blob: 2c98b3a28600aa32d50d01eff74f956e34debde9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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* $Id: DOM_DOMImplementation.cpp 568078 2007-08-21 11:43:25Z amassari $
#include "DOM_DOMImplementation.hpp"
#include "DOM_Document.hpp"
#include "DOM_DocumentType.hpp"
#include "DOM_DOMException.hpp"
#include "DocumentImpl.hpp"
#include "DocumentTypeImpl.hpp"
#include "DStringPool.hpp"
#include <xercesc/util/XMLChar.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLRegisterCleanup.hpp>
// Static constants. These are lazily initialized on first usage.
// (Static constructors can not be safely used because
// of order of initialization dependencies.)
static DOM_DOMImplementation *gDomimp; // Points to the singleton instance
// of DOMImplementation that is returned
// by any call to getImplementation().
static DOMString *gXML = 0; // Points to "XML"
static DOMString *g1_0 = 0; // Points to "1.0"
static DOMString *g2_0 = 0; // Points to "2.0"
static DOMString *gTrav = 0; // Points to "Traversal"
static DOMString *gRange = 0; // Points to "Range"
static DOMString *gCore = 0; // Points to "Core"
// we define only one clean up object, if any of the above
// ever get initialized, then the cleanup function will be
// registered to the same cleanup Obj again and again.
// that cleanup function will delete/null all the g*
static XMLRegisterCleanup DOM_DOMImplementationCleanup;
// Note #1136 - There needs to be a separate implementation class for
// DOMImplementation, so that the user programming model
// is consistent with the rest of the C++ DOM API, and
// so that hasFeature will only work on the result of
// getImplementation(), and not on DOM_DOMImplemenation objects
// created with the default constructor.
DOM_DOMImplementation::DOM_DOMImplementation() {
DOM_DOMImplementation::DOM_DOMImplementation(const DOM_DOMImplementation & /*other*/)
DOM_DOMImplementation & DOM_DOMImplementation::operator = (const DOM_DOMImplementation & /*other*/)
return *this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reset the singleton DOM_DOMImplementation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void reinitImplementation() {
delete gDomimp;
gDomimp = 0;
// getImplementation() - Always returns the same singleton instance, which
// is lazily created on the first call. Note that
// DOM_Implementation must be thread-safe because
// it is common to all DOM documents, and while a single
// document is not thread-safe within itself, we do
// promise that different documents can safely be
// used concurrently by different threads.
DOM_DOMImplementation &DOM_DOMImplementation::getImplementation() {
static XMLRegisterCleanup implementationCleanup;
if (gDomimp == 0)
DOM_DOMImplementation *t = new DOM_DOMImplementation;
if (XMLPlatformUtils::compareAndSwap((void **)&gDomimp, t, 0) != 0)
delete t;
return *gDomimp;
bool DOM_DOMImplementation::hasFeature(const DOMString &feature, const DOMString &version)
bool anyVersion = (version == null || version.length() == 0);
bool version1_0 = version.equals(DStringPool::getStaticString("1.0"
, &g1_0
, reinitDOM_DOMImplementation
, DOM_DOMImplementationCleanup));
bool version2_0 = version.equals(DStringPool::getStaticString("2.0"
, &g2_0
, reinitDOM_DOMImplementation
, DOM_DOMImplementationCleanup));
// case-insensitive compare
if(!XMLString::compareIString(feature.rawBuffer(), DStringPool::getStaticString("XML"
, &gXML
, reinitDOM_DOMImplementation
, DOM_DOMImplementationCleanup).rawBuffer())
&& (anyVersion || version1_0 || version2_0))
return true;
if(!XMLString::compareIString(feature.rawBuffer(), DStringPool::getStaticString("Core"
, &gCore
, reinitDOM_DOMImplementation
, DOM_DOMImplementationCleanup).rawBuffer())
&& (anyVersion || version1_0 || version2_0))
return true;
if(!XMLString::compareIString(feature.rawBuffer(), DStringPool::getStaticString("Traversal"
, &gTrav
, reinitDOM_DOMImplementation
, DOM_DOMImplementationCleanup).rawBuffer())
&& (anyVersion || version2_0))
return true;
if(!XMLString::compareIString(feature.rawBuffer(), DStringPool::getStaticString("Range"
, &gRange
, reinitDOM_DOMImplementation
, DOM_DOMImplementationCleanup).rawBuffer())
&& (anyVersion || version2_0))
return true;
return false;
//Introduced in DOM Level 2
DOM_DocumentType DOM_DOMImplementation::createDocumentType(const DOMString &qualifiedName,
const DOMString &publicId, const DOMString &systemId)
if(!XMLChar1_0::isValidName(qualifiedName.rawBuffer(), XMLString::stringLen(qualifiedName.rawBuffer())))
throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR,null);
return DOM_DocumentType(new DocumentTypeImpl(null, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId));
DOM_Document DOM_DOMImplementation::createDocument(const DOMString &namespaceURI,
const DOMString &qualifiedName, const DOM_DocumentType &doctype, MemoryManager* const manager)
return DOM_Document(new (manager) DocumentImpl(namespaceURI, qualifiedName,
doctype == null ? null : (DocumentTypeImpl *) doctype.fImpl, manager));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notification that lazy data has been deleted
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void DOM_DOMImplementation::reinitDOM_DOMImplementation() {
delete gXML;
gXML = 0;
delete g1_0;
g1_0 = 0;
delete g2_0;
g2_0 = 0;
delete gTrav;
gTrav = 0;
delete gRange;
gRange = 0;
delete gCore;
gCore = 0;