blob: a24b275e0eeae503b6099b66022b4b46c4e2b03e [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Google, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TrieMapTest extends TestFmwk {
static final boolean SHORT = false;
static final boolean HACK_TO_MAKE_TESTS_PASS = false;
static final int MASK = 0x3;
private Map<String, Integer> unicodeTestMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
private boolean useSmallList = true;
private static Timer t = new Timer();
private static DecimalFormat nf = t.getNumberFormat();
private static DecimalFormat pf = t.getPercentFormat();
public void init() throws Exception {
if (unicodeTestMap.size() == 0) {
if (TestFmwk.getExhaustiveness() < 5) {
logln("\tShort version, timing for 1s:\t to get more accurate figures and test for reasonable times, use -e5 or more");
} else {
int seconds = TestFmwk.getExhaustiveness();
logln("\tExhaustive version, timing for " + seconds + "s");
useSmallList = false;
int i = 0;
UnicodeSet testSet = new UnicodeSet("[[:^C:]-[:sc=han:]]");
for (String s : testSet) {
int codePoint = s.codePointAt(0);
String extendedName = UCharacter.getExtendedName(codePoint);
if (!unicodeTestMap.containsKey(extendedName)) {
unicodeTestMap.put(extendedName, i++);
if (i > 500 && useSmallList) break;
ULocale[] locales = useSmallList ? new ULocale[] {new ULocale("zh"), new ULocale("el")} : ULocale.getAvailableLocales();
for (ULocale locale : locales) {
if (locale.getDisplayCountry().length() != 0) {
String localeName;
for (String languageCode : ULocale.getISOLanguages()) {
localeName = ULocale.getDisplayName(languageCode, locale);
if (!localeName.equals(languageCode)) {
if (!unicodeTestMap.containsKey(localeName)) {
unicodeTestMap.put(localeName, MASK & i++);
if (SHORT) break;
for (String countryCode : ULocale.getISOCountries()) {
localeName = ULocale.getDisplayCountry("und-" + countryCode, locale);
if (!localeName.equals(countryCode)) {
if (!unicodeTestMap.containsKey(localeName)) {
unicodeTestMap.put(localeName, MASK & i++);
if (SHORT) break;
int charCount = 0;
for (String key : unicodeTestMap.keySet()) {
charCount += key.length();
logln("\tTest Data Elements:\t\t\t" + nf.format(unicodeTestMap.size()));
logln("\tTotal chars:\t\t\t" + nf.format(charCount));
public void TestByteConversion() {
byte bytes[] = new byte[200];
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : unicodeTestMap.entrySet()) {
String source = entry.getKey();
int limit = TrieMap.ByteConverter.getBytes(source, bytes, 0);
//logln(source + "\t=> " + Utility.hex(source, " ") + "\t=> " + Utility.hex(bytes, 0, limit, " "));
String recovered = TrieMap.ByteConverter.getChars(bytes, 0, limit);
if (!source.equals(recovered)) {
assertEquals("Char/Byte Conversion", source, recovered);
public void TestGet() {
checkGet(unicodeTestMap, TrieMap.Style.BYTES);
checkGet(unicodeTestMap, TrieMap.Style.CHARS);
private void checkGet(Map<String, Integer> testmap, TrieMap.Style style) {
if (testmap.size() == 0) {
TrieMap<Integer> trieMap = TrieMap.Builder.with(style, Option.SMALL, testmap).build();
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : testmap.entrySet()) {
Integer value = entry.getValue();
String key = entry.getKey();
Integer foundValue = trieMap.get(key);
if (!value.equals(foundValue)) {
// TODO fix this
if (!HACK_TO_MAKE_TESTS_PASS || 39497 != value) {
assertEquals(style + "\tGet of '" + key + "' = {" + Utility.hex(key) + "}", value, foundValue);
public void TestTimeIteration() {
long comparisonTime = timeIteration(unicodeTestMap, 0, null, 0);
timeIteration(unicodeTestMap, comparisonTime, null, 0);
timeIteration(unicodeTestMap, comparisonTime, Style.BYTES, 5);
timeIteration(unicodeTestMap, comparisonTime, Style.CHARS, 3);
public long timeIteration(Map<String, Integer> testMap, long comparisonTime, Style style, double ratioToMap) {
TrieMap<Integer> trieMap = TrieMap.BytesBuilder.with(style, Option.SMALL, testMap).build();
TreeMap<String,Integer> expected = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(testMap);
if (style == null) {
Map<String, Integer> map = comparisonTime == 0 ? new TreeMap<String, Integer>(testMap) : new HashMap<String, Integer>(testMap);
long mapTime = t.timeIterations(new MyLoop() {
public void time(int repeat) {
for (int tt = 0; tt < repeat; ++tt) {
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
Integer value = entry.getValue();
}, null, map);
if (comparisonTime == 0) {
logln("\titeration time\tTREEMAP\tn/a\t" + t.toString(testMap.size()) + "\t\titerations=" + t.getIterations());
} else {
logln("\titeration time\tHASHMAP\tn/a\t" + t.toString(testMap.size(), comparisonTime) + "\titerations=" + t.getIterations());
return mapTime;
} else {
long trieTime = t.timeIterations(new MyLoop() {
public void time(int repeat) {
for (int tt = 0; tt < repeat; ++tt) {
for (Entry<CharSequence, Integer> entry : trieMap) {
CharSequence key = entry.getKey();
Integer value = entry.getValue();
}, null, trieMap);
logln("\titeration time\t" + style + "\tn/a\t" + t.toString(testMap.size(), comparisonTime) + "\titerations=" + t.getIterations());
if (!useSmallList && trieTime > ratioToMap * comparisonTime) {
errln(style + "\tTime iteration takes too long. Expected:\t< " + ratioToMap * comparisonTime + ", Actual:\t" + trieTime);
return trieTime;
public void TestContents() {
checkContents(unicodeTestMap, Style.BYTES);
checkContents(unicodeTestMap, Style.CHARS);
public void checkContents(Map<String, Integer> testMap, Style style) {
if (testMap.size() == 0) {
TrieMap<Integer> trieMap = TrieMap.BytesBuilder.with(style, Option.SMALL, testMap).build();
TreeMap<String,Integer> expected = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(testMap);
Iterator<Entry<CharSequence, Integer>> trieIterator = trieMap.iterator();
Iterator<Entry<String, Integer>> mapIterator = expected.entrySet().iterator();
while (true) {
boolean trieOk = trieIterator.hasNext();
boolean mapOk = mapIterator.hasNext();
if (mapOk!=trieOk) {
assertEquals("Iterators end at same point", mapOk, trieOk);
if (!mapOk) break;
Entry<CharSequence, Integer> trieEntry =;
Entry<String, Integer> mapEntry =;
String mapKey = mapEntry.getKey();
CharSequence trieKey = trieEntry.getKey();
if (!mapKey.contentEquals(trieKey)) {
assertEquals(style + "\tKeys match", mapKey, trieKey.toString());
Integer mapValue = mapEntry.getValue();
Integer trieValue = trieEntry.getValue();
if (!mapValue.equals(trieValue)) {
assertEquals(style + "\tValues match", mapValue, trieValue);
public void TestSearch() {
public void checkSearch(Style style) {
TrieMap<String> trieMap = TrieMap.BytesBuilder.with(style, Option.SMALL, "abc", "first")
.add("cdab", "fifth")
.add("abcde", "second")
.add("abdfg", "third").build();
String string = "xabcdab abcde abdfg";
Row.R3<Integer, Integer, String>[] expected = new Row.R3[] {
List<R3<Integer, Integer, String>> expectedList = Arrays.asList(expected);
List<R3<Integer, Integer, String>> actualList = new ArrayList<R3<Integer, Integer, String>>();
TrieMap.Matcher<String> matcher = trieMap.getMatcher();
matcher.set(string, 0);
do {
boolean hasMore;
do {
hasMore =;
String value = matcher.getValue();
if (value != null) {
int start = matcher.getStart();
int end = matcher.getEnd();
} while (hasMore);
} while (matcher.nextStart());
assertEquals(style + "\tTrieMap matcher", expectedList, actualList);
// logln(bytes + "\tValue <" + value + "> at "
// + start + ".." + end + ", "
// + string.substring(0, start) + "|"
// + string.substring(start, end) + "|"
// + string.substring(end)
// );
public void TestTimeBuilding() {
long comparisonTime = timeBuilding(unicodeTestMap, 0, null, Option.SMALL, 0);
timeBuilding(unicodeTestMap, comparisonTime, null, Option.SMALL, 0);
timeBuilding(unicodeTestMap, comparisonTime, Style.BYTES, Option.SMALL, 20);
timeBuilding(unicodeTestMap, comparisonTime, Style.BYTES, Option.FAST, 20);
timeBuilding(unicodeTestMap, comparisonTime, Style.CHARS, Option.SMALL, 20);
timeBuilding(unicodeTestMap, comparisonTime, Style.CHARS, Option.FAST, 20);
public long timeBuilding(Map<String, Integer> testmap, long comparisonTime, Style style, Option option, double ratioToMap) {
if (style == null) {
if (comparisonTime == 0) {
long mapTime = t.timeIterations(new MyLoop() {
public void time(int repeat) {
for (int tt = 0; tt < repeat; ++tt) {
Map<String, Integer> map2 = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(map);
}, null, testmap);
logln("\tbuild time\tTREEMAP\tn/a\t" + t.toString(testmap.size()) + "\t\titerations=" + t.getIterations());
return mapTime;
} else {
long mapTime = t.timeIterations(new MyLoop() {
public void time(int repeat) {
for (int tt = 0; tt < repeat; ++tt) {
Map<String, Integer> map2 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(map);
}, null, testmap);
logln("\tbuild time\tHASHMAP\tn/a\t" + t.toString(testmap.size(), comparisonTime) + "\titerations=" + t.getIterations());
return mapTime;
} else {
long trieTime = t.timeIterations(new MyLoop() {
public void time(int repeat) {
for (int tt = 0; tt < repeat; ++tt) {
trieMap = TrieMap.BytesBuilder.with(style, option, map).build();
}, null, testmap, style, option);
logln("\tbuild time\t" + style + "\t" + option + "\t" + t.toString(testmap.size(), comparisonTime) + "\titerations=" + t.getIterations());
if (!useSmallList && trieTime > ratioToMap * comparisonTime) {
errln(style + "\t" + option + "\tTrie build takes too long. Expected:\t< " + nf.format(ratioToMap * comparisonTime) + ", Actual:\t" + nf.format(trieTime));
return trieTime;
public void TestSize() {
int size = checkSize(0, null, Option.SMALL, 0);
checkSize(size, Style.BYTES, Option.SMALL, 0.20);
checkSize(size, Style.BYTES, Option.FAST, 0.20);
checkSize(size, Style.CHARS, Option.SMALL, 0.30);
checkSize(size, Style.CHARS, Option.FAST, 0.30);
* @param option TODO
* @param ratioToMap TODO
* @param bytes
private int checkSize(int comparisonSize, Style style, Option option, double ratioToMap) {
if (style == null) {
int mapKeyByteSize = 0;
TreeMap<String, Integer> map = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(unicodeTestMap);
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
mapKeyByteSize += 8 * (int) ((((entry.getKey().length()) * 2) + 45) / 8);
logln("\tkey byte size\tTREEMAP\tn/a\t" + nf.format(mapKeyByteSize));
return mapKeyByteSize;
} else {
TrieMap<Integer> trieMap = TrieMap.BytesBuilder.with(style, option, unicodeTestMap).build();
int trieKeyByteSize = trieMap.keyByteSize();
logln("\tkey byte size\t" + style + "\t" + option + "\t" + nf.format(trieKeyByteSize) + "\t\t" + pf.format(trieKeyByteSize/(double)comparisonSize - 1D) + "");
if (!useSmallList && trieKeyByteSize > ratioToMap * comparisonSize) {
errln(style + "\t" + option + "\ttrieKeyByteSize too large. Expected:\t< " + nf.format(ratioToMap * comparisonSize) + ", Actual:\t" + nf.format(trieKeyByteSize));
return trieKeyByteSize;
public void TestTimeGet() {
HashSet<String> keySet = new HashSet<String>(unicodeTestMap.keySet());
ULocale[] locales = ULocale.getAvailableLocales();
int i = 0;
for (ULocale locale : locales) {
if (locale.getDisplayCountry().length() != 0) {
String localeName;
for (int scriptCodeInt = 0; scriptCodeInt < UScript.CODE_LIMIT; ++scriptCodeInt) {
String scriptCode = UScript.getShortName(scriptCodeInt);
localeName = ULocale.getDisplayScript("und-" + scriptCode, locale);
if (!localeName.equals(scriptCode)) {
if (!keySet.contains(localeName)) {
if (SHORT) break;
logln("\tExtra Key Elements\t" + i);
ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(keySet);
long comparisonTime = timeGet(keys, unicodeTestMap, 0, null, 0);
timeGet(keys, unicodeTestMap, comparisonTime, null, 0);
timeGet(keys, unicodeTestMap, comparisonTime, Style.BYTES, 3);
timeGet(keys, unicodeTestMap, comparisonTime, Style.CHARS, 3);
public long timeGet(ArrayList<String> keys, Map<String, Integer> testmap, long comparisonTime, Style style, int ratioToMap) {
TrieMap<Integer> trieMap = TrieMap.Builder.with(style, Option.SMALL, testmap).build();
if (style == null) {
Map<String, Integer> map = comparisonTime == 0 ? new TreeMap<String, Integer>(testmap) : new HashMap<String, Integer>(testmap);
long mapTime = t.timeIterations(new MyLoop() {
public void time(int repeat) {
for (int tt = 0; tt < repeat; ++tt) {
for (String key : keys) {
Integer foundValue = map.get(key);
}, keys, map);
if (comparisonTime == 0) {
logln("\tget() time\tTREEMAP\tn/a\t" + t.toString(keys.size()) + "\t\titerations=" + t.getIterations());
} else {
logln("\tget() time\tHASHMAP\tn/a\t" + t.toString(keys.size(), comparisonTime) + "\titerations=" + t.getIterations());
return mapTime;
} else {
long trieTime = t.timeIterations(new MyLoop() {
public void time(int repeat) {
for (int tt = 0; tt < repeat; ++tt) {
for (String key : keys) {
Integer foundValue = trieMap.get(key);
}, keys, trieMap);
// System.gc();
// t.start();
// for (int tt = 0; tt < repeat; ++tt) {
// for (String key : keys) {
// Integer foundValue = trieMap.get(key);
// }
// }
// long trieTime = t.getDuration();
logln("\tget() time\t" + style + "\tn/a\t" + t.toString(keys.size(), comparisonTime) + "\titerations=" + t.getIterations());
if (!useSmallList && trieTime > ratioToMap * comparisonTime) {
errln(style + "\tTime iteration takes too long. Expected:\t< " + ratioToMap * comparisonTime + ", Actual:\t" + trieTime);
return trieTime;
static abstract class MyLoop extends Timer.Loop {
ArrayList<String> keys;
TrieMap<Integer> trieMap;
Map<String, Integer> map;
Style style;
Option option;
public void init(Object... params) {
if (params.length > 0) {
keys = (ArrayList<String>) params[0];
if (params.length > 1) {
if (params[1] instanceof Map) {
map = (Map<String, Integer>) params[1];
} else {
trieMap = (TrieMap<Integer>) params[1];
if (params.length > 2) {
style = (Style) params[2];
if (params.length > 3) {
option = (Option) params[3];
abstract public void time(int repeat);
// static class Storage {
// char[] buffer;
// int limit;
// public Storage(int initialCapacity) {
// buffer = new char[initialCapacity];
// }
// public CharSequence add(CharSequence input) {
// int start = limit;
// int length = input.length();
// for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
// try {
// buffer[limit++] = input.charAt(i);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// // we failed to add (limit-1)
// int newCapacity = buffer.length * 3 / 2 + length;
// //System.out.println(buffer.length + " => " + newCapacity);
// char[] temp = new char[newCapacity];
// System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, temp, 0, buffer.length);
// buffer = temp;
// buffer[limit - 1] = input.charAt(i);
// }
// }
// return new StorageCharSequence(start, limit);
// }
// final class StorageCharSequence implements CharSequence, Comparable<CharSequence> {
// private int start;
// private int len;
// public StorageCharSequence(int start, int limit) {
// if (start < 0 || start > limit || limit > buffer.length) {
// throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
// }
// this.start = start;
// this.len = limit - start;
// }
// public char charAt(int arg0) {
// return arg0 < 0 || arg0 >= len ? buffer[-1] : buffer[arg0 + start];
// }
// public int length() {
// return len;
// }
// public CharSequence subSequence(int start, int limit) {
// return new StorageCharSequence(this.start + start, this.start + limit);
// }
// public String toString() {
// return String.valueOf(buffer, start, len);
// }
// public int hashCode() {
// int result = len;
// int limit = start + len;
// for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
// result *= 37;
// result += i;
// }
// return result;
// }
// public boolean equals(Object other) {
// try {
// StorageCharSequence that = (StorageCharSequence) other;
// // can optimize
// return CharSequences.equalsChars(this, that);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// return false;
// }
// }
// public int compareTo(CharSequence other) {
// // can optimize
// return, other);
// }
// }
// }
// public void TestStorage() {
// ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(unicodeTestMap.keySet());
// int repeat = REPEAT * 10;
// System.gc();
// t.start();
// for (int tt = 0; tt < repeat; ++tt) {
// Set<CharSequence> store = new HashSet<CharSequence>();
// // Storage storage = new Storage(1024);
// for (String key : keys) {
// store.add(key);
// // CharSequence item = storage.add(key);
// // if (!store.contains(item)) {
// // store.add(item);
// // }
// // if (!CharSequences.equalsChars(key, item)) {
// // throw new IllegalArgumentException(key);
// // }
// }
// CharSequence[] raw = store.toArray(new CharSequence[store.size()]);
// Arrays.sort(raw);
// }
// long comparisonTime = t.getDuration();
// logln("\tget() time\tHashSet,sort\tn/a\t" + t.toString(repeat*keys.size()));
// System.gc();
// t.start();
// for (int tt = 0; tt < repeat; ++tt) {
// Set<CharSequence> store = new TreeSet<CharSequence>();
// for (String key : keys) {
// store.add(key);
// }
// CharSequence[] raw = store.toArray(new CharSequence[store.size()]);
// }
// long trieTime = t.getDuration();
// logln("\tget() time\tTreeSet\tn/a\t" + t.toString(repeat*keys.size(), comparisonTime));
// }