blob: 3c30e49bb2012157d875bb6420dff18b3e5f38f0 [file] [log] [blame]
/*--- Solaris-specific syscalls stuff. priv_syswrap-solaris.h ---*/
This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Petr Pavlu
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
#include "pub_core_basics.h" // VG_ macro
#include "priv_types_n_macros.h" // DECL_TEMPLATE
#include "pub_core_tooliface.h" // CorePart
/* Macro to join a syscall name with a syscall variant. */
#define SC2(name, subname) \
name "_" subname
/* Macro to join a syscall name with its variant and sub-variant. */
#define SC3(name, subname, subsubname) \
name "_" subname "_" subsubname
extern void ML_(call_on_new_stack_0_1)(Addr stack, Addr retaddr,
void (*f)(Word), Word arg1);
extern Word ML_(start_thread_NORETURN)(void *arg);
extern Addr ML_(allocstack) (ThreadId tid);
extern void ML_(setup_start_thread_context)(ThreadId tid, vki_ucontext_t *uc);
extern UInt ML_(fletcher32)(UShort *buf, SizeT blocks);
extern ULong ML_(fletcher64)(UInt *buf, SizeT blocks);
extern void ML_(save_machine_context)(ThreadId tid, vki_ucontext_t *uc,
CorePart part);
extern void ML_(restore_machine_context)(ThreadId tid, vki_ucontext_t *uc,
CorePart part, Bool esp_is_thrptr);
#if defined(VGP_x86_solaris)
extern void ML_(setup_gdt)(VexGuestX86State *vex);
extern void ML_(cleanup_gdt)(VexGuestX86State *vex);
extern void ML_(update_gdt_lwpgs)(ThreadId tid);
/* prototypes */
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_fstatat64);
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_openat64);
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_llseek32);
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_mmap64);
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_stat64);
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_lstat64);
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_fstat64);
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_statvfs64);
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_fstatvfs64);
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_setrlimit64);
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_getrlimit64);
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_pread64);
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_pwrite64);
DECL_TEMPLATE(x86_solaris, sys_open64);
#elif defined(VGP_amd64_solaris)
/* Nothing yet. */
# error "Unknown platform"
/*--- end ---*/