blob: 37bdea6b8e688019376221fadf4595d4bb51cc25 [file] [log] [blame]
struct gzip_data {
int level;
struct hostname_data {
char *F;
struct md5sum_data {
int sawline;
struct mktemp_data {
char *p, *tmpdir;
struct mount_data {
struct arg_list *o;
char *t, *O;
unsigned long flags;
char *opts;
int okuser;
struct seq_data {
char *s, *f;
int precision, buflen;
struct umount_data {
struct arg_list *t;
char *types;
struct microcom_data {
long s;
int fd, stok;
struct termios old_stdin, old_fd;
struct dos2unix_data {
char *tempfile;
struct getopt_data {
struct arg_list *l;
char *o, *n;
struct nsenter_data {
char *UupnmiC[7];
long t;
struct realpath_data {
char *R, *relative_base;
struct setsid_data {
long c;
struct stat_data {
char *c;
union {
struct stat st;
struct statfs sf;
} stat;
char *file, *pattern;
int patlen;
struct timeout_data {
char *s, *k;
struct pollfd pfd;
sigjmp_buf sj;
int fds[2], pid, rc;
struct truncate_data {
char *s;
long long size;
int type;
struct xxd_data {
long s, g, o, l, c;
struct diff_data {
long U;
struct arg_list *L;
char *F, *S, *new_line_format, *old_line_format, *unchanged_line_format;
int dir_num, size, is_binary, differ, change, len[2], *offset[2];
struct stat st[2];
struct {
char **list;
int nr_elm;
} dir[2];
struct {
FILE *fp;
int len;
} file[2];
struct expr_data {
char **tok, *delete;
struct tr_data {
short *map;
int len1, len2;
struct basename_data {
char *s;
struct chmod_data {
char *mode;
struct cmp_data {
long n;
int fd;
char *name;
struct cp_data {
union {
// install's options
struct {
char *g, *o, *m, *t;
} i;
// cp's options
struct {
char *t, *preserve;
} c;
char *destname;
struct stat top;
int (*callback)(struct dirtree *try);
uid_t uid;
gid_t gid;
int pflags;
struct cpio_data {
char *F, *H, *R;
struct cut_data {
char *d, *O;
struct arg_list *select[5]; // we treat them the same, so loop through
unsigned line;
int pairs;
regex_t reg;
struct date_data {
char *s, *r, *I, *D, *d;
unsigned nano;
struct dd_data {
// Display fields
int show_xfer, show_records;
unsigned long long bytes, in_full, in_part, out_full, out_part, start;
struct du_data {
long d;
unsigned long depth, total;
dev_t st_dev;
void *inodes;
struct env_data {
struct arg_list *u;
char *e;
struct file_data {
int max_name_len;
off_t len;
struct find_data {
char **filter;
struct double_list *argdata;
int topdir, xdev, depth;
time_t now;
long max_bytes;
char *start;
struct grep_data {
long m, A, B, C;
struct arg_list *f, *e, *M, *S, *exclude_dir;
char *color;
char *purple, *cyan, *red, *green, *grey;
struct double_list *reg;
int found, tried, delim;
struct arg_list **fixed;
struct head_data {
long c, n;
int file_no;
struct id_data {
int is_groups;
struct ln_data {
char *t;
struct ls_data {
long w, l, block_size;
char *color, *sort;
struct dirtree *files, *singledir;
unsigned screen_width;
int nl_title;
char *escmore;
struct mkdir_data {
char *m, *Z;
struct nl_data {
char *s, *n, *b;
long w, l, v;
// Count of consecutive blank lines for -l has to persist between files
long lcount, slen;
struct od_data {
struct arg_list *t;
char *A;
long N, w, j;
int address_idx;
unsigned types, leftover, star;
char *buf; // Points to buffers[0] or buffers[1].
char *bufs[2]; // Used to detect duplicate lines.
off_t pos;
struct paste_data {
char *d;
int files;
struct patch_data {
char *i, *d;
long v, p, g, F;
void *current_hunk;
long oldline, oldlen, newline, newlen, linenum, outnum;
int context, state, filein, fileout, filepatch, hunknum;
char *tempname;
struct ps_data {
union {
struct {
struct arg_list *G, *g, *U, *u, *t, *s, *p, *O, *o, *P, *k;
} ps;
struct {
long n, m, d, s;
struct arg_list *u, *p, *o, *k, *O;
} top;
struct {
char *L;
struct arg_list *G, *g, *P, *s, *t, *U, *u;
char *d;
void *regexes, *snapshot;
int signal;
pid_t self, match;
} pgrep;
struct ps_ptr_len {
void *ptr;
long len;
} gg, GG, pp, PP, ss, tt, uu, UU;
struct dirtree *threadparent;
unsigned width, height, scroll;
dev_t tty;
void *fields, *kfields;
long long ticks, bits, time;
int kcount, forcek, sortpos, pidlen;
int (*match_process)(long long *slot);
void (*show_process)(void *tb);
struct sed_data {
char *i;
struct arg_list *f, *e;
// processed pattern list
struct double_list *pattern;
char *nextline, *remember, *tarxform;
void *restart, *lastregex;
long nextlen, rememberlen, count;
int fdout, noeol;
unsigned xx, tarxlen, xflags;
char delim, xftype;
struct sort_data {
char *t;
struct arg_list *k;
char *o, *T, S;
void *key_list;
unsigned linecount;
char **lines, *name;
struct tail_data {
long n, c;
char *s;
int file_no, last_fd, ss;
struct xnotify *not;
struct {
char *path;
int fd;
struct dev_ino di;
} *F;
struct tar_data {
char *f, *C, *I;
struct arg_list *T, *X, *xform;
long strip;
char *to_command, *owner, *group, *mtime, *mode, *sort;
struct arg_list *exclude;
struct double_list *incl, *excl, *seen;
struct string_list *dirs;
char *cwd, **xfsed;
int fd, ouid, ggid, hlc, warn, sparselen, pid, xfpipe[2];
struct dev_ino archive_di;
long long *sparse;
time_t mtt;
// hardlinks seen so far (hlc many)
struct {
char *arg;
struct dev_ino di;
} *hlx;
// Parsed information about a tar header.
struct tar_header {
char *name, *link_target, *uname, *gname;
long long size, ssize;
uid_t uid;
gid_t gid;
mode_t mode;
time_t mtime;
dev_t device;
} hdr;
struct tee_data {
void *outputs;
int out;
struct touch_data {
char *t, *r, *d;
struct uniq_data {
long w, s, f;
long repeats;
struct wc_data {
unsigned long totals[5];
struct xargs_data {
long s, n, P;
char *E;
long entries, bytes, np;
char delim;
FILE *tty;
extern union global_union {
struct gzip_data gzip;
struct hostname_data hostname;
struct md5sum_data md5sum;
struct mktemp_data mktemp;
struct mount_data mount;
struct seq_data seq;
struct umount_data umount;
struct microcom_data microcom;
struct dos2unix_data dos2unix;
struct getopt_data getopt;
struct nsenter_data nsenter;
struct realpath_data realpath;
struct setsid_data setsid;
struct stat_data stat;
struct timeout_data timeout;
struct truncate_data truncate;
struct xxd_data xxd;
struct diff_data diff;
struct expr_data expr;
struct tr_data tr;
struct basename_data basename;
struct chmod_data chmod;
struct cmp_data cmp;
struct cp_data cp;
struct cpio_data cpio;
struct cut_data cut;
struct date_data date;
struct dd_data dd;
struct du_data du;
struct env_data env;
struct file_data file;
struct find_data find;
struct grep_data grep;
struct head_data head;
struct id_data id;
struct ln_data ln;
struct ls_data ls;
struct mkdir_data mkdir;
struct nl_data nl;
struct od_data od;
struct paste_data paste;
struct patch_data patch;
struct ps_data ps;
struct sed_data sed;
struct sort_data sort;
struct tail_data tail;
struct tar_data tar;
struct tee_data tee;
struct touch_data touch;
struct uniq_data uniq;
struct wc_data wc;
struct xargs_data xargs;
} this;