blob: d1500a543afafe6d0fb9fe4799cbab14858dd8de [file] [log] [blame]
package org.mockito.internal.junit;
import org.mockito.internal.creation.settings.CreationSettings;
import org.mockito.internal.util.MockitoLogger;
import org.mockito.mock.MockCreationSettings;
import org.mockito.quality.Strictness;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Universal test listener that behaves accordingly to current setting of strictness.
* Will come handy when we offer tweaking strictness at the method level with annotation.
* Should be relatively easy to improve and offer tweaking strictness per mock.
public class UniversalTestListener implements MockitoTestListener {
private Strictness currentStrictness;
private final MockitoLogger logger;
private Map<Object, MockCreationSettings> mocks = new IdentityHashMap<Object, MockCreationSettings>();
private DefaultStubbingLookupListener stubbingLookupListener;
public UniversalTestListener(Strictness initialStrictness, MockitoLogger logger) {
this.currentStrictness = initialStrictness;
this.logger = logger;
//creating single stubbing lookup listener per junit rule instance / test method
//this way, when strictness is updated in the middle of the test it will affect the behavior of the stubbing listener
this.stubbingLookupListener = new DefaultStubbingLookupListener(currentStrictness);
public void testFinished(TestFinishedEvent event) {
Collection<Object> createdMocks = mocks.keySet();
//At this point, we don't need the mocks any more and we can mark all collected mocks for gc
//TODO make it better, it's easy to forget to clean up mocks and we still create new instance of list that nobody will read, it's also duplicated
//TODO clean up all other state, null out stubbingLookupListener
mocks = new IdentityHashMap<Object, MockCreationSettings>();
switch (currentStrictness) {
case WARN: emitWarnings(logger, event, createdMocks); break;
case STRICT_STUBS: reportUnusedStubs(event, createdMocks); break;
case LENIENT: break;
default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown strictness: " + currentStrictness);
private void reportUnusedStubs(TestFinishedEvent event, Collection<Object> mocks) {
//If there is some other failure (or mismatches were detected) don't report another exception to avoid confusion
if (event.getFailure() == null && !stubbingLookupListener.isMismatchesReported()) {
UnusedStubbings unused = new UnusedStubbingsFinder().getUnusedStubbings(mocks);
private static void emitWarnings(MockitoLogger logger, TestFinishedEvent event, Collection<Object> mocks) {
String testName = event.getTestClassInstance().getClass().getSimpleName() + "." + event.getTestMethodName();
if (event.getFailure() != null) {
//print stubbing mismatches only when there is a test failure
//to avoid false negatives. Give hint only when test fails.
new ArgMismatchFinder().getStubbingArgMismatches(mocks).format(testName, logger);
} else {
//print unused stubbings only when test succeeds to avoid reporting multiple problems and confusing users
new UnusedStubbingsFinder().getUnusedStubbings(mocks).format(testName, logger);
public void onMockCreated(Object mock, MockCreationSettings settings) {
this.mocks.put(mock, settings);
//It is not ideal that we modify the state of MockCreationSettings object
//MockCreationSettings is intended to be an immutable view of the creation settings
//In future, we should start passing MockSettings object to the creation listener
//TODO #793 - when completed, we should be able to get rid of the CreationSettings casting below
((CreationSettings) settings).getStubbingLookupListeners().add(stubbingLookupListener);
public void setStrictness(Strictness strictness) {
this.currentStrictness = strictness;