blob: b5792d148079fab7976fa7c92cf2e0ea7ec1cdb1 [file] [log] [blame]
import cpp11_decltype
a = cpp11_decltype.A()
a.i = 5
if a.i != 5:
raise RuntimeError("Assignment to a.i failed.")
a.j = 10
if a.j != 10:
raise RuntimeError("Assignment to a.j failed.")
n = a.get_number(5)
if n != 10:
raise RuntimeError("get_number(5) should return 10.")
n = a.get_number(6)
if n != 0:
raise RuntimeError("get_number(6) should return 0.")
b = cpp11_decltype.B()
if b.a != False:
raise RuntimeError("b.a should be False")
if b.b != True:
raise RuntimeError("b.b should be True")
if b.negate(True) != False:
raise RuntimeError("b.negate(True) should return False")
if b.negate(False) != True:
raise RuntimeError("b.negate(False) should return True")