blob: 7137a6862bf4545d926b06fe7a369f6df9b5c1a5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Makefile for errors test-suite
# This test-suite is for checking SWIG errors and warnings and uses
# Python as the target language.
# It compares the stderr output from SWIG to the contents of the .stderr
# file for each test case. The test cases are different to those used by
# the language module test-suites. The .i files in this directory are
# used instead of those in the parent directory.
# When adding a new test case, be sure to commit the expected output
# file (.stderr) in addition to the test case itself.
LANGUAGE = errors
ERROR_EXT = newerr
srcdir = @srcdir@
top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
top_builddir = @top_builddir@
# All .i files with prefix 'cpp_' will be treated as C++ input and remaining .i files as C input
ALL_ERROR_TEST_CASES := $(sort $(patsubst %.i,%, $(notdir $(wildcard $(srcdir)/*.i))))
CPP_ERROR_TEST_CASES := $(sort $(filter cpp_%, $(ALL_ERROR_TEST_CASES)))
DOXYGEN_ERROR_TEST_CASES := $(sort $(filter doxygen_%, $(C_ERROR_TEST_CASES)))
# Always use C++ for Doxygen tests, there doesn't seem to be any need to
# distinguish between C and C++ Doxygen tests.
$(C_ERROR_TEST_CASES:=.ctest) \
include $(srcdir)/../
# This is tricky: we need to let define SWIGOPT before appending to
# it, if we do it before including it, its defining of SWIGOPT would override
# whatever we do here.
# Unique module names are obtained from the .i file name (required for parallel make).
# Note: -module overrides %module in the .i file.
MODULE_OPTION=-module $*
nomodule.ctest: MODULE_OPTION =
# Portable dos2unix / todos for stripping CR
TODOS = tr -d '\r'
#TODOS = sed -e 's/\r$$//' # On Mac OS X behaves as if written 's/r$$//'
# strip source directory from output, so that diffs compare
STRIP_SRCDIR = sed -e 's|\\|/|g' -e 's|^$(SRCDIR)||'
# Rules for the different types of tests
echo "$(ACTION)ing errors testcase $*"
-$(SWIGINVOKE) -c++ -python -Wall -Fstandard $(MODULE_OPTION) $(SWIGOPT) $(SRCDIR)$*.i 2>&1 | $(TODOS) | $(STRIP_SRCDIR) > $*.$(ERROR_EXT)
$(COMPILETOOL) diff -c $(SRCDIR)$*.stderr $*.$(ERROR_EXT)
echo "$(ACTION)ing errors testcase $*"
-$(SWIGINVOKE) -python -Wall -Fstandard $(MODULE_OPTION) $(SWIGOPT) $(SRCDIR)$*.i 2>&1 | $(TODOS) | $(STRIP_SRCDIR) > $*.$(ERROR_EXT)
$(COMPILETOOL) diff -c $(SRCDIR)$*.stderr $*.$(ERROR_EXT)
@exit 0
$(MAKE) -f $(top_builddir)/$(EXAMPLES)/Makefile SRCDIR='$(SRCDIR)' python_clean
@rm -f *.$(ERROR_EXT) *.py