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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* $Id: DOMString.hpp 568078 2007-08-21 11:43:25Z amassari $
#ifndef DOMString_HEADER_GUARD_
#define DOMString_HEADER_GUARD_
#include <xercesc/util/XMemory.hpp>
#ifdef XML_DEBUG
#include "DOMStringImpl.hpp"
class DOMStringHandle;
class DOM_NullPtr;
* <code>DOMString</code> is the generic string class that stores all strings
* used in the DOM C++ API.
* Though this class supports most of the common string operations to manipulate
* strings, it is not meant to be a comphrehensive string class.
class DEPRECATED_DOM_EXPORT DOMString : public XMemory{
/** @name Constructors and assignment operator */
* Default constructor for DOMString. The resulting DOMString
* object refers to no string at all; it will compare == 0.
* Copy constructor.
* @param other The object to be copied.
DOMString(const DOMString &other);
* Constructor to build a DOMString from an XML character array.
* (XMLCh is a 16 bit UNICODE character).
* @param other The null-terminated character array to be
* that provides the initial value for the DOMString.
DOMString(const XMLCh *other);
* Constructor to build a DOMString from a character array of given length.
* @param other The character array to be imported into the <code>DOMString</code>
* @param length The length of the character array to be imported
DOMString(const XMLCh *other, unsigned int length);
* Constructor to build a DOMString from an 8 bit character array.
* The char * string will be transcoded to UNICODE using the default
* code page on the system where the code is running.
* @param other The character array to be imported into the <code>DOMString</code>
DOMString(const char *other);
* Construct a null DOMString.
DOMString(int nullPointerValue);
* Assignment operator. Make destination DOMString refer to the same
* underlying string in memory as the source string.
* @param other the source DOMString.
DOMString & operator = (const DOMString &other);
DOMString & operator = (DOM_NullPtr *other);
/** @name Destructor. */
* Destructor for DOMString
/** @name Operators for string manipulation. */
* Concatenate a DOMString to another.
* @param other The string to be concatenated.
* @return The concatenated object
// DOMString operator + (const DOMString &other);
/** @name Equality and Inequality operators. */
* Equality operator.
* @param other The object to be compared with.
* @return True if the two DOMStrings refer to the same underlying string
* in memory.
* <p>
* WARNING: operator == does NOT compare the contents of
* the two strings. To do this, use the <code>DOMString::equals()</code>
* This behavior is modelled after the String operations in Java, and
* is also similar to operator == on the other DOM_* classes.
bool operator == (const DOMString &other) const;
* Inequality operator.
* @param other The object to be compared with.
* @return True if the two DOMStrings refer to different underlying strings in
* memory.
* <p>
* WARNING: operator == does NOT compare the contents of
* the two strings. To do this, use the <code>DOMString::equals()</code>
* This behavior is modelled after the String operations in Java, and
* is also similar to operator == on the other DOM_* classes.
bool operator != (const DOMString &other) const;
* Equality operator. Test for a null DOMString, which is one that does
* not refer to any string at all; similar to a null object reference
* variable in Java.
* @param other must be 0 or null.
* @return
bool operator == (const DOM_NullPtr *other) const;
* Inequality operator, for null test.
* @param other must be 0 or null.
* @return True if the two strings are different, false otherwise
bool operator != (const DOM_NullPtr *other) const;
/** @name Functions to change the string. */
* Preallocate storage in the string to hold a given number of characters.
* A DOMString will grow its buffer on demand, as characters are added,
* but it can be more efficient to allocate once in advance, if the size is known.
* @param size The number of 16 bit characters to reserve.
void reserve(unsigned int size);
* Appends the content of another <code>DOMString</code> to this string.
* @param other The object to be appended
void appendData(const DOMString &other);
* Append a single Unicode character to this string.
* @param ch The single character to be appended
void appendData(XMLCh ch);
* Append a null-terminated XMLCh * (Unicode) string to this string.
* @param other The object to be appended
void appendData(const XMLCh *other);
* Appends the content of another <code>DOMString</code> to this string.
* @param other The object to be appended
DOMString& operator +=(const DOMString &other);
* Appends the content of a c-style string to this string.
* @param other The string to be appended
DOMString& operator +=(const XMLCh* other);
* Appends a character to this string.
* @param ch The character to be appended
DOMString& operator +=(XMLCh ch);
* Clears the data of this <code>DOMString</code>.
* @param offset The position from the beginning from which the data must be deleted
* @param count The count of characters from the offset that must be deleted
void deleteData(unsigned int offset, unsigned int count);
* Inserts a string within the existing <code>DOMString</code> at an arbitrary position.
* @param offset The offset from the beginning at which the insertion needs to be done
* in <code>this</code> object
* @param data The <code>DOMString</code> containing the data that needs to be inserted
* @return The object to be returned.
void insertData(unsigned int offset, const DOMString &data);
/** @name Functions to get properties of the string. */
* Returns the character at the specified position.
* @param index The position at which the character is being requested
* @return Returns the character at the specified position.
XMLCh charAt(unsigned int index) const;
* Returns a handle to the raw buffer in the <code>DOMString</code>.
* @return The pointer inside the <code>DOMString</code> containg the string data.
* Note: the data is not always null terminated. Do not rely on
* a null being there, and do not add one, as several DOMStrings
* with different lengths may share the same raw buffer.
const XMLCh *rawBuffer() const;
* Returns a copy of the string, transcoded to the local code page. The
* caller owns the (char *) string that is returned, and is responsible
* for deleting it.
* Note: The buffer returned is allocated using the global operator new
* and users need to make sure to use the corresponding delete [].
* This method will be deprecated in later versions, as we move
* towards using a memory manager for allocation and deallocation.
* @return A pointer to a newly allocated buffer of char elements, which
* represents the original string, but in the local encoding.
char *transcode() const;
* Returns a copy of the string, transcoded to the local code page. The
* caller owns the (char *) string that is returned, and is responsible
* for deleting it.
* @param manager the memory manager to use for allocating returned
* returned buffer.
* @return A pointer to a newly allocated buffer of char elements, which
* represents the original string, but in the local encoding.
char *transcode(MemoryManager* const manager) const;
* Creates a DOMString, transcoded from an input 8 bit char * string
* in the local code page.
* @param str The string to be transcoded
* @return A new DOMString object
static DOMString transcode(const char* str);
* Returns a sub-string of the <code>DOMString</code> starting at a specified position.
* @param offset The offset from the beginning from which the sub-string is being requested.
* @param count The count of characters in the requested sub-string
* @return The sub-string of the <code>DOMString</code> being requested
DOMString substringData(unsigned int offset, unsigned int count) const;
* Returns the length of the DOMString.
* @return The length of the string
unsigned int length() const;
/** @name Cloning function. */
* Makes a clone of a the DOMString.
* @return The object to be cloned.
DOMString clone() const;
/** @name Print functions. */
* Dumps the <code>DOMString</code> on the console.
void print() const;
* Dumps the <code>DOMString</code> on the console with a line feed at the end.
void println() const;
/** @name Functions to compare a string with another. */
* Compares a DOMString with another.
* This compareString does not match the semantics of the standard C strcmp.
* All it needs to do is define some less than - equals - greater than
* ordering of strings. How doesn't matter.
* @param other The object to be compared with
* @return Either -1, 0, or 1 based on the comparison.
int compareString(const DOMString &other) const;
* Less than operator. It is a helper operator for compareString.
* @param other The object to be compared with.
* @return True if this DOMString is lexically less than the other DOMString.
bool operator < (const DOMString &other) const;
* Tells if a <code>DOMString</code> contains the same character data
* as another.
* @param other The DOMString to be compared with.
* @return True if the two <code>DOMString</code>s are same, false otherwise.
bool equals(const DOMString &other) const;
* Compare a DOMString with a null-terminated raw 16-bit character
* string.
* @param other The character string to be compared with.
* @return True if the strings are the same, false otherwise.
bool equals(const XMLCh *other) const;
friend class DOMStringData;
friend class DOMStringHandle;
friend class DomMemDebug;
DOMStringHandle *fHandle;
static int gLiveStringHandleCount;
static int gTotalStringHandleCount;
static int gLiveStringDataCount;
static int gTotalStringDataCount;
/****** Global Helper Functions ******/
* Concatenate two DOMString's.
* @param lhs the first string
* @param rhs the second string
* @return The concatenated object
DOMString DEPRECATED_DOM_EXPORT operator + (const DOMString &lhs, const DOMString &rhs);
* Concatenate a null terminated Unicode string to a DOMString.
* @param lhs the DOMString
* @param rhs the XMLCh * string
* @return The concatenated object
DOMString DEPRECATED_DOM_EXPORT operator + (const DOMString &lhs, const XMLCh* rhs);
* Concatenate a DOMString to a null terminated Unicode string
* @param lhs the null-terminated Unicode string
* @param rhs the DOMString
* @return The concatenated object
DOMString DEPRECATED_DOM_EXPORT operator + (const XMLCh* lhs, const DOMString &rhs);
* Concatenate a single Unicode character to a DOMString.
* @param lhs the DOMString
* @param rhs the character
* @return The concatenated object
DOMString DEPRECATED_DOM_EXPORT operator + (const DOMString &lhs, XMLCh rhs);
* Concatenate a DOMString to a single Unicode character.
* @param lhs the character
* @param rhs the DOMString
* @return The concatenated object
DOMString DEPRECATED_DOM_EXPORT operator + (XMLCh lhs, const DOMString &rhs);