that lazy data has been deleted
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void NodeImpl::reinitNodeImpl() {
delete s_xml;
s_xml = 0;
delete s_xmlURI;
s_xmlURI = 0;
delete s_xmlns;
s_xmlns = 0;
delete s_xmlnsURI;
s_xmlnsURI = 0;