blob: 24bfa5134804227c7c6670dc0059ba8931b7350b [file] [log] [blame]
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* textops.c
* Text size estimation and partitioning
* SARRAY *bmfGetLineStrings()
* NUMA *bmfGetWordWidths()
* l_int32 bmfGetStringWidth()
* Font layout
* l_int32 pixSetTextblock()
* l_int32 pixSetTextline()
* Text splitting
* SARRAY *splitStringToParagraphs()
* static l_int32 stringAllWhitespace()
* static l_int32 stringLeadingWhitespace()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "allheaders.h"
static l_int32 stringAllWhitespace(char *textstr, l_int32 *pval);
static l_int32 stringLeadingWhitespace(char *textstr, l_int32 *pval);
* Text size estimation and partitioning *
* bmfGetLineStrings()
* Input: bmf
* textstr
* maxw (max width of a text line in pixels)
* firstindent (indentation of first line, in x-widths)
* &h (<return> height required to hold text bitmap)
* Return: sarray of text strings for each line, or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) Divides the input text string into an array of text strings,
* each of which will fit withing maxw bits of width.
bmfGetLineStrings(BMF *bmf,
const char *textstr,
l_int32 maxw,
l_int32 firstindent,
l_int32 *ph)
char *linestr;
l_int32 i, ifirst, sumw, newsum, w, nwords, nlines, len, xwidth;
NUMA *na;
SARRAY *sa, *sawords;
if (!bmf)
return (SARRAY *)ERROR_PTR("bmf not defined", procName, NULL);
if (!textstr)
return (SARRAY *)ERROR_PTR("teststr not defined", procName, NULL);
if ((sawords = sarrayCreateWordsFromString(textstr)) == NULL)
return (SARRAY *)ERROR_PTR("sawords not made", procName, NULL);
if ((na = bmfGetWordWidths(bmf, textstr, sawords)) == NULL)
return (SARRAY *)ERROR_PTR("na not made", procName, NULL);
nwords = numaGetCount(na);
if (nwords == 0)
return (SARRAY *)ERROR_PTR("no words in textstr", procName, NULL);
bmfGetWidth(bmf, 'x', &xwidth);
if ((sa = sarrayCreate(0)) == NULL)
return (SARRAY *)ERROR_PTR("sa not made", procName, NULL);
ifirst = 0;
numaGetIValue(na, 0, &w);
sumw = firstindent * xwidth + w;
for (i = 1; i < nwords; i++) {
numaGetIValue(na, i, &w);
newsum = sumw + bmf->spacewidth + w;
if (newsum > maxw) {
linestr = sarrayToStringRange(sawords, ifirst, i - ifirst, 2);
if (!linestr)
len = strlen(linestr);
if (len > 0) /* it should always be */
linestr[len - 1] = '\0'; /* remove the last space */
sarrayAddString(sa, linestr, 0);
ifirst = i;
sumw = w;
sumw += bmf->spacewidth + w;
linestr = sarrayToStringRange(sawords, ifirst, nwords - 1, 2);
if (linestr)
sarrayAddString(sa, linestr, 0);
nlines = sarrayGetCount(sa);
*ph = nlines * bmf->lineheight + (nlines - 1) * bmf->vertlinesep;
return sa;
* bmfGetWordWidths()
* Input: bmf
* textstr
* sa (of individual words)
* Return: numa (of word lengths in pixels for the font represented
* by the bmf), or null on error
bmfGetWordWidths(BMF *bmf,
const char *textstr,
char *wordstr;
l_int32 i, nwords, width;
NUMA *na;
if (!bmf)
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("bmf not defined", procName, NULL);
if (!textstr)
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("teststr not defined", procName, NULL);
if (!sa)
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("sa not defined", procName, NULL);
nwords = sarrayGetCount(sa);
if ((na = numaCreate(nwords)) == NULL)
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("na not made", procName, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++) {
wordstr = sarrayGetString(sa, i, 0); /* not a copy */
bmfGetStringWidth(bmf, wordstr, &width);
numaAddNumber(na, width);
return na;
* bmfGetStringWidth()
* Input: bmf
* textstr
* &w (<return> width of text string, in pixels for the
* font represented by the bmf)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
bmfGetStringWidth(BMF *bmf,
const char *textstr,
l_int32 *pw)
char chr;
l_int32 i, w, width, nchar;
if (!bmf)
return ERROR_INT("bmf not defined", procName, 1);
if (!textstr)
return ERROR_INT("teststr not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pw)
return ERROR_INT("&w not defined", procName, 1);
nchar = strlen(textstr);
w = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nchar; i++) {
chr = textstr[i];
bmfGetWidth(bmf, chr, &width);
if (width != UNDEF)
w += width + bmf->kernwidth;
w -= bmf->kernwidth; /* remove last one */
*pw = w;
return 0;
* Font layout *
* pixSetTextblock()
* Input: pixs (input image)
* bmf (bitmap font data)
* textstr (block text string to be set)
* val (color to set the text)
* x0 (left edge for each line of text)
* y0 (baseline location for the first text line)
* wtext (max width of each line of generated text)
* firstindent (indentation of first line, in x-widths)
* &overflow (<return> 0 if text is contained in input pix;
* 1 if it is clipped)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
* Notes:
* (1) This function paints a set of lines of text over an image.
* (2) @val is the pixel value to be painted through the font mask.
* For RGB, it is easiest to use hex notation: 0xRRGGBB00,
* where RR is the hex representation of the red intensity, etc.
* The last two hex digits are 00 (byte value 0), assigned to
* the A component. Note that, as usual, RGBA proceeds from
* left to right in the order from MSB to LSB (see pix.h
* for details).
* (3) @val should be chosen to agree with the depth of pixs.
* For example, if pixs has 8 bpp, val should be some value
* between 0 (black) and 255 (white).
pixSetTextblock(PIX *pixs,
BMF *bmf,
const char *textstr,
l_uint32 val,
l_int32 x0,
l_int32 y0,
l_int32 wtext,
l_int32 firstindent,
l_int32 *poverflow)
char *linestr;
l_int32 d, h, i, w, x, y, nlines, htext, xwidth, wline, ovf, overflow;
SARRAY *salines;
if (!pixs)
return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
if (!bmf)
return ERROR_INT("bmf not defined", procName, 1);
if (!textstr)
return ERROR_INT("teststr not defined", procName, 1);
if (val < 0)
return ERROR_INT("val must be >= 0", procName, 1);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
if (d == 8 && val > 0xff)
return ERROR_INT("for 8 bpp, val must be < 256", procName, 1);
else if (d == 16 && val > 0xffff)
return ERROR_INT("for 16 bpp, val must be < 0xffff", procName, 1);
else if (d == 32 && val < 256)
return ERROR_INT("for RGB, val must be > 256", procName, 1);
if (w < x0 + wtext) {
L_WARNING("reducing width of textblock", procName);
wtext = w - x0 - w / 10;
if (wtext <= 0)
return ERROR_INT("wtext too small; no room for text", procName, 1);
salines = bmfGetLineStrings(bmf, textstr, wtext, firstindent, &htext);
if (!salines)
return ERROR_INT("line string sa not made", procName, 1);
nlines = sarrayGetCount(salines);
bmfGetWidth(bmf, 'x', &xwidth);
y = y0;
overflow = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) {
if (i == 0)
x = x0 + firstindent * xwidth;
x = x0;
linestr = sarrayGetString(salines, i, 0);
pixSetTextline(pixs, bmf, linestr, val, x, y, &wline, &ovf);
y += bmf->lineheight + bmf->vertlinesep;
if (ovf)
overflow = 1;
/* (y0 - baseline) is the top of the printed text. Character
* 93 was chosen at random, as all the baselines are essentially
* equal for each character in a font. */
if (h < y0 - bmf->baselinetab[93] + htext)
overflow = 1;
*poverflow = overflow;
return 0;
* pixSetTextline()
* Input: pixs (input image)
* bmf (bitmap font data)
* textstr (text string to be set on the line)
* val (color to set the text)
* x0 (left edge for first char)
* y0 (baseline location for all text on line)
* &width (<return> width of generated text)
* &overflow (<return> 0 if text is contained in input pix;
* 1 if it is clipped)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
* Notes:
* (1) This function paints a line of text over an image.
* (2) @val is the pixel value to be painted through the font mask.
* For RGB, it is easiest to use hex notation: 0xRRGGBB00,
* where RR is the hex representation of the red intensity, etc.
* The last two hex digits are 00 (byte value 0), assigned to
* the A component. Note that, as usual, RGBA proceeds from
* left to right in the order from MSB to LSB (see pix.h
* for details).
* (3) @val should be chosen to agree with the depth of pixs.
* For example, if pixs has 8 bpp, val should be some value
* between 0 (black) and 255 (white).
pixSetTextline(PIX *pixs,
BMF *bmf,
const char *textstr,
l_uint32 val,
l_int32 x0,
l_int32 y0,
l_int32 *pwidth,
l_int32 *poverflow)
char chr;
l_int32 d, i, x, w, nchar, baseline;
PIX *pix;
if (!pixs)
return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
if (!bmf)
return ERROR_INT("bmf not defined", procName, 1);
if (!textstr)
return ERROR_INT("teststr not defined", procName, 1);
if (val < 0) {
L_WARNING("val must be non-negative; setting to 0", procName);
val = 0;
d = pixGetDepth(pixs);
if (d == 8 && val > 0xff)
return ERROR_INT("for 8 bpp, val must be < 256", procName, 1);
else if (d == 16 && val > 0xffff)
return ERROR_INT("for 16 bpp, val must be < 0xffff", procName, 1);
nchar = strlen(textstr);
x = x0;
for (i = 0; i < nchar; i++) {
chr = textstr[i];
pix = bmfGetPix(bmf, chr);
bmfGetBaseline(bmf, chr, &baseline);
pixSetMaskedGeneral(pixs, pix, val, x, y0 - baseline);
w = pixGetWidth(pix);
x += w + bmf->kernwidth;
*pwidth = x - bmf->kernwidth - x0;
*poverflow = 0;
if (x > pixGetWidth(pixs) - 1)
*poverflow = 1;
return 0;
* Text splitting *
* splitStringToParagraphs()
* Input: textstring
* splitting flag (see enum in bmf.h; valid values in {1,2,3})
* Return: sarray (where each string is a paragraph of the input),
* or null on error.
splitStringToParagraphs(char *textstr,
l_int32 splitflag)
char *linestr, *parastring;
l_int32 nlines, i, allwhite, leadwhite;
SARRAY *salines, *satemp, *saout;
if (!textstr)
return (SARRAY *)ERROR_PTR("textstr not defined", procName, NULL);
if ((salines = sarrayCreateLinesFromString(textstr, 1)) == NULL)
return (SARRAY *)ERROR_PTR("salines not made", procName, NULL);
nlines = sarrayGetCount(salines);
saout = sarrayCreate(0);
satemp = sarrayCreate(0);
linestr = sarrayGetString(salines, 0, 0);
sarrayAddString(satemp, linestr, 1);
for (i = 1; i < nlines; i++) {
linestr = sarrayGetString(salines, i, 0);
stringAllWhitespace(linestr, &allwhite);
stringLeadingWhitespace(linestr, &leadwhite);
if ((splitflag == SPLIT_ON_LEADING_WHITE && leadwhite) ||
(splitflag == SPLIT_ON_BLANK_LINE && allwhite) ||
(splitflag == SPLIT_ON_BOTH && (allwhite || leadwhite))) {
parastring = sarrayToString(satemp, 1); /* add nl to each line */
sarrayAddString(saout, parastring, 0); /* insert */
satemp = sarrayCreate(0);
sarrayAddString(satemp, linestr, 1);
parastring = sarrayToString(satemp, 1); /* add nl to each line */
sarrayAddString(saout, parastring, 0); /* insert */
return saout;
* stringAllWhitespace()
* Input: textstring
* &val (<return> 1 if all whitespace; 0 otherwise)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
static l_int32
stringAllWhitespace(char *textstr,
l_int32 *pval)
l_int32 len, i;
if (!textstr)
return ERROR_INT("textstr not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pval)
return ERROR_INT("&va not defined", procName, 1);
len = strlen(textstr);
*pval = 1;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (textstr[i] != ' ' && textstr[i] != '\t' && textstr[i] != '\n') {
*pval = 0;
return 0;
return 0;
* stringLeadingWhitespace()
* Input: textstring
* &val (<return> 1 if leading char is ' ' or '\t'; 0 otherwise)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
static l_int32
stringLeadingWhitespace(char *textstr,
l_int32 *pval)
if (!textstr)
return ERROR_INT("textstr not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pval)
return ERROR_INT("&va not defined", procName, 1);
*pval = 0;
if (textstr[0] == ' ' || textstr[0] == '\t')
*pval = 1;
return 0;