blob: ca4738af54d547d163e5a562e9aca63c078a392f [file] [log] [blame]
#include <errno.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "../radeon_compiler_util.h"
#include "../radeon_opcodes.h"
#include "../radeon_program.h"
#include "rc_test_helpers.h"
/* This file contains some helper functions for filling out the rc_instruction
* data structures. These functions take a string as input based on the format
* output by rc_program_print().
#define VERBOSE 0
#define DBG(...) do { if (VERBOSE) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
struct match_info {
const char * String;
int Length;
static int match_length(regmatch_t * matches, int index)
return matches[index].rm_eo - matches[index].rm_so;
static int regex_helper(
const char * regex_str,
const char * search_str,
regmatch_t * matches,
int num_matches)
char err_buf[REGEX_ERR_BUF_SIZE];
regex_t regex;
int err_code;
unsigned int i;
err_code = regcomp(&regex, regex_str, REG_EXTENDED);
if (err_code) {
regerror(err_code, &regex, err_buf, REGEX_ERR_BUF_SIZE);
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to compile regex: %s\n", err_buf);
return 0;
err_code = regexec(&regex, search_str, num_matches, matches, 0);
DBG("Search string: '%s'\n", search_str);
for (i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) {
DBG("Match %u start = %d end = %d\n", i,
matches[i].rm_so, matches[i].rm_eo);
if (err_code) {
regerror(err_code, &regex, err_buf, REGEX_ERR_BUF_SIZE);
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to match regex: %s\n", err_buf);
return 0;
return 1;
struct src_tokens {
struct match_info Negate;
struct match_info Abs;
struct match_info File;
struct match_info Index;
struct match_info Swizzle;
* Initialize the source register at index src_index for the instruction based
* on src_str.
* NOTE: Warning in init_rc_normal_instruction() applies to this function as
* well.
* @param src_str A string that represents the source register. The format for
* this string is the same that is output by rc_program_print.
* @return 1 On success, 0 on failure
int init_rc_normal_src(
struct rc_instruction * inst,
unsigned int src_index,
const char * src_str)
const char * regex_str = "(-*)(\\|*)([[:lower:]]*)\\[([[:digit:]])\\](\\.*[[:lower:]-]*)";
regmatch_t matches[REGEX_SRC_MATCHES];
struct src_tokens tokens;
struct rc_src_register * src_reg = &inst->U.I.SrcReg[src_index];
unsigned int i;
/* Execute the regex */
if (!regex_helper(regex_str, src_str, matches, REGEX_SRC_MATCHES)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to execute regex for src register.\n");
return 0;
/* Create Tokens */
tokens.Negate.String = src_str + matches[1].rm_so;
tokens.Negate.Length = match_length(matches, 1);
tokens.Abs.String = src_str + matches[2].rm_so;
tokens.Abs.Length = match_length(matches, 2);
tokens.File.String = src_str + matches[3].rm_so;
tokens.File.Length = match_length(matches, 3);
tokens.Index.String = src_str + matches[4].rm_so;
tokens.Index.Length = match_length(matches, 4);
tokens.Swizzle.String = src_str + matches[5].rm_so;
tokens.Swizzle.Length = match_length(matches, 5);
/* Negate */
if (tokens.Negate.Length > 0) {
src_reg->Negate = RC_MASK_XYZW;
/* Abs */
if (tokens.Abs.Length > 0) {
src_reg->Abs = 1;
/* File */
if (!strncmp(tokens.File.String, "temp", tokens.File.Length)) {
src_reg->File = RC_FILE_TEMPORARY;
} else if (!strncmp(tokens.File.String, "input", tokens.File.Length)) {
src_reg->File = RC_FILE_INPUT;
} else if (!strncmp(tokens.File.String, "const", tokens.File.Length)) {
src_reg->File = RC_FILE_CONSTANT;
} else if (!strncmp(tokens.File.String, "none", tokens.File.Length)) {
src_reg->File = RC_FILE_NONE;
/* Index */
errno = 0;
src_reg->Index = strtol(tokens.Index.String, NULL, 10);
if (errno > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert src register index.\n");
return 0;
/* Swizzle */
if (tokens.Swizzle.Length == 0) {
src_reg->Swizzle = RC_SWIZZLE_XYZW;
} else {
int str_index = 1;
if (tokens.Swizzle.String[0] != '.') {
fprintf(stderr, "First char of swizzle is not valid.\n");
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, str_index++) {
if (tokens.Swizzle.String[str_index] == '-') {
src_reg->Negate |= (1 << i);
switch(tokens.Swizzle.String[str_index]) {
case 'x':
SET_SWZ(src_reg->Swizzle, i, RC_SWIZZLE_X);
case 'y':
SET_SWZ(src_reg->Swizzle, i, RC_SWIZZLE_Y);
case 'z':
SET_SWZ(src_reg->Swizzle, i, RC_SWIZZLE_Z);
case 'w':
SET_SWZ(src_reg->Swizzle, i, RC_SWIZZLE_W);
case '1':
SET_SWZ(src_reg->Swizzle, i, RC_SWIZZLE_ONE);
case '0':
SET_SWZ(src_reg->Swizzle, i, RC_SWIZZLE_ZERO);
case 'H':
SET_SWZ(src_reg->Swizzle, i, RC_SWIZZLE_HALF);
case '_':
SET_SWZ(src_reg->Swizzle, i, RC_SWIZZLE_UNUSED);
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown src register swizzle.\n");
return 0;
DBG("File=%u index=%u swizzle=%x negate=%u abs=%u\n",
src_reg->File, src_reg->Index, src_reg->Swizzle,
src_reg->Negate, src_reg->Abs);
return 1;
struct dst_tokens {
struct match_info File;
struct match_info Index;
struct match_info WriteMask;
* Initialize the destination for the instruction based on dst_str.
* NOTE: Warning in init_rc_normal_instruction() applies to this function as
* well.
* @param dst_str A string that represents the destination register. The format
* for this string is the same that is output by rc_program_print.
* @return 1 On success, 0 on failure
int init_rc_normal_dst(
struct rc_instruction * inst,
const char * dst_str)
const char * regex_str = "([[:lower:]]*)\\[([[:digit:]]*)\\](\\.*[[:lower:]]*)";
regmatch_t matches[REGEX_DST_MATCHES];
struct dst_tokens tokens;
unsigned int i;
/* Execute the regex */
if (!regex_helper(regex_str, dst_str, matches, REGEX_DST_MATCHES)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to execute regex for dst register.\n");
return 0;
/* Create Tokens */
tokens.File.String = dst_str + matches[1].rm_so;
tokens.File.Length = match_length(matches, 1);
tokens.Index.String = dst_str + matches[2].rm_so;
tokens.Index.Length = match_length(matches, 2);
tokens.WriteMask.String = dst_str + matches[3].rm_so;
tokens.WriteMask.Length = match_length(matches, 3);
/* File Type */
if (!strncmp(tokens.File.String, "temp", tokens.File.Length)) {
inst->U.I.DstReg.File = RC_FILE_TEMPORARY;
} else if (!strncmp(tokens.File.String, "output", tokens.File.Length)) {
inst->U.I.DstReg.File = RC_FILE_OUTPUT;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown dst register file type.\n");
return 0;
/* File Index */
errno = 0;
inst->U.I.DstReg.Index = strtol(tokens.Index.String, NULL, 10);
if (errno > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert dst register index\n");
return 0;
/* WriteMask */
if (tokens.WriteMask.Length == 0) {
inst->U.I.DstReg.WriteMask = RC_MASK_XYZW;
} else {
/* The first character should be '.' */
if (tokens.WriteMask.String[0] != '.') {
fprintf(stderr, "1st char of writemask is not valid.\n");
return 0;
for (i = 1; i < tokens.WriteMask.Length; i++) {
switch(tokens.WriteMask.String[i]) {
case 'x':
inst->U.I.DstReg.WriteMask |= RC_MASK_X;
case 'y':
inst->U.I.DstReg.WriteMask |= RC_MASK_Y;
case 'z':
inst->U.I.DstReg.WriteMask |= RC_MASK_Z;
case 'w':
inst->U.I.DstReg.WriteMask |= RC_MASK_W;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown swizzle in writemask.\n");
return 0;
DBG("Dst Reg File=%u Index=%d Writemask=%d\n",
return 1;
struct inst_tokens {
struct match_info Opcode;
struct match_info Sat;
struct match_info Dst;
struct match_info Srcs[3];
* Initialize a normal instruction based on inst_str.
* WARNING: This function might not be able to handle every kind of format that
* rc_program_print() can output. If you are having problems with a
* particular string, you may need to add support for it to this functions.
* @param inst_str A string that represents the source register. The format for
* this string is the same that is output by rc_program_print.
* @return 1 On success, 0 on failure
int init_rc_normal_instruction(
struct rc_instruction * inst,
const char * inst_str)
const char * regex_str = "([[:upper:]]+)(_SAT)* ([^,]*)[, ]*([^,]*)[, ]*([^,]*)[, ]*([^;]*)";
int i;
regmatch_t matches[REGEX_INST_MATCHES];
struct inst_tokens tokens;
/* Initialize inst */
memset(inst, 0, sizeof(struct rc_instruction));
/* Execute the regex */
if (!regex_helper(regex_str, inst_str, matches, REGEX_INST_MATCHES)) {
return 0;
memset(&tokens, 0, sizeof(tokens));
/* Create Tokens */
tokens.Opcode.String = inst_str + matches[1].rm_so;
tokens.Opcode.Length = match_length(matches, 1);
if (matches[2].rm_so > -1) {
tokens.Sat.String = inst_str + matches[2].rm_so;
tokens.Sat.Length = match_length(matches, 2);
/* Fill out the rest of the instruction. */
for (i = 0; i < MAX_RC_OPCODE; i++) {
const struct rc_opcode_info * info = rc_get_opcode_info(i);
unsigned int first_src = 3;
unsigned int j;
if (strncmp(tokens.Opcode.String, info->Name, tokens.Opcode.Length)) {
inst->U.I.Opcode = info->Opcode;
if (info->HasDstReg) {
char * dst_str;
tokens.Dst.String = inst_str + matches[3].rm_so;
tokens.Dst.Length = match_length(matches, 3);
dst_str = malloc(sizeof(char) * (tokens.Dst.Length + 1));
strncpy(dst_str, tokens.Dst.String, tokens.Dst.Length);
dst_str[tokens.Dst.Length] = '\0';
init_rc_normal_dst(inst, dst_str);
for (j = 0; j < info->NumSrcRegs; j++) {
char * src_str;
tokens.Srcs[j].String =
inst_str + matches[first_src + j].rm_so;
tokens.Srcs[j].Length =
match_length(matches, first_src + j);
src_str = malloc(sizeof(char) *
(tokens.Srcs[j].Length + 1));
strncpy(src_str, tokens.Srcs[j].String,
src_str[tokens.Srcs[j].Length] = '\0';
init_rc_normal_src(inst, j, src_str);
return 1;