blob: c3995ee4c4a2c085c89d53327cdffcaf46302c9c [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
<s1 title="Build Instructions">
<s2 title="Building on Windows and UNIX">
<p>Read the <jump href="build-winunix.html">Building on Windows and UNIX</jump> document
or jump directly to:</p>
<li><jump href="build-winunix.html#WinNT">Building on Windows using Microsoft Visual C++</jump></li>
<li><jump href="build-winunix.html#UNIX">Building on UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X platforms</jump></li>
<li><jump href="build-winunix.html#CygWin">Building on Windows using Cygwin</jump></li>
<li><jump href="build-winunix.html#WinBorlandCC">Building on Windows using Borland C++</jump></li>
<li><jump href="build-winunix.html#WinBorlandBuilder">Building on Windows using Borland C++ Builder</jump></li>
<li><jump href="build-winunix.html#WinIntel">Building 64 bit libraries on Windows using Intel C++</jump></li>
<s2 title="Building on Other Platforms">
<p>Read the <jump href="build-other.html">Building on Other Platforms</jump> document
or jump directly to:</p>
<li><jump href="build-other.html#iSeries">Building &XercesCName; on iSeries (AS/400)</jump></li>
<li><jump href="build-other.html#Mac">Building &XercesCName; on Macintosh</jump></li>
<s2 title="Other Build Instructions">
<p>Read the <jump href="build-misc.html">Other Build Instructions</jump> document
or jump directly to:</p>
<li><jump href="build-misc.html#ICUPerl">Building &XercesCName; with ICU</jump></li>
<li><jump href="build-misc.html#RPMLinux">Building &XercesCName; using RPM on Linux</jump></li>
<li><jump href="build-misc.html#WinCOM">Building &XercesCName; COM Wrapper on Windows</jump></li>
<li><jump href="build-misc.html#UserDoc">Building User Documentation</jump></li>
<li><jump href="build-misc.html#PortInfo">I wish to port &XercesCProjectName; to my favourite platform. Do you have any suggestions?</jump></li>
<li><jump href="build-misc.html#XMLChInfo">What should I define XMLCh to be?</jump></li>
<li><jump href="build-misc.html#HelpInfo">Where can I look for more help?</jump></li>