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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* $Id: DStringPool.cpp 568078 2007-08-21 11:43:25Z amassari $
// file DStringPool.cpp
#include "DStringPool.hpp"
#include <xercesc/util/XMLRegisterCleanup.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
// DStringPoolEntry - one of these structs is allocated for each
// DOMString in the pool. Each slot in the
// hash table array itself is a pointer to the head
// of a singly-linked list of these structs.
struct DStringPoolEntry : public XMemory
DStringPoolEntry *fNext;
DOMString fString;
DStringPool::DStringPool(int hashTableSize,
MemoryManager* const manager)
fHashTableSize = hashTableSize;
fHashTable = (DStringPoolEntry**) manager->allocate
hashTableSize * sizeof(DStringPoolEntry*)
);//new DStringPoolEntry *[hashTableSize];
fMemoryManager = manager;
for (int i=0; i<fHashTableSize; i++)
fHashTable[i] = 0;
// Destructor. Iterate through the pool, deleting each of the
// DSTringPoolEntry structs, then delete the hash
// array itself.
for (int slot=0; slot<fHashTableSize; slot++)
DStringPoolEntry *spe;
DStringPoolEntry *nextSPE;
for (spe=fHashTable[slot]; spe != 0; spe = nextSPE )
// spe->string = 0;
nextSPE = spe->fNext;
delete spe; // Note that this will invoke the destructor
// on spe->fString.
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fHashTable);//delete [] fHashTable;
fHashTable = 0;
const DOMString &DStringPool::getPooledString(const XMLCh *in)
DStringPoolEntry **pspe;
DStringPoolEntry *spe;
int inHash = XMLString::hash(in, fHashTableSize, fMemoryManager);
pspe = &fHashTable[inHash];
while (*pspe != 0)
if ((*pspe)->fString.equals(in))
return (*pspe)->fString;
pspe = &((*pspe)->fNext);
*pspe = spe = new (fMemoryManager) DStringPoolEntry;
spe->fNext = 0;
spe->fString = DOMString(in);
return spe->fString;
const DOMString &DStringPool::getPooledString(const DOMString &in)
DStringPoolEntry **pspe;
DStringPoolEntry *spe;
const XMLCh *inCharData = in.rawBuffer();
int inLength = in.length();
int inHash = XMLString::hashN(inCharData, inLength, fHashTableSize, fMemoryManager);
pspe = &fHashTable[inHash];
while (*pspe != 0)
if ((*pspe)->fString.equals(in))
return (*pspe)->fString;
pspe = &((*pspe)->fNext);
*pspe = spe = new (fMemoryManager) DStringPoolEntry;
spe->fNext = 0;
spe->fString = DOMString(in);
return spe->fString;
// getLiteralString
// This is a static function that is somewhat separate from the rest
// of the string pool. It is used to manage the one-time creation of
// static strings that are reused freqently within the DOM implementation.
// This is primarily things like the default names for the various
// node types ("#text" and the like).
const DOMString &DStringPool::getStaticString(const char *in
, DOMString **loc
, XMLRegisterCleanup::XMLCleanupFn fn
, XMLRegisterCleanup &clnObj)
if (*loc == 0)
DOMString *t = new DOMString(in); // This is one of the very few
// places that a DOMString variable
// is heap allocated. Normal usage
// is to create local instances and
// pass them around by value.
if (XMLPlatformUtils::compareAndSwap((void **)loc, t, 0) != 0)
delete t;
// Register this string for deletion. Doing each string individually
// may be a little heavyweight, but will work for the time being
// for arranging the deletion of eveything on Termination of XML.
return **loc;