blob: 24f0b087161d954de43107481de73b8dd28eaf4e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.googlecode.android_scripting.facade.bluetooth;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidHost;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothUuid;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.os.ParcelUuid;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.BaseApplication;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.FutureActivityTaskExecutor;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.Log;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.facade.EventFacade;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.facade.FacadeManager;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.jsonrpc.RpcReceiver;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.rpc.Rpc;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.rpc.RpcDefault;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.rpc.RpcParameter;
import java.util.List;
* Class Bluetooth HidFacade
public class BluetoothHidFacade extends RpcReceiver {
public static final ParcelUuid[] UUIDS = {
private final Service mService;
private final BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter;
private final FutureActivityTaskExecutor mTaskQueue;
private BluetoothHidInputCounterTask mInputCounterTask;
private static boolean sIsHidReady = false;
private static BluetoothHidHost sHidProfile = null;
private final EventFacade mEventFacade;
public BluetoothHidFacade(FacadeManager manager) {
mService = manager.getService();
mTaskQueue = ((BaseApplication) mService.getApplication()).getTaskExecutor();
mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
mBluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy(mService, new HidServiceListener(),
IntentFilter pkgFilter = new IntentFilter();
mService.registerReceiver(mHidServiceBroadcastReceiver, pkgFilter);
Log.d(HidServiceBroadcastReceiver.TAG + " registered");
mEventFacade = manager.getReceiver(EventFacade.class);
class HidServiceListener implements BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener {
public void onServiceConnected(int profile, BluetoothProfile proxy) {
sHidProfile = (BluetoothHidHost) proxy;
sIsHidReady = true;
public void onServiceDisconnected(int profile) {
sIsHidReady = false;
class HidServiceBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private static final String TAG = "HidServiceBroadcastReceiver";
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();
Log.d(TAG + " action=" + action);
switch (action) {
int previousState = intent.getIntExtra(
BluetoothProfile.EXTRA_PREVIOUS_STATE, -1);
int state = intent.getIntExtra(
BluetoothProfile.EXTRA_STATE, -1);
Log.d("Connection state changed: "
+ previousState + " -> " + state);
int status = intent.getIntExtra(
BluetoothHidHost.EXTRA_STATUS, -1);
Log.d("Protocol mode changed: " + status);
case BluetoothHidHost.ACTION_HANDSHAKE: {
int status = intent.getIntExtra(
BluetoothHidHost.EXTRA_STATUS, -1);
Log.d("Handshake received: " + status);
case BluetoothHidHost.ACTION_REPORT: {
char[] report = intent.getCharArrayExtra(
Log.d("Received report: " + String.valueOf(report));
int status = intent.getIntExtra(
Log.d("Virtual unplug status: " + status);
case BluetoothHidHost.ACTION_IDLE_TIME_CHANGED: {
int idleTime = intent.getIntExtra(
BluetoothHidHost.EXTRA_IDLE_TIME, -1);
Log.d("Idle time changed: " + idleTime);
private final BroadcastReceiver mHidServiceBroadcastReceiver =
new HidServiceBroadcastReceiver();
* Connect to Hid Profile.
* @param device - the Bluetooth Device object to connect to.
* @return if the connection was successfull or not.
public Boolean hidConnect(BluetoothDevice device) {
if (sHidProfile == null) return false;
return sHidProfile.connect(device);
* Disconnect to Hid Profile.
* @param device - the Bluetooth Device object to disconnect to.
* @return if the disconnection was successfull or not.
public Boolean hidDisconnect(BluetoothDevice device) {
if (sHidProfile == null) return false;
return sHidProfile.disconnect(device);
* Is Hid profile ready.
* @return if Hid profile is ready or not.
@Rpc(description = "Is Hid profile ready.")
public Boolean bluetoothHidIsReady() {
return sIsHidReady;
* Connect to an HID device.
* @param device - Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.
* @return if the connection was successfull or not.
@Rpc(description = "Connect to an HID device.")
public Boolean bluetoothHidConnect(
@RpcParameter(name = "device",
description = "Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.")
String device)
throws Exception {
if (sHidProfile == null) return false;
BluetoothDevice mDevice = BluetoothFacade.getDevice(
BluetoothFacade.DiscoveredDevices, device);
Log.d("Connecting to device " + mDevice.getAlias());
return hidConnect(mDevice);
* Disconnect an HID device.
* @param device - the Bluetooth Device object to disconnect to.
* @return if the disconnection was successfull or not.
@Rpc(description = "Disconnect an HID device.")
public Boolean bluetoothHidDisconnect(
@RpcParameter(name = "device",
description = "Name or MAC address of a device.")
String device)
throws Exception {
if (sHidProfile == null) return false;
Log.d("Connected devices: " + sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices());
BluetoothDevice mDevice = BluetoothFacade.getDevice(
sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices(), device);
return hidDisconnect(mDevice);
* Get all the devices connected through HID.
* @return List of all the devices connected through HID.
@Rpc(description = "Get all the devices connected through HID.")
public List<BluetoothDevice> bluetoothHidGetConnectedDevices() {
if (!sIsHidReady) return null;
return sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices();
* Get the connection status of a device.
* @param deviceID - Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.
* @return connection status of a device.
@Rpc(description = "Get the connection status of a device.")
public Integer bluetoothHidGetConnectionStatus(
@RpcParameter(name = "deviceID",
description = "Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.")
String deviceID) {
if (sHidProfile == null) {
return BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED;
List<BluetoothDevice> deviceList = sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices();
BluetoothDevice device;
try {
device = BluetoothFacade.getDevice(deviceList, deviceID);
} catch (Exception e) {
return BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED;
return sHidProfile.getConnectionState(device);
* Send Set_Report command to the connected HID input device.
* @param deviceID - Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.
* @return True if successfully sent the command; otherwise false
@Rpc(description =
"Send Set_Report command to the connected HID input device.")
public Boolean bluetoothHidSetReport(
@RpcParameter(name = "deviceID",
description = "Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.")
String deviceID,
@RpcParameter(name = "type")
@RpcDefault(value = "1") Integer type,
@RpcParameter(name = "report")
String report) throws Exception {
BluetoothDevice device = BluetoothFacade.getDevice(
sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices(), deviceID);
Log.d("type=" + type);
return sHidProfile.setReport(device, (byte) (int) type, report);
* Sends the Get_Report command to the given connected HID input device.
* @param deviceID name or MAC address or the HID input device
* @param type Bluetooth HID report type
* @param reportId ID for the requesting report
* @param buffSize advised buffer size on the Bluetooth HID host
* @return True if successfully sent the command; otherwise false
* @throws Exception error from Bluetooth HidService
@Rpc(description = "Send Get_Report command to the connected HID input device.")
public Boolean bluetoothHidGetReport(
@RpcParameter(name = "deviceID",
description = "Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.")
String deviceID,
@RpcParameter(name = "type")
@RpcDefault(value = "1") Integer type,
@RpcParameter(name = "reportId")
Integer reportId,
@RpcParameter(name = "buffSize")
Integer buffSize) throws Exception {
BluetoothDevice device = BluetoothFacade.getDevice(
sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices(), deviceID);
Log.d("type=" + type + " reportId=" + reportId);
return sHidProfile.getReport(
device, (byte) (int) type, (byte) (int) reportId, buffSize);
* Sends a data report to the given connected HID input device.
* @param deviceID name or MAC address or the HID input device
* @param report the report payload
* @return True if successfully sent the command; otherwise false
* @throws Exception error from Bluetooth HidService
@Rpc(description = "Send data to a connected HID device.")
public Boolean bluetoothHidSendData(
@RpcParameter(name = "deviceID",
description = "Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.")
String deviceID,
@RpcParameter(name = "report")
String report) throws Exception {
BluetoothDevice device = BluetoothFacade.getDevice(
sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices(), deviceID);
return sHidProfile.sendData(device, report);
* Sends the virtual cable unplug command to the given connected HID input device.
* @param deviceID name or MAC address or the HID input device
* @return True if successfully sent the command; otherwise false
* @throws Exception error from Bluetooth HidService
@Rpc(description = "Send virtual unplug to a connected HID device.")
public Boolean bluetoothHidVirtualUnplug(
@RpcParameter(name = "deviceID",
description = "Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.")
String deviceID) throws Exception {
BluetoothDevice device = BluetoothFacade.getDevice(sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices(),
return sHidProfile.virtualUnplug(device);
* Sends the Set_Priority command to the given connected HID input device.
* @param deviceID name or MAC address or the HID input device
* @param priority priority level
* @return True if successfully sent the command; otherwise false
* @throws Exception error from Bluetooth HidService
@Rpc(description = "Set priority of the profile")
public Boolean bluetoothHidSetPriority(
@RpcParameter(name = "deviceID",
description = "Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.")
String deviceID,
@RpcParameter(name = "priority")
Integer priority) throws Exception {
BluetoothDevice device = BluetoothFacade.getDevice(sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices(),
return sHidProfile.setPriority(device, priority);
* Sends the Get_Priority command to the given connected HID input device.
* @param deviceID name or MAC address or the HID input device
* @return The value of the HID input device priority
* @throws Exception error from Bluetooth HidService
@Rpc(description = "Get priority of the profile")
public Integer bluetoothHidGetPriority(
@RpcParameter(name = "deviceID",
description = "Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.")
String deviceID) throws Exception {
BluetoothDevice device = BluetoothFacade.getDevice(sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices(),
return sHidProfile.getPriority(device);
* Sends the Set_Protocol_Mode command to the given connected HID input device.
* @param deviceID name or MAC address or the HID input device
* @param protocolMode protocol mode
* @return True if successfully sent the command; otherwise false
* @throws Exception error from Bluetooth HidService
@Rpc(description = "Send Set_Protocol_Mode command to the connected HID input device.")
public Boolean bluetoothHidSetProtocolMode(
@RpcParameter(name = "deviceID",
description = "Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.")
String deviceID,
@RpcParameter(name = "protocolMode")
Integer protocolMode) throws Exception {
BluetoothDevice device = BluetoothFacade.getDevice(sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices(),
return sHidProfile.setProtocolMode(device, protocolMode);
* Sends the Get_Protocol_Mode command to the given connected HID input device.
* @param deviceID name or MAC address or the HID input device
* @return True if successfully sent the command; otherwise false
* @throws Exception error from Bluetooth HidService
@Rpc(description =
"Send Get_Protocol_Mode command to the connected HID input device.")
public Boolean bluetoothHidGetProtocolMode(
@RpcParameter(name = "deviceID",
description = "Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.")
String deviceID) throws Exception {
BluetoothDevice device = BluetoothFacade.getDevice(
sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices(), deviceID);
return sHidProfile.getProtocolMode(device);
* Sends the Set_Idle_Time command to the given connected HID input device.
* @param deviceID name or MAC address or the HID input device
* @param idleTime idle time
* @return True if successfully sent the command; otherwise false
* @throws Exception error from Bluetooth HidService
@Rpc(description = "Send Set_Idle_Time command to the connected HID input device.")
public Boolean bluetoothHidSetIdleTime(
@RpcParameter(name = "deviceID",
description = "Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.")
String deviceID,
@RpcParameter(name = "idleTime")
Integer idleTime) throws Exception {
BluetoothDevice device = BluetoothFacade.getDevice(
sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices(), deviceID);
return sHidProfile.setIdleTime(
device, (byte) (int) idleTime);
* Sends the Get_Idle_Time command to the given connected HID input device.
* @param deviceID name or MAC address or the HID input device
* @return True if successfully sent the command; otherwise false
* @throws Exception error from Bluetooth HidService
@Rpc(description = "Send Get_Idle_Time command to the connected HID input device.")
public Boolean bluetoothHidGetIdleTime(
@RpcParameter(name = "deviceID",
description = "Name or MAC address of a bluetooth device.")
String deviceID) throws Exception {
BluetoothDevice device = BluetoothFacade.getDevice(
sHidProfile.getConnectedDevices(), deviceID);
return sHidProfile.getIdleTime(device);
* Start to monitor HID device input count
@Rpc(description = "Start keyboard/mouse input counter")
public void bluetoothHidStartInputCounter() throws InterruptedException {
mInputCounterTask = new BluetoothHidInputCounterTask();
* Stop to monitor HID device input count
@Rpc(description = "Stop keyboard/mouse input rate checker")
public void bluetoothHidStopInputCounter() throws InterruptedException {
if (mInputCounterTask != null) {
mInputCounterTask = null;
* Get HID device input rate
* @return The value of HID device input count during the first and the last input.
@Rpc(description = "Get HID keyboard/mouse input count")
public double bluetoothHidGetCount() {
return mInputCounterTask.getCount();
* Test byte transfer.
@Rpc(description = "Test byte transfer.")
public byte[] testByte() {
byte[] bts = {0b01, 0b10, 0b11, 0b100};
return bts;
public void shutdown() {