blob: 549731ec72a0a0b9ce70381a8de98bc6ab03243b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2004 Brian Wellington (
package org.xbill.DNS;
* Route Through Record - lists a route preference and intermediate host.
* @author Brian Wellington
public class RTRecord extends U16NameBase {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3206215651648278098L;
RTRecord() {}
getObject() {
return new RTRecord();
* Creates an RT Record from the given data
* @param preference The preference of the route. Smaller numbers indicate
* more preferred routes.
* @param intermediateHost The domain name of the host to use as a router.
RTRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int preference,
Name intermediateHost)
super(name, Type.RT, dclass, ttl, preference, "preference",
intermediateHost, "intermediateHost");
/** Gets the preference of the route. */
public int
getPreference() {
return getU16Field();
/** Gets the host to use as a router. */
public Name
getIntermediateHost() {
return getNameField();