blob: ca7a182e39af5e14327d4a516352816f6dd832b4 [file] [log] [blame]
if [ catch { load ./li_constraints[info sharedlibextension] Li_constraints} err_msg ] {
puts stderr "Could not load shared object:\n$err_msg"
proc check_double {except fn f val} {
set actual [ catch { $fn $val } err_msg ]
if { $actual == 0 } {
if { $except != 0 } {
error "function '$f' with $val should perform an exception"
} else {
if { $except == 0 } {
error "function '$f' with $val should not perform an exception"
} elseif { [ string equal $err_msg "ValueError Expected a $f value." ] != 1 } {
error "function '$f' with $val should perform a proper exception"
proc nonnegative {val } { test_nonnegative $val }
check_double 0 nonnegative "non-negative" 10
check_double 0 nonnegative "non-negative" 0
check_double 1 nonnegative "non-negative" -10
proc nonpositive {val } { test_nonpositive $val }
check_double 1 nonpositive "non-positive" 10
check_double 0 nonpositive "non-positive" 0
check_double 0 nonpositive "non-positive" -10
proc positive {val } { test_positive $val }
check_double 0 positive "positive" 10
check_double 1 positive "positive" 0
check_double 1 positive "positive" -10
proc negative {val } { test_negative $val }
check_double 1 negative "negative" 10
check_double 1 negative "negative" 0
check_double 0 negative "negative" -10
proc nonzero {val } { test_nonzero $val }
check_double 0 nonzero "nonzero" 10
check_double 1 nonzero "nonzero" 0
check_double 0 nonzero "nonzero" -10
set actual [ catch { test_nonnull NULL } err_msg ]
if { ($actual != 1) ||
([ string equal $err_msg "ValueError Received a NULL pointer." ] != 1) } {
error "Test 'test_nonnull' with null value fail"
set nonnull [ get_nonnull ]
test_nonnull $nonnull