blob: a04f0009d45b18185abfb1060c8d1a581e13de80 [file] [log] [blame]
# SUSv4 compliant sort tests.
# Copyright 2005, 2012 by Rob Landley <>
[ -f ] && .
# The basic tests. These should work even with the small config.
testing "unknown argument" 'sort --oops 2>/dev/null ; echo $?' "2\n" "" ""
testing "sort" "sort input" "a\nb\nc\n" "c\na\nb\n" ""
testing "#2" "sort input" "010\n1\n3\n" "3\n1\n010\n" ""
testing "stdin" "sort" "a\nb\nc\n" "" "b\na\nc\n"
testing "numeric" "sort -n input" "1\n3\n010\n" "3\n1\n010\n" ""
testing "reverse" "sort -r input" "wook\nwalrus\npoint\npabst\naargh\n" \
"point\nwook\npabst\naargh\nwalrus\n" ""
testing "sort -o" "sort input -o output && cat output" "a\nb\nc\n" "c\na\nb\n" ""
testing "sort -o same" "sort input -o input && cat input" "a\nb\nc\n" "c\na\nb\n" ""
# Longish chunk of data re-used by the next few tests. The expected output
# varies, but the input (this) is the same.
data="42 1 3 woot
42 1 010 zoology
egg 1 2 papyrus
7 3 42 soup
999 3 0 algebra
# Sorting with keys
testing "one key" "sort -k4,4 input" \
"999 3 0 algebra
egg 1 2 papyrus
7 3 42 soup
42 1 3 woot
42 1 010 zoology
" "$data" ""
# The numeric sort orders field 2, ignores field 3 (because numeric sort stops
# at the whitespace), then the global fallback sort does an alpha sort on
# the whole string (starting at the beginning of the line).
testing "key range with numeric option" "sort -k2,3n input" \
"42 1 010 zoology
42 1 3 woot
egg 1 2 papyrus
7 3 42 soup
999 3 0 algebra
" "$data" ""
# Numeric sort on field 2 (again, ignore field 3 because it's numeric),
# then do a _reversed_ alpha sort on the whole line as a tiebreaker.
testing "key range with numeric option and global reverse" \
"sort -k2,3n -r input" \
"egg 1 2 papyrus
42 1 3 woot
42 1 010 zoology
999 3 0 algebra
7 3 42 soup
" "$data" ""
# Reversed numeric sort on field 2 (numeric ignores field 3), then
# break ties with alpha sort on whole line.
testing "key range with multiple options" "sort -k2,3rn input" \
"7 3 42 soup
999 3 0 algebra
42 1 010 zoology
42 1 3 woot
egg 1 2 papyrus
" "$data" ""
testing "key doesn't strip leading blanks, disables fallback global sort" \
"sort -n -k2 -t ' '" " a \n 1 \n 2 \n" "" " 2 \n 1 \n a \n"
# Test case contributed by Joey Hess:
testing "key edge case with -t" "sort -n -k4 -t/" \
" "" "/usr/lib/finish-install.d/1
toyonly testing "-x" "sort -x" "010\na0\n 0c0\n" "" "a0\n010\n 0c0\n"
# Test that -f applies to key or fallback independently
testing "" "sort -k2,2f" "A b b\na B C\na B a\n" "" "a B a\nA b b\na B C\n"
testing "" "sort -k2,2" "a B C\na B a\nA b b\n" "" "a B a\nA b b\na B C\n"
testing "" "sort -f -k2,2" "A b b\na B C\na B a\n" "" "a B a\nA b b\na B C\n"
testing "" "sort -t, -k3n" "3,4,1,2\n4,1,2,3\n1,2,3,4\n2,3,4,1\n" "" \
toyonly testing "-kx" "sort -k1,1x" "3\na\n0c\n" "" "0c\na\n3\n"
# This has irredeemable version skew on the host and no standard defining it.
# testing "-V" "LANG=c sort -V" \
# "toy-2.37.tar.gz\ntoy-3.4.tar.gz\ntoy-3.12.tar.gz\ntoy-4.16-rc2.tar.gz\ntoy-4.16.tar.gz\n" "" \
# "toy-3.12.tar.gz\ntoy-2.37.tar.gz\ntoy-3.4.tar.gz\ntoy-4.16-rc2.tar.gz\ntoy-4.16.tar.gz"
testcmd "-c" "-c 2>&1 | grep -o [0-9]*" "3\n" "" "a\nb\na\nc"
testcmd "-uc" "-uc 2>&1 | grep -o [0-9]*" "3\n" "" "a\nb\nb\nc"
testcmd "-C 1" "-C || echo yes" "yes\n" "" "one\ntwo\nthree"
testcmd "-C 2" "-C && echo yes" "yes\n" "" "a\nb\nc\n"
toyonly testcmd 'negative -k' '-k-2,-2 -k-1r' 'a b z\nd e q\nx e a\nb m n\n' \
'' 'a b z\nd e q\nb m n\nx e a\n'
toyonly testcmd 'negative -k2' '-k-2' 'a b z\nx e a\nd e q\nb m n\n' \
'' 'a b z\nd e q\nb m n\nx e a\n'
testcmd 'missing key becomes ""' '-k3r' 'm n o\ng h i\na b c\nd e\nj k\n' \
'' 'a b c\nd e\ng h i\nj k\nm n o\n'
toyonly testcmd 'negative straddle' '-k-1r' 'm n o\nj k\ng h i\nd e\na b c\n' \
'' 'a b c\nd e\ng h i\nj k\nm n o\n'
toyonly testcmd 'missing negative' '-k-3r' 'm n o\ng h i\na b c\nd e\nj k\n' \
'' 'a b c\nd e\ng h i\nj k\nm n o\n'
# not numbers < NaN < -infinity < numbers < +infinity
testing "-g" "sort -g" \
"bork\nNaN\n-inf\n0.4\n1.222\n01.37\n2.1\n+infinity\n" "" \
# -n without number sorts as leading zero, but fallback is whole string
testcmd '-n without number sorts as leading zero' '-n' \
'-1\n0A\n0D\nC\n1z\n3b\n' '' '1z\n0D\n3b\nC\n-1\n0A\n'
testcmd '-u implies -s' '-uk2,2n' 'zero 1\nthree 2\nfour 3\n' '' \
'zero 1\none 1\nfour 3\ntwo 1\nthree 2\nalso 1'