blob: be70cc86c0273dbe742e6ca19c17121992ead5a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2009-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.junit.Test;
public class Trie2Test extends TestFmwk {
* Constructor
public Trie2Test()
// public methods -----------------------------------------------
// TestAPI. Check that all API methods can be called, and do at least some minimal
// operation correctly. This is not a full test of correct behavior.
public void TestTrie2API() {
// Trie2.createFromSerialized()
// This function is well exercised by TestRanges().
// Trie2.getVersion(InputStream is, boolean anyEndianOk)
try {
Trie2Writable trie = new Trie2Writable(0,0);
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray());
assertEquals(null, 2, Trie2.getVersion(is, true));
} catch (IOException e) {
errln(where() + e.toString());
// Equals & hashCode
Trie2Writable trieWA = new Trie2Writable(0,0);
Trie2Writable trieWB = new Trie2Writable(0,0);
Trie2 trieA = trieWA;
Trie2 trieB = trieWB;
assertTrue("", trieA.equals(trieB));
assertEquals("", trieA, trieB);
assertEquals("", trieA.hashCode(), trieB.hashCode());
trieWA.set(500, 2);
assertNotEquals("", trieA, trieB);
// Note that the hash codes do not strictly need to be different,
// but it's highly likely that something is wrong if they are the same.
assertNotEquals("", trieA.hashCode(), trieB.hashCode());
trieWB.set(500, 2);
trieA = trieWA.toTrie2_16();
assertEquals("", trieA, trieB);
assertEquals("", trieA.hashCode(), trieB.hashCode());
// Iterator creation
Trie2Writable trie = new Trie2Writable(17,0);
Iterator<Trie2.Range> it;
it = trie.iterator();
Trie2.Range r =;
assertEquals("", 0, r.startCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 0x10ffff, r.endCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 17, r.value);
assertEquals("", false, r.leadSurrogate);
r =;
assertEquals("", 0xd800, r.startCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 0xdbff, r.endCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 17, r.value);
assertEquals("", true, r.leadSurrogate);
int i = 0;
for (Trie2.Range rr: trie) {
switch (i) {
case 0:
assertEquals("", 0, rr.startCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 0x10ffff, rr.endCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 17, rr.value);
assertEquals("", false, rr.leadSurrogate);
case 1:
assertEquals("", 0xd800, rr.startCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 0xdbff, rr.endCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 17, rr.value);
assertEquals("", true, rr.leadSurrogate);
errln(where() + " Unexpected iteration result");
// Iteration with a value mapping function
Trie2Writable trie = new Trie2Writable(0xbadfeed, 0);
trie.set(0x10123, 42);
Trie2.ValueMapper vm = new Trie2.ValueMapper() {
public int map(int v) {
if (v == 0xbadfeed) {
v = 42;
return v;
Iterator<Trie2.Range> it = trie.iterator(vm);
Trie2.Range r =;
assertEquals("", 0, r.startCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 0x10ffff, r.endCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 42, r.value);
assertEquals("", false, r.leadSurrogate);
// Iteration over a leading surrogate range.
Trie2Writable trie = new Trie2Writable(0xdefa17, 0);
trie.set(0x2f810, 10);
Iterator<Trie2.Range> it = trie.iteratorForLeadSurrogate((char)0xd87e);
Trie2.Range r =;
assertEquals("", 0x2f800, r.startCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 0x2f80f, r.endCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 0xdefa17, r.value);
assertEquals("", false, r.leadSurrogate);
r =;
assertEquals("", 0x2f810, r.startCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 0x2f810, r.endCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 10, r.value);
assertEquals("", false, r.leadSurrogate);
r =;
assertEquals("", 0x2f811, r.startCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 0x2fbff, r.endCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 0xdefa17, r.value);
assertEquals("", false, r.leadSurrogate);
assertFalse("", it.hasNext());
// Iteration over a leading surrogate range with a ValueMapper.
Trie2Writable trie = new Trie2Writable(0xdefa17, 0);
trie.set(0x2f810, 10);
Trie2.ValueMapper m = new Trie2.ValueMapper() {
public int map(int in) {
if (in==10) {
in = 0xdefa17;
return in;
Iterator<Trie2.Range> it = trie.iteratorForLeadSurrogate((char)0xd87e, m);
Trie2.Range r =;
assertEquals("", 0x2f800, r.startCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 0x2fbff, r.endCodePoint);
assertEquals("", 0xdefa17, r.value);
assertEquals("", false, r.leadSurrogate);
assertFalse("", it.hasNext());
// Trie2.serialize()
// Test the implementation in Trie2, which is used with Read Only Tries.
Trie2Writable trie = new Trie2Writable(101, 0);
trie.setRange(0xf000, 0x3c000, 200, true);
trie.set(0xffee, 300);
Trie2_16 frozen16 = trie.toTrie2_16();
Trie2_32 frozen32 = trie.toTrie2_32();
assertEquals("", trie, frozen16);
assertEquals("", trie, frozen32);
assertEquals("", frozen16, frozen32);
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
Trie2 unserialized16 = Trie2.createFromSerialized(ByteBuffer.wrap(os.toByteArray()));
assertEquals("", trie, unserialized16);
assertEquals("", Trie2_16.class, unserialized16.getClass());
Trie2 unserialized32 = Trie2.createFromSerialized(ByteBuffer.wrap(os.toByteArray()));
assertEquals("", trie, unserialized32);
assertEquals("", Trie2_32.class, unserialized32.getClass());
} catch (IOException e) {
errln(where() + " Unexpected exception: " + e);
public void TestTrie2WritableAPI() {
// Trie2Writable methods. Check that all functions are present and
// nominally working. Not an in-depth test.
// Trie2Writable constructor
Trie2 t1 = new Trie2Writable(6, 666);
// Constructor from another Trie2
Trie2 t2 = new Trie2Writable(t1);
assertTrue("", t1.equals(t2));
// Set / Get
Trie2Writable t1w = new Trie2Writable(10, 666);
t1w.set(0x4567, 99);
assertEquals("", 10, t1w.get(0x4566));
assertEquals("", 99, t1w.get(0x4567));
assertEquals("", 666, t1w.get(-1));
assertEquals("", 666, t1w.get(0x110000));
// SetRange
t1w = new Trie2Writable(10, 666);
t1w.setRange(13 /*start*/, 6666 /*end*/, 7788 /*value*/, false /*overwrite */);
t1w.setRange(6000, 7000, 9900, true);
assertEquals("", 10, t1w.get(12));
assertEquals("", 7788, t1w.get(13));
assertEquals("", 7788, t1w.get(5999));
assertEquals("", 9900, t1w.get(6000));
assertEquals("", 9900, t1w.get(7000));
assertEquals("", 10, t1w.get(7001));
assertEquals("", 666, t1w.get(0x110000));
// setRange from a Trie2.Range
// (Ranges are more commonly created by iterating over a Trie2,
// but create one by hand here)
Trie2.Range r = new Trie2.Range();
r.startCodePoint = 50;
r.endCodePoint = 52;
r.value = 0x12345678;
r.leadSurrogate = false;
t1w = new Trie2Writable(0, 0xbad);
t1w.setRange(r, true);
assertEquals(null, 0, t1w.get(49));
assertEquals("", 0x12345678, t1w.get(50));
assertEquals("", 0x12345678, t1w.get(52));
assertEquals("", 0, t1w.get(53));
// setForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit / getFromU16SingleLead
t1w = new Trie2Writable(10, 0xbad);
assertEquals("", 10, t1w.getFromU16SingleLead((char)0x0d801));
t1w.setForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit((char)0xd801, 5000);
t1w.set(0xd801, 6000);
assertEquals("", 5000, t1w.getFromU16SingleLead((char)0x0d801));
assertEquals("", 6000, t1w.get(0x0d801));
// get(). Is covered by nearly every other test.
// Trie2_16 getAsFrozen_16()
t1w = new Trie2Writable(10, 666);
t1w.set(42, 5555);
t1w.set(0x1ff00, 224);
Trie2_16 t1_16 = t1w.toTrie2_16();
assertTrue("", t1w.equals(t1_16));
// alter the writable Trie2 and then re-freeze.
t1w.set(152, 129);
t1_16 = t1w.toTrie2_16();
assertTrue("", t1w.equals(t1_16));
assertEquals("", 129, t1w.get(152));
// Trie2_32 getAsFrozen_32()
t1w = new Trie2Writable(10, 666);
t1w.set(42, 5555);
t1w.set(0x1ff00, 224);
Trie2_32 t1_32 = t1w.toTrie2_32();
assertTrue("", t1w.equals(t1_32));
// alter the writable Trie2 and then re-freeze.
t1w.set(152, 129);
assertNotEquals("", t1_32, t1w);
t1_32 = t1w.toTrie2_32();
assertTrue("", t1w.equals(t1_32));
assertEquals("", 129, t1w.get(152));
// serialize(OutputStream os, ValueWidth width)
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
t1w = new Trie2Writable(0, 0xbad);
t1w.set(0x41, 0x100);
t1w.set(0xc2, 0x200);
t1w.set(0x404, 0x300);
t1w.set(0xd903, 0x500);
t1w.set(0xdd29, 0x600);
t1w.set(0x1055d3, 0x700);
t1w.setForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit((char)0xda1a, 0x800);
try {
// Serialize to 16 bits.
int serializedLen = t1w.toTrie2_16().serialize(os);
// Fragile test. Serialized length could change with changes to compaction.
// But it should not change unexpectedly.
assertEquals("", 3508, serializedLen);
Trie2 t1ws16 = Trie2.createFromSerialized(ByteBuffer.wrap(os.toByteArray()));
assertEquals("", t1ws16.getClass(), Trie2_16.class);
assertEquals("", t1w, t1ws16);
// Serialize to 32 bits
serializedLen = t1w.toTrie2_32().serialize(os);
// Fragile test. Serialized length could change with changes to compaction.
// But it should not change unexpectedly.
assertEquals("", 4332, serializedLen);
Trie2 t1ws32 = Trie2.createFromSerialized(ByteBuffer.wrap(os.toByteArray()));
assertEquals("", t1ws32.getClass(), Trie2_32.class);
assertEquals("", t1w, t1ws32);
} catch (IOException e) {
errln(where() + e.toString());
public void TestCharSequenceIterator() {
String text = "abc123\ud800\udc01 "; // Includes a Unicode supplemental character
String vals = "LLLNNNX?S";
Trie2Writable tw = new Trie2Writable(0, 666);
tw.setRange('a', 'z', 'L', false);
tw.setRange('1', '9', 'N', false);
tw.set(' ', 'S');
tw.set(0x10001, 'X');
Trie2.CharSequenceIterator it = tw.charSequenceIterator(text, 0);
// Check forwards iteration.
Trie2.CharSequenceValues ir;
int i;
for (i=0; it.hasNext(); i++) {
ir =;
int expectedCP = Character.codePointAt(text, i);
assertEquals("" + " i="+i, expectedCP, ir.codePoint);
assertEquals("" + " i="+i, i, ir.index);
assertEquals("" + " i="+i, vals.charAt(i), ir.value);
if (expectedCP >= 0x10000) {
assertEquals("", text.length(), i);
// Check reverse iteration, starting at an intermediate point.
for (i=5; it.hasPrevious(); ) {
ir = it.previous();
int expectedCP = Character.codePointBefore(text, i);
i -= (expectedCP < 0x10000? 1 : 2);
assertEquals("" + " i="+i, expectedCP, ir.codePoint);
assertEquals("" + " i="+i, i, ir.index);
assertEquals("" + " i="+i, vals.charAt(i), ir.value);
assertEquals("", 0, i);
// Port of Tests from ICU4C ...
// setRanges array elements are
// {start Code point, limit CP, value, overwrite}
// There must be an entry with limit 0 and with the intialValue.
// It may be preceded by an entry with negative limit and the errorValue.
// checkRanges array elemets are
// { limit code point, value}
// The expected value range is from the previous boundary's limit to before
// this boundary's limit
String[] trieNames = {"setRanges1", "setRanges2", "setRanges3", "setRangesEmpty", "setRangesSingleValue"};
/* set consecutive ranges, even with value 0 */
private static int[][] setRanges1 ={
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0x40, 0, 0 },
{ 0x40, 0xe7, 0x1234, 0 },
{ 0xe7, 0x3400, 0, 0 },
{ 0x3400, 0x9fa6, 0x6162, 0 },
{ 0x9fa6, 0xda9e, 0x3132, 0 },
{ 0xdada, 0xeeee, 0x87ff, 0 },
{ 0xeeee, 0x11111, 1, 0 },
{ 0x11111, 0x44444, 0x6162, 0 },
{ 0x44444, 0x60003, 0, 0 },
{ 0xf0003, 0xf0004, 0xf, 0 },
{ 0xf0004, 0xf0006, 0x10, 0 },
{ 0xf0006, 0xf0007, 0x11, 0 },
{ 0xf0007, 0xf0040, 0x12, 0 },
{ 0xf0040, 0x110000, 0, 0 }
private static int[][] checkRanges1 = {
{ 0, 0 },
{ 0x40, 0 },
{ 0xe7, 0x1234 },
{ 0x3400, 0 },
{ 0x9fa6, 0x6162 },
{ 0xda9e, 0x3132 },
{ 0xdada, 0 },
{ 0xeeee, 0x87ff },
{ 0x11111, 1 },
{ 0x44444, 0x6162 },
{ 0xf0003, 0 },
{ 0xf0004, 0xf },
{ 0xf0006, 0x10 },
{ 0xf0007, 0x11 },
{ 0xf0040, 0x12 },
{ 0x110000, 0 }
/* set some interesting overlapping ranges */
private static int [][] setRanges2={
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0x21, 0x7f, 0x5555, 1 },
{ 0x2f800, 0x2fedc, 0x7a, 1 },
{ 0x72, 0xdd, 3, 1 },
{ 0xdd, 0xde, 4, 0 },
{ 0x201, 0x240, 6, 1 }, /* 3 consecutive blocks with the same pattern but */
{ 0x241, 0x280, 6, 1 }, /* discontiguous value ranges, testing utrie2_enum() */
{ 0x281, 0x2c0, 6, 1 },
{ 0x2f987, 0x2fa98, 5, 1 },
{ 0x2f777, 0x2f883, 0, 1 },
{ 0x2f900, 0x2ffaa, 1, 0 },
{ 0x2ffaa, 0x2ffab, 2, 1 },
{ 0x2ffbb, 0x2ffc0, 7, 1 }
private static int[] [] checkRanges2={
{ 0, 0 },
{ 0x21, 0 },
{ 0x72, 0x5555 },
{ 0xdd, 3 },
{ 0xde, 4 },
{ 0x201, 0 },
{ 0x240, 6 },
{ 0x241, 0 },
{ 0x280, 6 },
{ 0x281, 0 },
{ 0x2c0, 6 },
{ 0x2f883, 0 },
{ 0x2f987, 0x7a },
{ 0x2fa98, 5 },
{ 0x2fedc, 0x7a },
{ 0x2ffaa, 1 },
{ 0x2ffab, 2 },
{ 0x2ffbb, 0 },
{ 0x2ffc0, 7 },
{ 0x110000, 0 }
private static int[] [] checkRanges2_d800={
{ 0x10000, 0 },
{ 0x10400, 0 }
private static int[][] checkRanges2_d87e={
{ 0x2f800, 6 },
{ 0x2f883, 0 },
{ 0x2f987, 0x7a },
{ 0x2fa98, 5 },
{ 0x2fc00, 0x7a }
private static int[][] checkRanges2_d87f={
{ 0x2fc00, 0 },
{ 0x2fedc, 0x7a },
{ 0x2ffaa, 1 },
{ 0x2ffab, 2 },
{ 0x2ffbb, 0 },
{ 0x2ffc0, 7 },
{ 0x30000, 0 }
private static int[][] checkRanges2_dbff={
{ 0x10fc00, 0 },
{ 0x110000, 0 }
/* use a non-zero initial value */
private static int[][] setRanges3={
{ 0, 0, 9, 0 }, // non-zero initial value.
{ 0x31, 0xa4, 1, 0 },
{ 0x3400, 0x6789, 2, 0 },
{ 0x8000, 0x89ab, 9, 1 },
{ 0x9000, 0xa000, 4, 1 },
{ 0xabcd, 0xbcde, 3, 1 },
{ 0x55555, 0x110000, 6, 1 }, /* highStart<U+ffff with non-initialValue */
{ 0xcccc, 0x55555, 6, 1 }
private static int[][] checkRanges3={
{ 0, 9 }, /* non-zero initialValue */
{ 0x31, 9 },
{ 0xa4, 1 },
{ 0x3400, 9 },
{ 0x6789, 2 },
{ 0x9000, 9 },
{ 0xa000, 4 },
{ 0xabcd, 9 },
{ 0xbcde, 3 },
{ 0xcccc, 9 },
{ 0x110000, 6 }
/* empty or single-value tries, testing highStart==0 */
private static int[][] setRangesEmpty={
{ 0, 0, 3, 0 } // Only the element with the initial value.
private static int[][] checkRangesEmpty={
{ 0, 3 },
{ 0x110000, 3 }
private static int[][] setRangesSingleValue={
{ 0, 0, 3, 0 }, // Initial value = 3
{ 0, 0x110000, 5, 1 },
private static int[][] checkRangesSingleValue={
{ 0, 3 },
{ 0x110000, 5 }
// Create a test Trie2 from a setRanges test array.
// Range data ported from C.
private Trie2Writable genTrieFromSetRanges(int [][] ranges) {
int i = 0;
int initialValue = 0;
int errorValue = 0x0bad;
if (ranges[i][1] < 0) {
errorValue = ranges[i][2];
initialValue = ranges[i++][2];
Trie2Writable trie = new Trie2Writable(initialValue, errorValue);
for (; i<ranges.length; i++) {
int rangeStart = ranges[i][0];
int rangeEnd = ranges[i][1]-1;
int value = ranges[i][2];
boolean overwrite = (ranges[i][3] != 0);
trie.setRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd, value, overwrite);
// Insert some non-default values for lead surrogates.
// TODO: this should be represented in the data.
trie.setForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit((char)0xd800, 90);
trie.setForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit((char)0xd999, 94);
trie.setForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit((char)0xdbff, 99);
return trie;
// Check the expected values from a single Trie2.
private void trieGettersTest(String testName,
Trie2 trie, // The Trie2 to test.
int[][] checkRanges) // Expected data.
// Tuples of (value, high limit code point)
// High limit is first code point following the range
// with the indicated value.
// (Structures copied from ICU4C tests.)
int countCheckRanges = checkRanges.length;
int initialValue, errorValue;
int value, value2;
int start, limit;
int i, countSpecials;
countSpecials=0; /*getSpecialValues(checkRanges, countCheckRanges, &initialValue, &errorValue);*/
errorValue = 0x0bad;
initialValue = 0;
if (checkRanges[countSpecials][0] == 0) {
initialValue = checkRanges[countSpecials][1];
for(i=countSpecials; i<countCheckRanges; ++i) {
while(start<limit) {
if (value != value2) {
// The redundant if, outside of the assert, is for speed.
// It makes a significant difference for this test.
assertEquals("wrong value for " + testName + " of " + Integer.toHexString(start), value, value2);
if(!testName.startsWith("dummy") && !testName.startsWith("trie1")) {
/* Test values for lead surrogate code units.
* For non-lead-surrogate code units, getFromU16SingleLead() and get()
* should be the same.
for(start=0xd7ff; start<0xdc01; ++start) {
switch(start) {
case 0xd7ff:
case 0xdc00:
case 0xd800:
case 0xd999:
case 0xdbff:
value2 = trie.getFromU16SingleLead((char)start);
if(value2!=value) {
errln(where() + " testName: " + testName + " getFromU16SingleLead() failed." +
"char, exected, actual = " + Integer.toHexString(start) + ", " +
Integer.toHexString(value) + ", " + Integer.toHexString(value2));
/* test errorValue */
if(value!=errorValue || value2!=errorValue) {
errln("trie2.get() error value test. Expected, actual1, actual2 = " +
errorValue + ", " + value + ", " + value2);
// Check that Trie enumeration produces the same contents as simple get()
for (Trie2.Range range: trie) {
for (int cp=range.startCodePoint; cp<=range.endCodePoint; cp++) {
if (range.leadSurrogate) {
assertTrue(testName, cp>=(char)0xd800 && cp<(char)0xdc00);
assertEquals(testName, range.value, trie.getFromU16SingleLead((char)cp));
} else {
assertEquals(testName, range.value, trie.get(cp));
// Was testTrieRanges in ICU4C. Renamed to not conflict with ICU4J test framework.
private void checkTrieRanges(String testName, String serializedName, boolean withClone,
int[][] setRanges, int [][] checkRanges) throws IOException {
// Run tests against Tries that were built by ICU4C and serialized.
String fileName16 = "Trie2Test." + serializedName + ".16.tri2";
String fileName32 = "Trie2Test." + serializedName + ".32.tri2";
InputStream is = Trie2Test.class.getResourceAsStream(fileName16);
Trie2 trie16;
try {
trie16 = Trie2.createFromSerialized(ICUBinary.getByteBufferFromInputStreamAndCloseStream(is));
} finally {
trieGettersTest(testName, trie16, checkRanges);
is = Trie2Test.class.getResourceAsStream(fileName32);
Trie2 trie32;
try {
trie32 = Trie2.createFromSerialized(ICUBinary.getByteBufferFromInputStreamAndCloseStream(is));
} finally {
trieGettersTest(testName, trie32, checkRanges);
// Run the same tests against locally contructed Tries.
Trie2Writable trieW = genTrieFromSetRanges(setRanges);
trieGettersTest(testName, trieW, checkRanges);
assertEquals("", trieW, trie16); // Locally built tries must be
assertEquals("", trieW, trie32); // the same as those imported from ICU4C
Trie2_32 trie32a = trieW.toTrie2_32();
trieGettersTest(testName, trie32a, checkRanges);
Trie2_16 trie16a = trieW.toTrie2_16();
trieGettersTest(testName, trie16a, checkRanges);
// Was "TrieTest" in trie2test.c
public void TestRanges() throws IOException {
checkTrieRanges("set1", "setRanges1", false, setRanges1, checkRanges1);
checkTrieRanges("set2-overlap", "setRanges2", false, setRanges2, checkRanges2);
checkTrieRanges("set3-initial-9", "setRanges3", false, setRanges3, checkRanges3);
checkTrieRanges("set-empty", "setRangesEmpty", false, setRangesEmpty, checkRangesEmpty);
checkTrieRanges("set-single-value", "setRangesSingleValue", false, setRangesSingleValue,
checkTrieRanges("set2-overlap.withClone", "setRanges2", true, setRanges2, checkRanges2);
private String where() {
StackTraceElement[] st = new Throwable().getStackTrace();
String w = "File: " + st[1].getFileName() + ", Line " + st[1].getLineNumber();
return w;