blob: 6bf77369bfbf8c6d2f41886ae0c1e2b54ced040b [file] [log] [blame]
// compose-filter.h
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright 2005-2010 Google, Inc.
// Author: (Michael Riley)
// \file
// Classes for filtering the composition matches, e.g. for correct epsilon
// handling.
#include <fst/fst.h>
#include <fst/fst-decl.h> // For optional argument declarations
#include <fst/matcher.h>
namespace fst {
// COMPOSITION FILTER STATE - this represents the state of
// the composition filter. It has the form:
// class FilterState {
// public:
// // Required constructors
// FilterState();
// FilterState(const FilterState &f);
// // An invalid filter state.
// static const FilterState NoState();
// // Maps state to integer for hashing.
// size_t Hash() const;
// // Equality of filter states.
// bool operator==(const FilterState &f) const;
// // Inequality of filter states.
// bool operator!=(const FilterState &f) const;
// // Assignment to filter states.
// FilterState& operator=(const FilterState& f);
// };
// Filter state that is a signed integral type.
template <typename T>
class IntegerFilterState {
IntegerFilterState() : state_(kNoStateId) {}
explicit IntegerFilterState(T s) : state_(s) {}
static const IntegerFilterState NoState() { return IntegerFilterState(); }
size_t Hash() const { return static_cast<size_t>(state_); }
bool operator==(const IntegerFilterState &f) const {
return state_ == f.state_;
bool operator!=(const IntegerFilterState &f) const {
return state_ != f.state_;
T GetState() const { return state_; }
void SetState(T state) { state_ = state; }
T state_;
typedef IntegerFilterState<signed char> CharFilterState;
typedef IntegerFilterState<short> ShortFilterState;
typedef IntegerFilterState<int> IntFilterState;
// Filter state that is a weight (class).
template <class W>
class WeightFilterState {
WeightFilterState() : weight_(W::Zero()) {}
explicit WeightFilterState(W w) : weight_(w) {}
static const WeightFilterState NoState() { return WeightFilterState(); }
size_t Hash() const { return weight_.Hash(); }
bool operator==(const WeightFilterState &f) const {
return weight_ == f.weight_;
bool operator!=(const WeightFilterState &f) const {
return weight_ != f.weight_;
W GetWeight() const { return weight_; }
void SetWeight(W w) { weight_ = w; }
W weight_;
// Filter state that is the combination of two filter states.
template <class F1, class F2>
class PairFilterState {
PairFilterState() : f1_(F1::NoState()), f2_(F2::NoState()) {}
PairFilterState(const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2) : f1_(f1), f2_(f2) {}
static const PairFilterState NoState() { return PairFilterState(); }
size_t Hash() const {
size_t h1 = f1_.Hash();
size_t h2 = f2_.Hash();
const int lshift = 5;
const int rshift = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(size_t) - 5;
return h1 << lshift ^ h1 >> rshift ^ h2;
bool operator==(const PairFilterState &f) const {
return f1_ == f.f1_ && f2_ == f.f2_;
bool operator!=(const PairFilterState &f) const {
return f1_ != f.f1_ || f2_ != f.f2_;
const F1 &GetState1() const { return f1_; }
const F2 &GetState2() const { return f2_; }
void SetState(const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2) {
f1_ = f1;
f2_ = f2;
F1 f1_;
F2 f2_;
// COMPOSITION FILTERS - these determine which matches are allowed to
// proceed. The filter's state is represented by the type
// ComposeFilter::FilterState. The basic filters handle correct
// epsilon matching. Their interface is:
// template <class M1, class M2>
// class ComposeFilter {
// public:
// typedef typename M1::FST1 FST1;
// typedef typename M1::FST2 FST2;
// typedef typename FST1::Arc Arc;
// typedef ... FilterState;
// typedef ... Matcher1;
// typedef ... Matcher2;
// // Required constructors.
// ComposeFilter(const FST1 &fst1, const FST2 &fst2,
// // M1 *matcher1 = 0, M2 *matcher2 = 0);
// // If safe=true, the copy is thread-safe. See Fst<>::Copy()
// // for further doc.
// ComposeFilter(const ComposeFilter<M1, M2> &filter,
// // bool safe = false);
// // Return start state of filter.
// FilterState Start() const;
// // Specifies current composition state.
// void SetState(StateId s1, StateId s2, const FilterState &f);
// // Apply filter at current composition state to these transitions.
// // If an arc label to be matched is kNolabel, then that side
// // does not consume a symbol. Returns the new filter state or,
// // if disallowed, FilterState::NoState(). The filter is permitted to
// // modify its inputs, e.g. for optimizations.
// FilterState FilterArc(Arc *arc1, Arc *arc2) const;
// // Apply filter at current composition state to these final weights
// // (cf. superfinal transitions). The filter may modify its inputs,
// // e.g. for optimizations.
// void FilterFinal(Weight *final1, Weight *final2) const;
// // Return resp matchers. Ownership stays with filter. These
// // methods allow the filter to access and possibly modify
// // the composition matchers (useful e.g. with lookahead).
// Matcher1 *GetMatcher1();
// Matcher2 *GetMatcher2();
// // This specifies how the filter affects the composition result
// // properties. It takes as argument the properties that would
// // apply with a trivial composition fitler.
// uint64 Properties(uint64 props) const;
// };
// This filter requires epsilons on FST1 to be read before epsilons on FST2.
template <class M1, class M2>
class SequenceComposeFilter {
typedef typename M1::FST FST1;
typedef typename M2::FST FST2;
typedef typename FST1::Arc Arc;
typedef CharFilterState FilterState;
typedef M1 Matcher1;
typedef M2 Matcher2;
typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
typedef typename Arc::Label Label;
typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
SequenceComposeFilter(const FST1 &fst1, const FST2 &fst2,
M1 *matcher1 = 0, M2 *matcher2 = 0)
: matcher1_(matcher1 ? matcher1 : new M1(fst1, MATCH_OUTPUT)),
matcher2_(matcher2 ? matcher2 : new M2(fst2, MATCH_INPUT)),
f_(kNoStateId) {}
SequenceComposeFilter(const SequenceComposeFilter<M1, M2> &filter,
bool safe = false)
: matcher1_(filter.matcher1_->Copy(safe)),
f_(kNoStateId) {}
~SequenceComposeFilter() {
delete matcher1_;
delete matcher2_;
FilterState Start() const { return FilterState(0); }
void SetState(StateId s1, StateId s2, const FilterState &f) {
if (s1_ == s1 && s2_ == s2 && f == f_)
s1_ = s1;
s2_ = s2;
f_ = f;
size_t na1 = internal::NumArcs(fst1_, s1);
size_t ne1 = internal::NumOutputEpsilons(fst1_, s1);
bool fin1 = internal::Final(fst1_, s1) != Weight::Zero();
alleps1_ = na1 == ne1 && !fin1;
noeps1_ = ne1 == 0;
FilterState FilterArc(Arc *arc1, Arc *arc2) const {
if (arc1->olabel == kNoLabel)
return alleps1_ ? FilterState::NoState() :
noeps1_ ? FilterState(0) : FilterState(1);
else if (arc2->ilabel == kNoLabel)
return f_ != FilterState(0) ? FilterState::NoState() : FilterState(0);
return arc1->olabel == 0 ? FilterState::NoState() : FilterState(0);
void FilterFinal(Weight *, Weight *) const {}
// Return resp matchers. Ownership stays with filter.
Matcher1 *GetMatcher1() { return matcher1_; }
Matcher2 *GetMatcher2() { return matcher2_; }
uint64 Properties(uint64 props) const { return props; }
Matcher1 *matcher1_;
Matcher2 *matcher2_;
const FST1 &fst1_;
StateId s1_; // Current fst1_ state;
StateId s2_; // Current fst2_ state;
FilterState f_; // Current filter state
bool alleps1_; // Only epsilons (and non-final) leaving s1_?
bool noeps1_; // No epsilons leaving s1_?
void operator=(const SequenceComposeFilter<M1, M2> &); // disallow
// This filter requires epsilons on FST2 to be read before epsilons on FST1.
template <class M1, class M2>
class AltSequenceComposeFilter {
typedef typename M1::FST FST1;
typedef typename M2::FST FST2;
typedef typename FST1::Arc Arc;
typedef CharFilterState FilterState;
typedef M1 Matcher1;
typedef M2 Matcher2;
typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
typedef typename Arc::Label Label;
typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
AltSequenceComposeFilter(const FST1 &fst1, const FST2 &fst2,
M1 *matcher1 = 0, M2 *matcher2 = 0)
: matcher1_(matcher1 ? matcher1 : new M1(fst1, MATCH_OUTPUT)),
matcher2_(matcher2 ? matcher2 : new M2(fst2, MATCH_INPUT)),
f_(kNoStateId) {}
AltSequenceComposeFilter(const AltSequenceComposeFilter<M1, M2> &filter,
bool safe = false)
: matcher1_(filter.matcher1_->Copy(safe)),
f_(kNoStateId) {}
~AltSequenceComposeFilter() {
delete matcher1_;
delete matcher2_;
FilterState Start() const { return FilterState(0); }
void SetState(StateId s1, StateId s2, const FilterState &f) {
if (s1_ == s1 && s2_ == s2 && f == f_)
s1_ = s1;
s2_ = s2;
f_ = f;
size_t na2 = internal::NumArcs(fst2_, s2);
size_t ne2 = internal::NumInputEpsilons(fst2_, s2);
bool fin2 = internal::Final(fst2_, s2) != Weight::Zero();
alleps2_ = na2 == ne2 && !fin2;
noeps2_ = ne2 == 0;
FilterState FilterArc(Arc *arc1, Arc *arc2) const {
if (arc2->ilabel == kNoLabel)
return alleps2_ ? FilterState::NoState() :
noeps2_ ? FilterState(0) : FilterState(1);
else if (arc1->olabel == kNoLabel)
return f_ == FilterState(1) ? FilterState::NoState() : FilterState(0);
return arc1->olabel == 0 ? FilterState::NoState() : FilterState(0);
void FilterFinal(Weight *, Weight *) const {}
// Return resp matchers. Ownership stays with filter.
Matcher1 *GetMatcher1() { return matcher1_; }
Matcher2 *GetMatcher2() { return matcher2_; }
uint64 Properties(uint64 props) const { return props; }
Matcher1 *matcher1_;
Matcher2 *matcher2_;
const FST2 &fst2_;
StateId s1_; // Current fst1_ state;
StateId s2_; // Current fst2_ state;
FilterState f_; // Current filter state
bool alleps2_; // Only epsilons (and non-final) leaving s2_?
bool noeps2_; // No epsilons leaving s2_?
void operator=(const AltSequenceComposeFilter<M1, M2> &); // disallow
// This filter requires epsilons on FST1 to be matched with epsilons on FST2
// whenever possible.
template <class M1, class M2>
class MatchComposeFilter {
typedef typename M1::FST FST1;
typedef typename M2::FST FST2;
typedef typename FST1::Arc Arc;
typedef CharFilterState FilterState;
typedef M1 Matcher1;
typedef M2 Matcher2;
typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
typedef typename Arc::Label Label;
typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
MatchComposeFilter(const FST1 &fst1, const FST2 &fst2,
M1 *matcher1 = 0, M2 *matcher2 = 0)
: matcher1_(matcher1 ? matcher1 : new M1(fst1, MATCH_OUTPUT)),
matcher2_(matcher2 ? matcher2 : new M2(fst2, MATCH_INPUT)),
f_(kNoStateId) {}
MatchComposeFilter(const MatchComposeFilter<M1, M2> &filter,
bool safe = false)
: matcher1_(filter.matcher1_->Copy(safe)),
f_(kNoStateId) {}
~MatchComposeFilter() {
delete matcher1_;
delete matcher2_;
FilterState Start() const { return FilterState(0); }
void SetState(StateId s1, StateId s2, const FilterState &f) {
if (s1_ == s1 && s2_ == s2 && f == f_)
s1_ = s1;
s2_ = s2;
f_ = f;
size_t na1 = internal::NumArcs(fst1_, s1);
size_t ne1 = internal::NumOutputEpsilons(fst1_, s1);
bool f1 = internal::Final(fst1_, s1) != Weight::Zero();
alleps1_ = na1 == ne1 && !f1;
noeps1_ = ne1 == 0;
size_t na2 = internal::NumArcs(fst2_, s2);
size_t ne2 = internal::NumInputEpsilons(fst2_, s2);
bool f2 = internal::Final(fst2_, s2) != Weight::Zero();
alleps2_ = na2 == ne2 && !f2;
noeps2_ = ne2 == 0;
FilterState FilterArc(Arc *arc1, Arc *arc2) const {
if (arc2->ilabel == kNoLabel) // Epsilon on Fst1
return f_ == FilterState(0) ?
(noeps2_ ? FilterState(0) :
(alleps2_ ? FilterState::NoState(): FilterState(1))) :
(f_ == FilterState(1) ? FilterState(1) : FilterState::NoState());
else if (arc1->olabel == kNoLabel) // Epsilon on Fst2
return f_ == FilterState(0) ?
(noeps1_ ? FilterState(0) :
(alleps1_ ? FilterState::NoState() : FilterState(2))) :
(f_ == FilterState(2) ? FilterState(2) : FilterState::NoState());
else if (arc1->olabel == 0) // Epsilon on both
return f_ == FilterState(0) ? FilterState(0) : FilterState::NoState();
else // Both are non-epsilons
return FilterState(0);
void FilterFinal(Weight *, Weight *) const {}
// Return resp matchers. Ownership stays with filter.
Matcher1 *GetMatcher1() { return matcher1_; }
Matcher2 *GetMatcher2() { return matcher2_; }
uint64 Properties(uint64 props) const { return props; }
Matcher1 *matcher1_;
Matcher2 *matcher2_;
const FST1 &fst1_;
const FST2 &fst2_;
StateId s1_; // Current fst1_ state;
StateId s2_; // Current fst2_ state;
FilterState f_; // Current filter state ID
bool alleps1_, alleps2_; // Only epsilons (and non-final) leaving s1, s2?
bool noeps1_, noeps2_; // No epsilons leaving s1, s2?
void operator=(const MatchComposeFilter<M1, M2> &); // disallow
// This filter works with the MultiEpsMatcher to determine if
// 'multi-epsilons' are preserved in the composition output
// (rather than rewritten as 0) and ensures correct properties.
template <class F>
class MultiEpsFilter {
typedef typename F::FST1 FST1;
typedef typename F::FST2 FST2;
typedef typename F::Arc Arc;
typedef typename F::Matcher1 Matcher1;
typedef typename F::Matcher2 Matcher2;
typedef typename F::FilterState FilterState;
typedef MultiEpsFilter<F> Filter;
typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
typedef typename Arc::Label Label;
typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
MultiEpsFilter(const FST1 &fst1, const FST2 &fst2,
Matcher1 *matcher1 = 0, Matcher2 *matcher2 = 0,
bool keep_multi_eps = false)
: filter_(fst1, fst2, matcher1, matcher2),
keep_multi_eps_(keep_multi_eps) {}
MultiEpsFilter(const Filter &filter, bool safe = false)
: filter_(filter.filter_, safe),
keep_multi_eps_(filter.keep_multi_eps_) {}
FilterState Start() const { return filter_.Start(); }
void SetState(StateId s1, StateId s2, const FilterState &f) {
return filter_.SetState(s1, s2, f);
FilterState FilterArc(Arc *arc1, Arc *arc2) const {
FilterState f = filter_.FilterArc(arc1, arc2);
if (keep_multi_eps_) {
if (arc1->olabel == kNoLabel)
arc1->ilabel = arc2->ilabel;
if (arc2->ilabel == kNoLabel)
arc2->olabel = arc1->olabel;
return f;
void FilterFinal(Weight *w1, Weight *w2) const {
return filter_.FilterFinal(w1, w2);
// Return resp matchers. Ownership stays with filter.
Matcher1 *GetMatcher1() { return filter_.GetMatcher1(); }
Matcher2 *GetMatcher2() { return filter_.GetMatcher2(); }
uint64 Properties(uint64 iprops) const {
uint64 oprops = filter_.Properties(iprops);
return oprops & kILabelInvariantProperties & kOLabelInvariantProperties;
F filter_;
bool keep_multi_eps_;
} // namespace fst