blob: 62dd3849e7b8ca02ff12fccd231ae4f1e5a9cbd7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Broadcom Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This file contains LLCP internal definitions
#ifndef LLCP_INT_H
#define LLCP_INT_H
#include "llcp_api.h"
#include "nfc_api.h"
** LLCP link states
LLCP_LINK_STATE_DEACTIVATED, /* llcp link is deactivated */
LLCP_LINK_STATE_ACTIVATED, /* llcp link has been activated */
LLCP_LINK_STATE_DEACTIVATING /* llcp link is deactivating */
** LLCP Symmetric state
** LLCP link control block
typedef struct
tLLCP_LINK_STATE link_state; /* llcp link state */
tLLCP_LINK_CBACK *p_link_cback; /* callback function to report llcp link status */
UINT16 wks; /* well-known service bit-map */
BOOLEAN is_initiator; /* TRUE if initiator role */
BOOLEAN is_sending_data; /* TRUE if llcp_link_check_send_data() is excuting */
UINT8 agreed_major_version; /* llcp major version used in activated state */
UINT8 agreed_minor_version; /* llcp minor version used in activated state */
UINT8 peer_version; /* llcp version of peer device */
UINT16 peer_miu; /* link MIU of peer device */
UINT16 peer_wks; /* WKS of peer device */
UINT16 peer_lto; /* link timeout of peer device in ms */
UINT8 peer_opt; /* Option field of peer device */
UINT16 effective_miu; /* MIU to send PDU in activated state */
TIMER_LIST_ENT timer; /* link timer for LTO and SYMM response */
UINT8 symm_state; /* state of symmectric procedure */
BOOLEAN ll_served; /* TRUE if last transmisstion was for UI */
UINT8 ll_idx; /* for scheduler of logical link connection */
UINT8 dl_idx; /* for scheduler of data link connection */
TIMER_LIST_ENT inact_timer; /* inactivity timer */
UINT16 inact_timeout; /* inactivity timeout in ms */
UINT8 link_deact_reason; /* reason of LLCP link deactivated */
BUFFER_Q sig_xmit_q; /* tx signaling PDU queue */
/* runtime configuration parameters */
UINT16 local_link_miu; /* Maximum Information Unit */
UINT8 local_opt; /* Option parameter */
UINT8 local_wt; /* Response Waiting Time Index */
UINT16 local_lto; /* Local Link Timeout */
UINT16 inact_timeout_init; /* Inactivity Timeout as initiator role */
UINT16 inact_timeout_target; /* Inactivity Timeout as target role */
UINT16 symm_delay; /* Delay SYMM response */
UINT16 data_link_timeout; /* data link conneciton timeout */
UINT16 delay_first_pdu_timeout;/* delay timeout to send first PDU as initiator */
** LLCP Application's registration control block on service access point (SAP)
typedef struct
UINT8 link_type; /* logical link and/or data link */
UINT8 *p_service_name; /* GKI buffer containing service name */
tLLCP_APP_CBACK *p_app_cback; /* application's callback pointer */
BUFFER_Q ui_xmit_q; /* UI PDU queue for transmitting */
BUFFER_Q ui_rx_q; /* UI PDU queue for receiving */
BOOLEAN is_ui_tx_congested; /* TRUE if transmitting UI PDU is congested */
** LLCP data link connection states
LLCP_DLC_STATE_IDLE, /* initial state */
LLCP_DLC_STATE_W4_REMOTE_RESP, /* waiting for connection confirm from peer */
LLCP_DLC_STATE_W4_LOCAL_RESP, /* waiting for connection confirm from upper layer */
LLCP_DLC_STATE_CONNECTED, /* data link connection has been established */
LLCP_DLC_STATE_W4_REMOTE_DM, /* waiting for disconnection confirm from peer */
** LLCP data link connection events
LLCP_DLC_EVENT_API_CONNECT_REQ, /* connection request from upper layer */
LLCP_DLC_EVENT_API_CONNECT_CFM, /* connection confirm from upper layer */
LLCP_DLC_EVENT_API_CONNECT_REJECT, /* connection reject from upper layer */
LLCP_DLC_EVENT_PEER_CONNECT_IND, /* connection request from peer */
LLCP_DLC_EVENT_PEER_CONNECT_CFM, /* connection confirm from peer */
LLCP_DLC_EVENT_API_DATA_REQ, /* data packet from upper layer */
LLCP_DLC_EVENT_PEER_DATA_IND, /* data packet from peer */
LLCP_DLC_EVENT_API_DISCONNECT_REQ, /* disconnect request from upper layer */
LLCP_DLC_EVENT_PEER_DISCONNECT_IND, /* disconnect request from peer */
LLCP_DLC_EVENT_PEER_DISCONNECT_RESP, /* disconnect response from peer */
LLCP_DLC_EVENT_FRAME_ERROR, /* received erroneous frame from peer */
LLCP_DLC_EVENT_LINK_ERROR, /* llcp link has been deactivated */
LLCP_DLC_EVENT_TIMEOUT /* timeout event */
** LLCP data link connection control block
#define LLCP_DATA_LINK_FLAG_PENDING_DISC 0x01 /* send DISC when tx queue is empty */
#define LLCP_DATA_LINK_FLAG_PENDING_RR_RNR 0x02 /* send RR/RNR with valid sequence */
#define LLCP_DATA_LINK_FLAG_NOTIFY_TX_DONE 0x04 /* notify upper later when tx complete */
typedef struct
tLLCP_DLC_STATE state; /* data link connection state */
UINT8 flags; /* specific action flags */
tLLCP_APP_CB *p_app_cb; /* pointer of application registration */
TIMER_LIST_ENT timer; /* timer for connection complete */
UINT8 local_sap; /* SAP of local end point */
UINT16 local_miu; /* MIU of local SAP */
UINT8 local_rw; /* RW of local SAP */
BOOLEAN local_busy; /* TRUE if local SAP is busy */
UINT8 remote_sap; /* SAP of remote end point */
UINT16 remote_miu; /* MIU of remote SAP */
UINT8 remote_rw; /* RW of remote SAP */
BOOLEAN remote_busy; /* TRUE if remote SAP is busy */
UINT8 next_tx_seq; /* V(S), send state variable */
UINT8 rcvd_ack_seq; /* V(SA), send ack state variable */
UINT8 next_rx_seq; /* V(R), receive state variable */
UINT8 sent_ack_seq; /* V(RA), receive ack state variable */
BUFFER_Q i_xmit_q; /* tx queue of I PDU */
BOOLEAN is_tx_congested; /* TRUE if tx I PDU is congested */
BUFFER_Q i_rx_q; /* rx queue of I PDU */
BOOLEAN is_rx_congested; /* TRUE if rx I PDU is congested */
UINT8 num_rx_i_pdu; /* number of I PDU in rx queue */
UINT8 rx_congest_threshold; /* dynamic congest threshold for rx I PDU */
** LLCP service discovery control block
typedef struct
UINT8 tid; /* transaction ID */
tLLCP_SDP_CBACK *p_cback; /* callback function for service discovery */
typedef struct
UINT8 next_tid; /* next TID to use */
tLLCP_SDP_TRANSAC transac[LLCP_MAX_SDP_TRANSAC]; /* active SDP transactions */
BT_HDR *p_snl; /* buffer for SNL PDU */
** LLCP control block
typedef struct
UINT8 trace_level; /* LLCP trace level */
tLLCP_SDP_CB sdp_cb; /* SDP control block */
tLLCP_LCB lcb; /* LLCP link control block */
tLLCP_APP_CB wks_cb[LLCP_MAX_WKS]; /* Application's registration for well-known services */
tLLCP_APP_CB server_cb[LLCP_MAX_SERVER]; /* Application's registration for SDP services */
tLLCP_APP_CB client_cb[LLCP_MAX_CLIENT]; /* Application's registration for client */
tLLCP_DLCB dlcb[LLCP_MAX_DATA_LINK]; /* Data link connection control block */
UINT8 max_num_ll_tx_buff; /* max number of tx UI PDU in queue */
UINT8 max_num_tx_buff; /* max number of tx UI/I PDU in queue */
UINT8 num_logical_data_link; /* number of logical data link */
UINT8 num_data_link_connection; /* number of established data link connection */
/* these two thresholds (number of tx UI PDU) are dynamically adjusted based on number of logical links */
UINT8 ll_tx_congest_start; /* congest start threshold for each logical link*/
UINT8 ll_tx_congest_end; /* congest end threshold for each logical link */
UINT8 total_tx_ui_pdu; /* total number of tx UI PDU in all of ui_xmit_q*/
UINT8 total_tx_i_pdu; /* total number of tx I PDU in all of i_xmit_q */
BOOLEAN overall_tx_congested; /* TRUE if tx link is congested */
/* start point of uncongested status notification is in round robin */
UINT8 ll_tx_uncongest_ntf_start_sap; /* next start of logical data link */
UINT8 dl_tx_uncongest_ntf_start_idx; /* next start of data link connection */
** when overall rx link congestion starts, RNR is sent to remote end point of data link connection
** while rx link is congested, UI PDU is discarded.
UINT8 num_rx_buff; /* reserved number of rx UI/I PDU in queue */
UINT8 overall_rx_congest_start; /* threshold of overall rx congestion start */
UINT8 overall_rx_congest_end; /* threshold of overall rx congestion end */
UINT8 max_num_ll_rx_buff; /* max number of rx UI PDU in queue */
** threshold (number of rx UI PDU) is dynamically adjusted based on number of logical links
** when number of rx UI PDU is more than ll_rx_congest_start, the oldest UI PDU is discarded
UINT8 ll_rx_congest_start; /* rx congest start threshold for each logical link */
UINT8 total_rx_ui_pdu; /* total number of rx UI PDU in all of ui_rx_q */
UINT8 total_rx_i_pdu; /* total number of rx I PDU in all of i_rx_q */
BOOLEAN overall_rx_congested; /* TRUE if overall rx link is congested */
tLLCP_DTA_CBACK *p_dta_cback; /* callback to notify DTA when respoding SNL */
BOOLEAN dta_snl_resp; /* TRUE if need to notify DTA when respoding SNL*/
#if (LLCP_TEST_INCLUDED == TRUE) /* this is for LLCP testing */
typedef struct {
UINT8 version;
UINT16 wks;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
** LLCP global data
LLCP_API extern tLLCP_CB llcp_cb;
LLCP_API extern tLLCP_CB *llcp_cb_ptr;
#define llcp_cb (*llcp_cb_ptr)
** Functions provided by llcp_main.c
void llcp_init (void);
void llcp_cleanup (void);
void llcp_process_timeout (TIMER_LIST_ENT *p_tle);
** Functions provided by llcp_link.c
tLLCP_STATUS llcp_link_activate (tLLCP_ACTIVATE_CONFIG *p_config);
void llcp_link_process_link_timeout (void);
void llcp_link_deactivate (UINT8 reason);
void llcp_link_check_send_data (void);
void llcp_link_connection_cback (UINT8 conn_id, tNFC_CONN_EVT event, tNFC_CONN *p_data);
** Functions provided by llcp_util.c
void llcp_util_adjust_ll_congestion (void);
void llcp_util_adjust_dl_rx_congestion (void);
void llcp_util_check_rx_congested_status (void);
BOOLEAN llcp_util_parse_link_params (UINT16 length, UINT8 *p_bytes);
tLLCP_STATUS llcp_util_send_ui (UINT8 ssap, UINT8 dsap, tLLCP_APP_CB *p_app_cb, BT_HDR *p_msg);
void llcp_util_send_disc (UINT8 dsap, UINT8 ssap);
tLLCP_DLCB *llcp_util_allocate_data_link (UINT8 reg_sap, UINT8 remote_sap);
void llcp_util_deallocate_data_link (tLLCP_DLCB *p_dlcb);
tLLCP_STATUS llcp_util_send_connect (tLLCP_DLCB *p_dlcb, tLLCP_CONNECTION_PARAMS *p_params);
tLLCP_STATUS llcp_util_parse_connect (UINT8 *p_bytes, UINT16 length, tLLCP_CONNECTION_PARAMS *p_params);
tLLCP_STATUS llcp_util_send_cc (tLLCP_DLCB *p_dlcb, tLLCP_CONNECTION_PARAMS *p_params);
tLLCP_STATUS llcp_util_parse_cc (UINT8 *p_bytes, UINT16 length, UINT16 *p_miu, UINT8 *p_rw);
void llcp_util_send_dm (UINT8 dsap, UINT8 ssap, UINT8 reason);
void llcp_util_build_info_pdu (tLLCP_DLCB *p_dlcb, BT_HDR *p_msg);
tLLCP_STATUS llcp_util_send_frmr (tLLCP_DLCB *p_dlcb, UINT8 flags, UINT8 ptype, UINT8 sequence);
void llcp_util_send_rr_rnr (tLLCP_DLCB *p_dlcb);
tLLCP_APP_CB *llcp_util_get_app_cb (UINT8 sap);
** Functions provided by llcp_dlc.c
tLLCP_STATUS llcp_dlsm_execute (tLLCP_DLCB *p_dlcb, tLLCP_DLC_EVENT event, void *p_data);
tLLCP_DLCB *llcp_dlc_find_dlcb_by_sap (UINT8 local_sap, UINT8 remote_sap);
void llcp_dlc_flush_q (tLLCP_DLCB *p_dlcb);
void llcp_dlc_proc_i_pdu (UINT8 dsap, UINT8 ssap, UINT16 i_pdu_length, UINT8 *p_i_pdu, BT_HDR *p_msg);
void llcp_dlc_proc_rx_pdu (UINT8 dsap, UINT8 ptype, UINT8 ssap, UINT16 length, UINT8 *p_data);
void llcp_dlc_check_to_send_rr_rnr (void);
BOOLEAN llcp_dlc_is_rw_open (tLLCP_DLCB *p_dlcb);
BT_HDR *llcp_dlc_get_next_pdu (tLLCP_DLCB *p_dlcb);
UINT16 llcp_dlc_get_next_pdu_length (tLLCP_DLCB *p_dlcb);
** Functions provided by llcp_sdp.c
void llcp_sdp_proc_data (tLLCP_SAP_CBACK_DATA *p_data);
tLLCP_STATUS llcp_sdp_send_sdreq (UINT8 tid, char *p_name);
UINT8 llcp_sdp_get_sap_by_name (char *p_name, UINT8 length);
tLLCP_STATUS llcp_sdp_proc_snl (UINT16 sdu_length, UINT8 *p);
void llcp_sdp_check_send_snl (void);
void llcp_sdp_proc_deactivation (void);
#ifdef __cplusplus