blob: c84f3fa6b9408453488b8057df8afb04419fae00 [file] [log] [blame]
%module cpp17_std_filesystem
%include <std_string.i>
%include <std_filesystem.i>
#include <filesystem>
%inline %{
/* Test the "out" typemap for std::filesystem::path */
std::filesystem::path makePath(const std::string& s) {
return std::filesystem::path(s);
* There is no "out" typemap for a pointer to a path, so
* this should return a wrapped instance of a path
* instead of the native path type for the target language.
std::filesystem::path * makePathPtr(const std::string& s) {
static std::filesystem::path p(s);
return &p;
* There is no "out" typemap for a non-const reference to a path, so
* this should return a wrapped instance of a std::filesystem::path instead of
* the native path type for the target language.
std::filesystem::path& makePathRef(const std::string& s) {
static std::filesystem::path p(s);
return p;
* There is no "out" typemap for a const reference to a path, so
* this should return a wrapped instance of a std::filesystem::path
* instead of the native path type for the target language.
const std::filesystem::path & makePathConstRef(const std::string & s) {
static std::filesystem::path p(s);
return p;
/* Test the "in" typemap for std::filesystem::path */
std::string pathToStr(std::filesystem::path p) {
return p.string();
/* Test the "in" typemap for const std::filesystem::path & */
std::string pathConstRefToStr(const std::filesystem::path & p) {
return p.string();
/* Test the "in" typemap for const std::filesystem::path * */
std::string pathPtrToStr(const std::filesystem::path * p) {
return p->string();
std::filesystem::path roundTrip(const std::filesystem::path& p) {
return p;