user_activity: Added script to select the optimal benchmark set.

It generates all possible combinations of benchmark sets of a given size
and it computes for every set a metric. Three different metrics have been
used: function count, distance variation and score.


Change-Id: I4e4af9f46a3056cfbcdc9d89b2c1333650b41ccc
Reviewed-by: George Burgess <>
Reviewed-by: Ting-Yuan Huang <>
Reviewed-by: Evelina Dumitrescu <>
Tested-by: Evelina Dumitrescu <>
Commit-Ready: Luis Lozano <>
Tested-by: Luis Lozano <>
Reviewed-by: Luis Lozano <>
diff --git a/user_activity_benchmarks/ b/user_activity_benchmarks/
index ff029a8..0b82e96 100644
--- a/user_activity_benchmarks/
+++ b/user_activity_benchmarks/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # found in the LICENSE file.
 """Computes the metrics for functions, Chrome OS components and benchmarks."""
-import collections
+from collections import defaultdict
 def ComputeDistanceForFunction(child_functions_statistics_sample,
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
     child_functions_statistics_reference: A dict that has as a key the name of
       a function and as a value the inclusive count fraction. The keys are
       the child functions of a reference parent function.
     A float value representing the sum of inclusive count fraction
     differences of pairs of common child functions. If a child function is
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@
       fraction of the reference function.
     sample_fraction: A float value representing the inclusive count
       fraction of the sample function.
     A float value representing the score of the function.
@@ -77,17 +79,17 @@
     function_metrics: A dict having as a key the name of the function and the
       name of the file where it is declared concatenated by a ',', and as a
       value a tuple containing the distance and the score metrics.
     A dict containing as a key the name of the group and as a value a tuple
     with the group file path, the number of functions matching the group,
     the cumulative and average score, cumulative and average distance of all
     those functions.
-  function_groups_metrics = \
-      collections.defaultdict(lambda : (0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
+  function_groups_metrics = defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
   for function_key, metric in function_metrics.iteritems():
-    function, function_file = function_key.split(',')
+    _, function_file = function_key.split(',')
     for group, common_path in cwp_function_groups:
       if common_path not in function_file:
@@ -131,8 +133,174 @@
   return function_count, distance_cum, distance_avg, score_cum, score_avg
-def ComputeMetricsForBenchmarkSet(benchmark_set_function_metrics,
-                                  cwp_function_groups):
-  """TODO(evelinad): Add the computation of the metrics for a set of benchmarks.
+def ComputeFunctionCountForBenchmarkSet(set_function_metrics, cwp_functions,
+                                        metric_string):
+  """Computes the function count metric pair for the benchmark set.
+     For the function count metric, we count the unique functions covered by the
+     set of benchmarks. We compute the fraction of unique functions out
+     of the amount of CWP functions given.
+     We compute also the same metric pair for every group from the keys of the
+     set_function_metrics dict.
+  Args:
+    set_function_metrics: A list of dicts having as a key the name of a group
+      and as value a list of functions that match the given group.
+    cwp_functions: A dict having as a key the name of the groups and as a value
+      the list of CWP functions that match an individual group.
+    metric_string: A tuple of strings that will be mapped to the tuple of metric
+      values in the returned function group dict. This is done for convenience
+      for the JSON output.
+  Returns:
+    A tuple with the metric pair and a dict with the group names and values
+    of the metric pair. The first value of the metric pair represents the
+    function count and the second value the function count fraction.
+    The dict has as a key the name of the group and as a value a dict that
+    maps the metric_string  to the values of the metric pair of the group.
-  raise NotImplementedError()
+  cwp_functions_count = sum(len(functions)
+                            for functions in cwp_functions.itervalues())
+  set_groups_functions = defaultdict(set)
+  for benchmark_function_metrics in set_function_metrics:
+    for group_name in benchmark_function_metrics:
+      set_groups_functions[group_name] |= \
+          set(benchmark_function_metrics[group_name])
+  set_groups_functions_count = {}
+  set_functions_count = 0
+  for group_name, functions \
+      in set_groups_functions.iteritems():
+    set_group_functions_count = len(functions)
+    if group_name in cwp_functions:
+      set_groups_functions_count[group_name] = {
+          metric_string[0]: set_group_functions_count,
+          metric_string[1]:
+          set_group_functions_count / float(len(cwp_functions[group_name]))}
+    else:
+      set_groups_functions_count[group_name] = \
+          {metric_string[0]: set_group_functions_count, metric_string[1]: 0.0}
+    set_functions_count += set_group_functions_count
+  set_functions_count_fraction = \
+      set_functions_count / float(cwp_functions_count)
+  return (set_functions_count, set_functions_count_fraction), \
+      set_groups_functions_count
+def ComputeDistanceForBenchmarkSet(set_function_metrics, cwp_functions,
+                                   metric_string):
+  """Computes the distance variation metric pair for the benchmark set.
+     For the distance variation metric, we compute the sum of the distance
+     variations of the functions covered by a set of benchmarks.
+     We define the distance variation as the difference between the distance
+     value of a functions and the ideal distance value (1.0).
+     If a function appears in multiple common functions files, we consider
+     only the minimum value. We compute also the distance variation per
+     function.
+     In addition, we compute also the same metric pair for every group from
+     the keys of the set_function_metrics dict.
+  Args:
+    set_function_metrics: A list of dicts having as a key the name of a group
+      and as value a list of functions that match the given group.
+    cwp_functions: A dict having as a key the name of the groups and as a value
+      the list of CWP functions that match an individual group.
+    metric_string: A tuple of strings that will be mapped to the tuple of metric
+      values in the returned function group dict. This is done for convenience
+      for the JSON output.
+  Returns:
+    A tuple with the metric pair and a dict with the group names and values
+    of the metric pair. The first value of the metric pair represents the
+    distance variation per function and the second value the distance variation.
+    The dict has as a key the name of the group and as a value a dict that
+    maps the metric_string to the values of the metric pair of the group.
+  """
+  set_unique_functions = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: float('inf')))
+  set_function_count = 0
+  total_distance_variation = 0.0
+  for benchmark_function_metrics in set_function_metrics:
+    for group_name in benchmark_function_metrics:
+      for function_key, metrics in \
+          benchmark_function_metrics[group_name].iteritems():
+        previous_distance = \
+            set_unique_functions[group_name][function_key]
+        min_distance = min(metrics[0], previous_distance)
+        set_unique_functions[group_name][function_key] = min_distance
+  groups_distance_variations = defaultdict(lambda: (0.0, 0.0))
+  for group_name, functions_distances in set_unique_functions.iteritems():
+    group_function_count = len(functions_distances)
+    group_distance_variation = \
+        sum(functions_distances.itervalues()) - float(group_function_count)
+    total_distance_variation += group_distance_variation
+    set_function_count += group_function_count
+    groups_distance_variations[group_name] = \
+        {metric_string[0]:
+         group_distance_variation / float(group_function_count),
+         metric_string[1]: group_distance_variation}
+  return (total_distance_variation / set_function_count,
+          total_distance_variation), groups_distance_variations
+def ComputeScoreForBenchmarkSet(set_function_metrics, cwp_functions,
+                                metric_string):
+  """Computes the function count metric pair for the benchmark set.
+     For the score metric, we compute the sum of the scores of the functions
+     from a set of benchmarks. If a function appears in multiple common
+     functions files, we consider only the maximum value. We compute also the
+     fraction of this sum from the sum of all the scores of the functions from
+     the CWP data covering the given groups, in the ideal case (the ideal
+     score of a function is 1.0).
+     In addition, we compute the same metric pair for every group from the
+     keys of the set_function_metrics dict.
+  Args:
+    set_function_metrics: A list of dicts having as a key the name of a group
+      and as value a list of functions that match the given group.
+    cwp_functions: A dict having as a key the name of the groups and as a value
+      the list of CWP functions that match an individual group.
+    metric_string: A tuple of strings that will be mapped to the tuple of metric
+      values in the returned function group dict. This is done for convenience
+      for the JSON output.
+  Returns:
+    A tuple with the metric pair and a dict with the group names and values
+    of the metric pair. The first value of the pair is the fraction of the sum
+    of the scores from the ideal case and the second value represents the
+    sum of scores of the functions. The dict has as a key the name of the group
+    and as a value a dict that maps the metric_string to the values of the
+    metric pair of the group.
+  """
+  cwp_functions_count = sum(len(functions)
+                            for functions in cwp_functions.itervalues())
+  set_unique_functions = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0.0))
+  total_score = 0.0
+  for benchmark_function_metrics in set_function_metrics:
+    for group_name in benchmark_function_metrics:
+      for function_key, metrics in \
+          benchmark_function_metrics[group_name].iteritems():
+        previous_score = \
+            set_unique_functions[group_name][function_key]
+        max_score = max(metrics[1], previous_score)
+        set_unique_functions[group_name][function_key] = max_score
+  groups_scores = defaultdict(lambda: (0.0, 0.0))
+  for group_name, function_scores in set_unique_functions.iteritems():
+    group_function_count = len(function_scores)
+    group_score = sum(function_scores.itervalues())
+    total_score += group_score
+    groups_scores[group_name] = {
+        metric_string[0]: group_score / group_function_count,
+        metric_string[1]: group_score
+    }
+  return (total_score / cwp_functions_count, total_score), groups_scores
diff --git a/user_activity_benchmarks/ b/user_activity_benchmarks/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1c8305c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user_activity_benchmarks/
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Selects the optimal set of benchmarks.
+For each benchmark, there is a file with the common functions, as extracted by
+the process_hot_functions module.
+The script receives as input the CSV file with the CWP inclusive count values,
+the file with Chrome OS groups and the path containing a file with common
+functions for every benchmark.
+It extracts for every benchmark and for the CWP data all the functions that
+match the given Chrome OS groups.
+It generates all possible combinations of benchmark sets of a given size and
+it computes for every set a metric.
+It outputs the optimal sets, based on which ones have the best metric.
+Three different metrics have been used: function count, distance
+variation and score.
+For the function count metric, we count the unique functions covered by a
+set of benchmarks. Besides the number of unique functions, we compute also
+the fraction of unique functions out of the amount of CWP functions from the
+given groups. The benchmark set with the highest amount of unique functions
+that belong to all the given groups is considered better.
+For the distance variation metric, we compute the sum of the distance variations
+of the functions covered by a set of benchmarks. We define the distance
+variation as the difference between the distance value of a function and the
+ideal distance value (1.0). If a function appears in multiple common functions
+files, we consider only the minimum value. We compute also the distance
+variation per function. The set that has the smaller value for the
+distance variation per function is considered better.
+For the score metric, we compute the sum of the scores of the functions from a
+set of benchmarks. If a function appears in multiple common functions files,
+we consider only the maximum value. We compute also the fraction of this sum
+from the sum of all the scores of the functions from the CWP data covering the
+given groups, in the ideal case (the ideal score of a function is 1.0).
+We compute the metrics in the same manner for individual Chrome OS groups.
+from collections import defaultdict
+import argparse
+import csv
+import itertools
+import json
+import operator
+import os
+import sys
+import benchmark_metrics
+import utils
+class BenchmarkSet(object):
+  """Selects the optimal set of benchmarks of given size."""
+  # Constants that specify the metric type.
+  FUNCTION_COUNT_METRIC = 'function_count'
+  DISTANCE_METRIC = 'distance_variation'
+  SCORE_METRIC = 'score_fraction'
+  def __init__(self, benchmark_set_size, benchmark_set_output_file,
+               benchmark_set_common_functions_path, cwp_inclusive_count_file,
+               cwp_function_groups_file, metric):
+    """Initializes the BenchmarkSet.
+    Args:
+      benchmark_set_size: Constant representing the size of a benchmark set.
+      benchmark_set_output_file: The output file that will contain the set of
+        optimal benchmarks with the metric values.
+      benchmark_set_common_functions_path: The directory containing the files
+        with the common functions for the list of benchmarks.
+      cwp_inclusive_count_file: The CSV file containing the CWP functions with
+        their inclusive count values.
+      cwp_function_groups_file: The file that contains the CWP function groups.
+      metric: The type of metric used for the analysis.
+    """
+    self._benchmark_set_size = int(benchmark_set_size)
+    self._benchmark_set_output_file = benchmark_set_output_file
+    self._benchmark_set_common_functions_path = \
+        benchmark_set_common_functions_path
+    self._cwp_inclusive_count_file = cwp_inclusive_count_file
+    self._cwp_function_groups_file = cwp_function_groups_file
+    self._metric = metric
+  @staticmethod
+  def OrganizeCWPFunctionsInGroups(cwp_inclusive_count_statistics,
+                                   cwp_function_groups):
+    """Selects the CWP functions that match the given Chrome OS groups.
+    Args:
+      cwp_inclusive_count_statistics: A dict with the CWP functions.
+      cwp_function_groups: A list with the CWP function groups.
+    Returns:
+      A dict having as a key the name of the groups and as a value the list of
+      CWP functions that match an individual group.
+    """
+    cwp_functions_grouped = defaultdict(list)
+    for function_key in cwp_inclusive_count_statistics:
+      _, file_name = function_key.split(',')
+      for group_name, file_path in cwp_function_groups:
+        if file_path not in file_name:
+          continue
+        cwp_functions_grouped[group_name].append(function_key)
+        break
+    return cwp_functions_grouped
+  @staticmethod
+  def OrganizeBenchmarkSetFunctionsInGroups(benchmark_set_files,
+                                            benchmark_set_common_functions_path,
+                                            cwp_function_groups):
+    """Selects the benchmark functions that match the given Chrome OS groups.
+    Args:
+      benchmark_set_files: The list of common functions files corresponding to a
+        benchmark.
+      benchmark_set_common_functions_path: The directory containing the files
+        with the common functions for the list of benchmarks.
+      cwp_function_groups: A list with the CWP function groups.
+    Returns:
+      A dict having as a key the name of a common functions file. The value is
+      a dict having as a key the name of a group and as value a list of
+      functions that match the given group.
+    """
+    benchmark_set_functions_grouped = {}
+    for benchmark_file_name in benchmark_set_files:
+      benchmark_full_file_path = \
+          os.path.join(benchmark_set_common_functions_path,
+                       benchmark_file_name)
+      with open(benchmark_full_file_path) as input_file:
+        statistics_reader = \
+            csv.DictReader(input_file, delimiter=',')
+        benchmark_functions_grouped = defaultdict(dict)
+        for statistic in statistics_reader:
+          function_name = statistic['function']
+          file_name = statistic['file']
+          for group_name, file_path in cwp_function_groups:
+            if file_path not in file_name:
+              continue
+            function_key = ','.join([function_name, file_name])
+            distance = float(statistic['distance'])
+            score = float(statistic['score'])
+            benchmark_functions_grouped[group_name][function_key] = \
+                (distance, score)
+            break
+          benchmark_set_functions_grouped[benchmark_file_name] = \
+              benchmark_functions_grouped
+    return benchmark_set_functions_grouped
+  @staticmethod
+  def SelectOptimalBenchmarkSetBasedOnMetric(all_benchmark_combinations_sets,
+                                             benchmark_set_functions_grouped,
+                                             cwp_functions_grouped,
+                                             metric_function_for_set,
+                                             metric_comparison_operator,
+                                             metric_default_value,
+                                             metric_string):
+    """Generic method that selects the optimal benchmark set based on a metric.
+    The reason of implementing a generic function is to avoid logic duplication
+    for selecting a benchmark set based on the three different metrics.
+    Args:
+      all_benchmark_combinations_sets: The list with all the sets of benchmark
+        combinations.
+      benchmark_set_functions_grouped: A dict with benchmark functions as
+        returned by OrganizeBenchmarkSetFunctionsInGroups.
+      cwp_functions_grouped: A dict with the CWP functions as returned by
+        OrganizeCWPFunctionsInGroups.
+      metric_function_for_set: The method used to compute the metric for a given
+        benchmark set.
+      metric_comparison_operator: A comparison operator used to compare two
+        values of the same metric (i.e: or
+      metric_default_value: The default value for the metric.
+      metric_string: A tuple of strings used in the JSON output for the pair of
+        the values of the metric.
+    Returns:
+      A list of tuples containing for each optimal benchmark set. A tuple
+      contains the list of benchmarks from the set, the pair of metric values
+      and a dictionary with the metrics for each group.
+    """
+    optimal_sets = [([], metric_default_value, {})]
+    for benchmark_combination_set in all_benchmark_combinations_sets:
+      function_metrics = [benchmark_set_functions_grouped[benchmark]
+                          for benchmark in benchmark_combination_set]
+      set_metrics, set_groups_metrics = \
+          metric_function_for_set(function_metrics, cwp_functions_grouped,
+                                  metric_string)
+      optimal_value = optimal_sets[0][1][0]
+      if metric_comparison_operator(set_metrics[0], optimal_value):
+        optimal_sets = \
+            [(benchmark_combination_set, set_metrics, set_groups_metrics)]
+      elif set_metrics[0] == optimal_sets[0][1][0]:
+        optimal_sets.append(
+            (benchmark_combination_set, set_metrics, set_groups_metrics))
+    return optimal_sets
+  def SelectOptimalBenchmarkSet(self):
+    """Selects the optimal benchmark sets and writes them in JSON format.
+    Parses the CWP inclusive count statistics and benchmark common functions
+    files. Organizes the functions into groups. For every optimal benchmark
+    set, the method writes in the self._benchmark_set_output_file the list of
+    benchmarks, the pair of metrics and a dictionary with the pair of
+    metrics for each group covered by the benchmark set.
+    """
+    benchmark_set_files = os.listdir(self._benchmark_set_common_functions_path)
+    all_benchmark_combinations_sets = \
+        itertools.combinations(benchmark_set_files, self._benchmark_set_size)
+    with open(self._cwp_function_groups_file) as input_file:
+      cwp_function_groups = utils.ParseFunctionGroups(input_file.readlines())
+    cwp_inclusive_count_statistics = \
+        utils.ParseCWPInclusiveCountFile(self._cwp_inclusive_count_file)
+    cwp_functions_grouped = self.OrganizeCWPFunctionsInGroups(
+        cwp_inclusive_count_statistics, cwp_function_groups)
+    benchmark_set_functions_grouped = \
+        self.OrganizeBenchmarkSetFunctionsInGroups(
+            benchmark_set_files, self._benchmark_set_common_functions_path,
+            cwp_function_groups)
+    if self._metric == self.FUNCTION_COUNT_METRIC:
+      metric_function_for_benchmark_set = \
+          benchmark_metrics.ComputeFunctionCountForBenchmarkSet
+      metric_comparison_operator =
+      metric_default_value = (0, 0.0)
+      metric_string = ('function_count', 'function_count_fraction')
+    elif self._metric == self.DISTANCE_METRIC:
+      metric_function_for_benchmark_set = \
+          benchmark_metrics.ComputeDistanceForBenchmarkSet
+      metric_comparison_operator =
+      metric_default_value = (float('inf'), float('inf'))
+      metric_string = \
+          ('distance_variation_per_function', 'total_distance_variation')
+    elif self._metric == self.SCORE_METRIC:
+      metric_function_for_benchmark_set = \
+          benchmark_metrics.ComputeScoreForBenchmarkSet
+      metric_comparison_operator =
+      metric_default_value = (0.0, 0.0)
+      metric_string = ('score_fraction', 'total_score')
+    else:
+      raise ValueError("Invalid metric")
+    optimal_benchmark_sets = \
+        self.SelectOptimalBenchmarkSetBasedOnMetric(
+            all_benchmark_combinations_sets, benchmark_set_functions_grouped,
+            cwp_functions_grouped, metric_function_for_benchmark_set,
+            metric_comparison_operator, metric_default_value, metric_string)
+    json_output = []
+    for benchmark_set in optimal_benchmark_sets:
+      json_entry = {
+          'benchmark_set':
+              list(benchmark_set[0]),
+          'metrics': {
+              metric_string[0]: benchmark_set[1][0],
+              metric_string[1]: benchmark_set[1][1]
+          },
+          'groups':
+              dict(benchmark_set[2])
+      }
+      json_output.append(json_entry)
+    with open(self._benchmark_set_output_file, 'w') as output_file:
+      json.dump(json_output, output_file)
+def ParseArguments(arguments):
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '--benchmark_set_common_functions_path',
+      required=True,
+      help='The directory containing the CSV files with the common functions '
+      'of the benchmark profiles and CWP data. A file will contain all the hot '
+      'functions from a pprof top output file that are also included in the '
+      'file containing the cwp inclusive count values. The CSV fields are: the '
+      'function name, the file and the object where the function is declared, '
+      'the CWP inclusive count and inclusive count fraction values, the '
+      'cumulative and average distance, the cumulative and average score. The '
+      'files with the common functions will have the same names with the '
+      'corresponding pprof output files.')
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '--cwp_inclusive_count_file',
+      required=True,
+      help='The CSV file containing the CWP hot functions with their '
+      'inclusive_count values. The CSV fields include the name of the '
+      'function, the file and the object with the definition, the inclusive '
+      'count value and the inclusive count fraction out of the total amount of '
+      'inclusive count values.')
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '--benchmark_set_size',
+      required=True,
+      help='The size of the benchmark sets.')
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '--benchmark_set_output_file',
+      required=True,
+      help='The JSON output file containing optimal benchmark sets with their '
+      'metrics. For every optimal benchmark set, the file contains the list of '
+      'benchmarks, the pair of metrics and a dictionary with the pair of '
+      'metrics for each group covered by the benchmark set.')
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '--metric',
+      required=True,
+      help='The metric used to select the optimal benchmark set. The possible '
+      'values are: distance_variation, function_count and score_fraction.')
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '--cwp_function_groups_file',
+      required=True,
+      help='The file that contains the CWP function groups. A line consists in '
+      'the group name and a file path describing the group. A group must '
+      'represent a Chrome OS component.')
+  options = parser.parse_args(arguments)
+  return options
+def Main(argv):
+  options = ParseArguments(argv)
+  benchmark_set = BenchmarkSet(options.benchmark_set_size,
+                               options.benchmark_set_output_file,
+                               options.benchmark_set_common_functions_path,
+                               options.cwp_inclusive_count_file,
+                               options.cwp_function_groups_file, options.metric)
+  benchmark_set.SelectOptimalBenchmarkSet()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  Main(sys.argv[1:])