blob: 2163ce61faf5cf522b61daf56964cfcf593b6608 [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- C++ -*-
// $Id: field_impl.h,v 1.4 2002/06/29 14:43:00 t1mpy Exp $
// id3lib: a C++ library for creating and manipulating id3v1/v2 tags
// Copyright 1999, 2000 Scott Thomas Haug
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
// along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// The id3lib authors encourage improvements and optimisations to be sent to
// the id3lib coordinator. Please see the README file for details on where to
// send such submissions. See the AUTHORS file for a list of people who have
// contributed to id3lib. See the ChangeLog file for a list of changes to
// id3lib. These files are distributed with id3lib at
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "field.h"
#include "id3/id3lib_strings.h"
struct ID3_FieldDef;
struct ID3_FrameDef;
class ID3_Frame;
class ID3_Reader;
class ID3_FieldImpl : public ID3_Field
friend class ID3_FrameImpl;
void Clear();
size_t Size() const;
size_t BinSize() const;
size_t GetNumTextItems() const;
// integer field functions
ID3_Field& operator= (uint32 val) { this->Set(val); return *this; }
void Set(uint32); // we have SetInteger functions. Why do we try to overload Set?
uint32 Get() const; // same for GetInteger
// text field functions
dami::String GetText( size_t index = 0, ID3_TextEnc enc = ID3TE_ISO8859_1 ) const;
size_t SetText( dami::String data, size_t index = 0, ID3_TextEnc enc = ID3TE_ISO8859_1 );
// ASCII string field functions
ID3_Field& operator= (const char* s) { this->Set(s); return *this; }
size_t Set(const char* data);
size_t Get(char*, size_t) const;
size_t Get(char*, size_t, size_t) const;
const char* GetRawText() const;
const char* GetRawTextItem(size_t) const;
size_t Add(const char* data);
// Unicode string field functions
ID3_Field& operator= (const unicode_t* s) { this->Set(s); return *this; }
size_t Set(const unicode_t*);
size_t Get(unicode_t *buffer, size_t) const;
size_t Get(unicode_t *buffer, size_t, size_t) const;
const unicode_t* GetRawUnicodeText() const;
const unicode_t* GetRawUnicodeTextItem(size_t) const;
size_t Add(const unicode_t*);
// binary field functions
size_t Set(const uchar* buf, size_t size);
size_t Set(const char* buf, size_t size)
return this->Set(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(buf), size);
size_t Get(uchar*, size_t) const;
const uchar* GetRawBinary() const;
void FromFile(const char*);
void ToFile(const char *sInfo) const;
size_t GetBinaryStartPosition();
// miscelaneous functions
ID3_Field& operator=( const ID3_Field & );
bool InScope(ID3_V2Spec spec) const
{ return _spec_begin <= spec && spec <= _spec_end; }
ID3_FieldID GetID() const { return _id; }
ID3_FieldType GetType() const { return _type; }
bool SetEncoding(ID3_TextEnc enc);
ID3_TextEnc GetEncoding() const { return _enc; }
bool IsEncodable() const { return (_flags & ID3FF_ENCODABLE) > 0; }
void Render(ID3_Writer&) const;
bool Parse(ID3_Reader&);
bool HasChanged() const;
size_t GetRawTextItemLen( size_t index =0 ) const;
// To prevent public instantiation, the constructor is made private
ID3_FieldImpl(const ID3_FieldDef&);
const ID3_FieldID _id; // the ID of this field
const ID3_FieldType _type; // what type is this field or should be
const ID3_V2Spec _spec_begin; // spec end
const ID3_V2Spec _spec_end; // spec begin
const flags_t _flags; // special field flags
mutable bool _changed; // field changed since last parse/render?
dami::BString _binary; // for binary strings
dami::String _text; // for all strings
uint32 _integer; // for numbers
const size_t _fixed_size; // for fixed length fields (0 if not)
size_t _num_items; // the number of items in the text string
ID3_TextEnc _enc; // encoding for text fields
uint32 _start_position;
void SetInteger(uint32);
uint32 GetInteger() const;
size_t SetBinary(dami::BString);
dami::BString GetBinary() const;
void RenderInteger(ID3_Writer&) const;
void RenderText(ID3_Writer&) const;
void RenderBinary(ID3_Writer&) const;
bool ParseInteger(ID3_Reader&);
bool ParseText(ID3_Reader&);
bool ParseBinary(ID3_Reader&);
// Ack! Not for public use
ID3_FrameDef *ID3_FindFrameDef(ID3_FrameID id);
ID3_FrameID ID3_FindFrameID(const char *id);
#endif /* _ID3LIB_FIELD_H_ */