blob: 3ec25d83a1b56e993e51e11c60331b6e6312bb5a [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- C++ -*-
// $Id: io_decorators.h,v 1.5 2002/07/02 22:10:51 t1mpy Exp $
// id3lib: a software library for creating and manipulating id3v1/v2 tags
// Copyright 1999, 2000 Scott Thomas Haug
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
// along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// The id3lib authors encourage improvements and optimisations to be sent to
// the id3lib coordinator. Please see the README file for details on where to
// send such submissions. See the AUTHORS file for a list of people who have
// contributed to id3lib. See the ChangeLog file for a list of changes to
// id3lib. These files are distributed with id3lib at
#include "readers.h"
#include "io_helpers.h"
#include "id3/utils.h" // has <config.h> "id3/id3lib_streams.h" "id3/globals.h" "id3/id3lib_strings.h"
namespace dami
namespace io
* Set a window on the buffer. Characters can only be read within this
* window.
class ID3_CPP_EXPORT WindowedReader : public ID3_Reader
typedef ID3_Reader SUPER;
ID3_Reader& _reader;
pos_type _beg, _end;
bool inWindow(pos_type cur)
{ return this->getBeg() <= cur && cur < this->getEnd(); }
explicit WindowedReader(ID3_Reader& reader)
: _reader(reader), _beg(reader.getBeg()), _end(reader.getEnd()) { ; }
WindowedReader(ID3_Reader& reader, size_type size)
: _reader(reader), _beg(reader.getBeg()), _end(reader.getEnd())
{ this->setWindow(this->getCur(), size); }
WindowedReader(ID3_Reader& reader, pos_type beg, size_type size)
: _reader(reader), _beg(reader.getBeg()), _end(reader.getEnd())
{ this->setWindow(beg, size); }
void setWindow(pos_type beg, size_type size);
pos_type setBeg(pos_type);
pos_type setCur(pos_type cur)
return _reader.setCur(mid(this->getBeg(), cur, this->getEnd()));
pos_type setEnd(pos_type);
pos_type getCur() { return _reader.getCur(); }
pos_type getBeg() { return _beg; }
pos_type getEnd() { return _end; }
bool inWindow() { return this->inWindow(this->getCur()); }
int_type readChar();
int_type peekChar();
size_type readChars(char_type buf[], size_type len);
size_type readChars(char buf[], size_type len)
return this->readChars((char_type*) buf, len);
void close() { ; }
class ID3_CPP_EXPORT CharReader : public ID3_Reader
typedef ID3_Reader SUPER;
ID3_Reader& _reader;
CharReader(ID3_Reader& reader) : _reader(reader) { }
virtual ~CharReader() { ; }
* Read \c len characters into the array \c buf. Since the stream needs
* might have been unsynced, this function copies the characters one at a
* time.
size_type readChars(char_type buf[], size_type len);
size_type readChars(char buf[], size_type len)
return this->readChars((char_type*) buf, len);
void close() { ; }
int_type peekChar() { return _reader.peekChar(); }
pos_type getBeg() { return _reader.getBeg(); }
pos_type getCur() { return _reader.getCur(); }
pos_type getEnd() { return _reader.getEnd(); }
pos_type setCur(pos_type cur) { return _reader.setCur(cur); }
class ID3_CPP_EXPORT LineFeedReader : public CharReader
typedef CharReader SUPER;
LineFeedReader(ID3_Reader& reader) : SUPER(reader) { ; }
int_type readChar();
class ID3_CPP_EXPORT UnsyncedReader : public CharReader
typedef CharReader SUPER;
UnsyncedReader(ID3_Reader& reader) : SUPER(reader) { }
int_type readChar();
class ID3_CPP_EXPORT CompressedReader : public ID3_MemoryReader
char_type* _uncompressed;
CompressedReader(ID3_Reader& reader, size_type newSize);
virtual ~CompressedReader();
class ID3_CPP_EXPORT UnsyncedWriter : public ID3_Writer
typedef ID3_Writer SUPER;
ID3_Writer& _writer;
int_type _last;
size_type _numSyncs;
UnsyncedWriter(ID3_Writer& writer)
: _writer(writer), _last('\0'), _numSyncs(0)
{ ; }
size_type getNumSyncs() const { return _numSyncs; }
int_type writeChar(char_type ch);
void flush();
* Write \c len characters into the array \c buf. Since the stream needs
* might have been unsynced, this function copies the characters one at a
* time.
size_type writeChars(const char_type[], size_type len);
size_type writeChars(const char buf[], size_type len)
return this->writeChars(reinterpret_cast<const char_type *>(buf), len);
void close() { ; }
pos_type getBeg() { return _writer.getBeg(); }
pos_type getCur() { return _writer.getCur(); }
pos_type getEnd() { return _writer.getEnd(); }
class CompressedWriter : public ID3_Writer
typedef ID3_Writer SUPER;
ID3_Writer& _writer;
BString _data;
size_type _origSize;
explicit CompressedWriter(ID3_Writer& writer)
: _writer(writer), _data(), _origSize(0)
{ ; }
virtual ~CompressedWriter() { this->flush(); }
size_type getOrigSize() const { return _origSize; }
void flush();
size_type writeChars(const char_type buf[], size_type len);
size_type writeChars(const char buf[], size_type len)
return this->writeChars(reinterpret_cast<const char_type*>(buf), len);
pos_type getCur() { return _data.size(); }
void close() { ; }