blob: a70d7b061cbbea549ff3e1518da6995ff8ce425c [file] [log] [blame]
# This file illustrates the low-level C++ interface
# created by SWIG. In this case, all of our C++ classes
# get converted into function calls.
# ----- Object creation -----
print "Creating some objects:\n";
$c = new Circle(10);
print " Created circle \$c\n";
$s = new Square(10);
print " Created square \$s\n";
# ----- Create the ShapeContainer ----
$container = new ShapeContainer();
# ----- Access a static member -----
print "\nA total of " . Shape::nshapes() . " shapes were created\n";
# ----- Delete by the old references -----
# This should not truly delete the shapes because they are now owned
# by the ShapeContainer.
print "Delete the old references.";
# Note: this invokes the virtual destructor
$c = NULL;
$s = NULL;
print "\nA total of " . Shape::nshapes() . " shapes remain\n";
# ----- Delete by the container -----
# This should truly delete the shapes
print "Delete the container.";
$container = NULL;
print "\nA total of " . Shape::nshapes() . " shapes remain\n";
print "Goodbye\n";