blob: 5ca9e258fc3b4ea7fe675d85d072cc44cb914c75 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2003-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* @author ram
* To change the template for this generated type comment go to
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public class LocaleDataTest extends TestFmwk{
private ULocale[] availableLocales = null;
public LocaleDataTest(){
public void init() {
availableLocales = ICUResourceBundle.getAvailableULocales();
public void TestPaperSize(){
for(int i = 0; i < availableLocales.length; i++){
ULocale locale = availableLocales[i];
LocaleData.PaperSize paperSize = LocaleData.getPaperSize(locale);
// skip testing of "in" .. deprecated code for Indonesian
String lang = locale.getLanguage();
ULocale fullLoc = ULocale.addLikelySubtags(locale);
if(fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_BZ") >= 0 || fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_CA") >= 0 ||
fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_CL") >= 0 || fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_CO") >= 0 ||
fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_CR") >= 0 || fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_GT") >= 0 ||
fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_MX") >= 0 || fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_NI") >= 0 ||
fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_PA") >= 0 || fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_PH") >= 0 ||
fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_PR") >= 0 || fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_SV") >= 0 ||
fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_US") >= 0 || fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_VE") >= 0 ){
if(paperSize.getHeight()!= 279 || paperSize.getWidth() != 216 ){
errln("PaperSize did not return the expected value for locale "+ locale+
" Expected height: 279 width: 216."+
" Got height: "+paperSize.getHeight()+" width: "+paperSize.getWidth()
logln("PaperSize returned the expected values for locale " + locale);
if(paperSize.getHeight()!= 297 || paperSize.getWidth() != 210 ){
errln("PaperSize did not return the expected value for locale "+ locale +
" Expected height: 297 width: 210."+
" Got height: "+paperSize.getHeight() +" width: "+paperSize.getWidth()
logln("PaperSize returned the expected values for locale " + locale);
public void TestMeasurementSystem(){
for(int i=0; i<availableLocales.length; i++){
ULocale locale = availableLocales[i];
LocaleData.MeasurementSystem ms = LocaleData.getMeasurementSystem(locale);
// skip testing of "in" .. deprecated code for Indonesian
String lang = locale.getLanguage();
ULocale fullLoc = ULocale.addLikelySubtags(locale);
if(fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_US") >= 0 || fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_MM") >= 0 || fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_LR") >= 0){
if(ms == LocaleData.MeasurementSystem.US){
logln("Got the expected measurement system for locale: " + locale);
errln("Did not get the expected measurement system for locale: "+ locale);
} else if(fullLoc.toString().indexOf("_GB") >= 0){
if(ms == LocaleData.MeasurementSystem.UK){
logln("Got the expected measurement system for locale: " + locale);
errln("Did not get the expected measurement system for locale: "+ locale);
if(ms == LocaleData.MeasurementSystem.SI){
logln("Got the expected measurement system for locale: " + locale);
errln("Did not get the expected measurement system for locale: "+ locale);
public void TestMeasurementSysForSpecificLocales(){
class TestMeasurementSysItem {
public String localeID;
public LocaleData.MeasurementSystem measureSys;
public TestMeasurementSysItem(String locID, LocaleData.MeasurementSystem ms) {
localeID = locID;
measureSys = ms;
final TestMeasurementSysItem[] items = {
new TestMeasurementSysItem("fr_FR", LocaleData.MeasurementSystem.SI),
new TestMeasurementSysItem("en", LocaleData.MeasurementSystem.US),
new TestMeasurementSysItem("en_GB", LocaleData.MeasurementSystem.UK),
new TestMeasurementSysItem("fr_FR@rg=GBZZZZ", LocaleData.MeasurementSystem.UK),
new TestMeasurementSysItem("en@rg=frzzzz", LocaleData.MeasurementSystem.SI),
new TestMeasurementSysItem("en_GB@rg=USZZZZ", LocaleData.MeasurementSystem.US),
for (TestMeasurementSysItem item: items) {
LocaleData.MeasurementSystem ms = LocaleData.getMeasurementSystem(new ULocale(item.localeID));
if (ms != item.measureSys) {
errln("For locale " + item.localeID + ", expected " + item.measureSys + ", got " + ms);
// Simple test case for checking exemplar character type coverage
public void TestEnglishExemplarCharacters() {
final char[] testChars = {
0x61, // standard
0xE1, // auxiliary
0x41, // index
0, // filler for deprecated currency exemplar
0x2D, // punctuation
LocaleData ld = LocaleData.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
for (int type = 0; type < LocaleData.ES_COUNT; type++) {
UnicodeSet exSet = ld.getExemplarSet(0, type);
if (exSet != null) {
if (testChars[type] > 0 && !exSet.contains(testChars[type])) {
errln("Character '" + testChars[type] + "' is not included in exemplar type " + type);
try {
ld.getExemplarSet(0, LocaleData.ES_COUNT); // out of bounds value
throw new ICUException("Test failure; should throw exception");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals("", "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException", e.getCause().getClass().getName());
// Bundle together a UnicodeSet (of expemplars) and ScriptCode combination.
// We keep a set of combinations that have already been tested, to
// avoid repeated (time consuming) retesting of the same data.
// Instances of this class must be well behaved as members of a set.
static class ExemplarGroup {
private int[] scs;
private UnicodeSet set;
ExemplarGroup(UnicodeSet s, int[] scriptCodes) {
set = s;
scs = scriptCodes;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 0;
for (int i=0; i<scs.length && i<4; i++) {
hash = (hash<<8)+scs[i];
return hash;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
ExemplarGroup o = (ExemplarGroup)other;
boolean r = Arrays.equals(scs, o.scs) &&
return r;
public void TestExemplarSet(){
HashSet testedExemplars = new HashSet();
int equalCount = 0;
for(int i=0; i<availableLocales.length; i++){
ULocale locale = availableLocales[i];
int[] scriptCodes = UScript.getCode(locale);
if (scriptCodes==null) {
// I hate the JDK's solution for deprecated language codes.
// Why does the Locale constructor change the string I passed to it ?
// such a broken hack !!!!!
// so in effect I can never test the script code for Indonesian :(
errln("UScript.getCode returned null for locale: " + locale);
UnicodeSet exemplarSets[] = new UnicodeSet[2];
for (int k=0; k<2; ++k) { // for casing option in (normal, caseInsensitive)
int option = (k==0) ? 0 : UnicodeSet.CASE;
UnicodeSet exemplarSet = LocaleData.getExemplarSet(locale, option);
exemplarSets[k] = exemplarSet;
ExemplarGroup exGrp = new ExemplarGroup(exemplarSet, scriptCodes);
if (!testedExemplars.contains(exGrp)) {
UnicodeSet[] sets = new UnicodeSet[scriptCodes.length];
// create the UnicodeSets for the script
for(int j=0; j < scriptCodes.length; j++){
sets[j] = new UnicodeSet("[:" + UScript.getShortName(scriptCodes[j]) + ":]");
boolean existsInScript = false;
UnicodeSetIterator iter = new UnicodeSetIterator(exemplarSet);
// iterate over the
while (!existsInScript && iter.nextRange()) {
if (iter.codepoint != UnicodeSetIterator.IS_STRING) {
for(int j=0; j<sets.length; j++){
if(sets[j].contains(iter.codepoint, iter.codepointEnd)){
existsInScript = true;
} else {
for(int j=0; j<sets.length; j++){
existsInScript = true;
if(existsInScript == false){
errln("ExemplarSet containment failed for locale : "+ locale);
// This is expensive, so only do it if it will be visible
if (isVerbose()) {
logln(locale.toString() + " exemplar " + exemplarSets[0]);
logln(locale.toString() + " exemplar(case-folded) " + exemplarSets[1]);
assertTrue(locale.toString() + " case-folded is a superset",
if (exemplarSets[1].equals(exemplarSets[0])) {
// Note: The case-folded set should sometimes be a strict superset
// and sometimes be equal.
assertTrue("case-folded is sometimes a strict superset, and sometimes equal",
equalCount > 0 && equalCount < availableLocales.length);
public void TestExemplarSet2(){
int equalCount = 0;
HashSet testedExemplars = new HashSet();
for(int i=0; i<availableLocales.length; i++){
ULocale locale = availableLocales[i];
LocaleData ld = LocaleData.getInstance(locale);
int[] scriptCodes = UScript.getCode(locale);
if (scriptCodes==null) {
errln("UScript.getCode returned null for locale: "+ locale);
UnicodeSet exemplarSets[] = new UnicodeSet[4];
for (int k=0; k<2; ++k) { // for casing option in (normal, uncased)
int option = (k==0) ? 0 : UnicodeSet.CASE;
for(int h=0; h<2; ++h){
int type = (h==0) ? LocaleData.ES_STANDARD : LocaleData.ES_AUXILIARY;
UnicodeSet exemplarSet = ld.getExemplarSet(option, type);
exemplarSets[k*2+h] = exemplarSet;
ExemplarGroup exGrp = new ExemplarGroup(exemplarSet, scriptCodes);
if (!testedExemplars.contains(exGrp)) {
UnicodeSet[] sets = new UnicodeSet[scriptCodes.length];
// create the UnicodeSets for the script
for(int j=0; j < scriptCodes.length; j++){
sets[j] = new UnicodeSet("[:" + UScript.getShortName(scriptCodes[j]) + ":]");
boolean existsInScript = false;
UnicodeSetIterator iter = new UnicodeSetIterator(exemplarSet);
// iterate over the
while (!existsInScript && iter.nextRange()) {
if (iter.codepoint != UnicodeSetIterator.IS_STRING) {
for(int j=0; j<sets.length; j++){
if(sets[j].contains(iter.codepoint, iter.codepointEnd)){
existsInScript = true;
} else {
for(int j=0; j<sets.length; j++){
existsInScript = true;
// TODO: How to verify LocaleData.ES_AUXILIARY ???
if(existsInScript == false && h == 0){
errln("ExemplarSet containment failed for locale,option,type : "+ locale + ", " + option + ", " + type);
// This is expensive, so only do it if it will be visible
if (isVerbose()) {
logln(locale.toString() + " exemplar(ES_STANDARD)" + exemplarSets[0]);
logln(locale.toString() + " exemplar(ES_AUXILIARY) " + exemplarSets[1]);
logln(locale.toString() + " exemplar(case-folded,ES_STANDARD) " + exemplarSets[2]);
logln(locale.toString() + " exemplar(case-folded,ES_AUXILIARY) " + exemplarSets[3]);
assertTrue(locale.toString() + " case-folded is a superset",
assertTrue(locale.toString() + " case-folded is a superset",
if (exemplarSets[2].equals(exemplarSets[0])) {
if (exemplarSets[3].equals(exemplarSets[1])) {
// Note: The case-folded set should sometimes be a strict superset
// and sometimes be equal.
assertTrue("case-folded is sometimes a strict superset, and sometimes equal",
equalCount > 0 && equalCount < availableLocales.length * 2);
// Test case created for checking type coverage of static getExemplarSet method.
// See #9785, #9794 and #9795
public void TestExemplarSetTypes() {
final String[] testLocales = {
"am", // No auxiliary / index exemplars as of ICU 50
"th", // #9785
"foo", // Bogus locale
final int[] testTypes = {
final String[] testTypeNames = {
for (String locstr : testLocales) {
ULocale loc = new ULocale(locstr);
for (int i = 0; i < testTypes.length; i++) {
try {
UnicodeSet set = LocaleData.getExemplarSet(loc, 0, testTypes[i]);
if (set == null) {
// Not sure null is really OK (#9795)
logln(loc + "(" + testTypeNames[i] + ") returned null");
} else if (set.isEmpty()) {
// This is probably reasonable when data is absent
logln(loc + "(" + testTypeNames[i] + ") returned an empty set");
} catch (Exception e) {
errln(loc + "(" + testTypeNames[i] + ") Exception:" + e.getMessage());
public void TestCoverage(){
LocaleData ld = LocaleData.getInstance();
boolean t = ld.getNoSubstitute();
assertEquals("LocaleData get/set NoSubstitute",
public void TestFallback(){
LocaleData fr_FR = LocaleData.getInstance(ULocale.FRANCE);
LocaleData fr_CH = LocaleData.getInstance(new ULocale("fr_CH"));
// This better not crash when only some values are overridden
assertEquals("Start quotes are not equal", fr_FR.getDelimiter(LocaleData.QUOTATION_START), fr_CH.getDelimiter(LocaleData.QUOTATION_START));
assertEquals("End quotes are not equals", fr_FR.getDelimiter(LocaleData.QUOTATION_END), fr_CH.getDelimiter(LocaleData.QUOTATION_END));
assertNotEquals("Alt start quotes are equal", fr_FR.getDelimiter(LocaleData.ALT_QUOTATION_START), fr_CH.getDelimiter(LocaleData.ALT_QUOTATION_START));
assertNotEquals("Alt end quotes are equals", fr_FR.getDelimiter(LocaleData.ALT_QUOTATION_END), fr_CH.getDelimiter(LocaleData.ALT_QUOTATION_END));
public void TestLocaleDisplayPattern(){
ULocale locale = ULocale.ENGLISH;
LocaleData ld = LocaleData.getInstance(locale);
String pattern = ld.getLocaleDisplayPattern();
String separator = ld.getLocaleSeparator();
logln("LocaleDisplayPattern for locale " + locale + ": " + pattern);
if (!pattern.equals("{0} ({1})")) {
errln("Unexpected LocaleDisplayPattern for locale: "+ locale);
logln("LocaleSeparator for locale " + locale + ": " + separator);
if (!separator.equals(", ")) {
errln("Unexpected LocaleSeparator for locale: "+ locale);
locale = ULocale.CHINESE;
ld = LocaleData.getInstance(locale);
pattern = ld.getLocaleDisplayPattern();
separator = ld.getLocaleSeparator();
logln("LocaleDisplayPattern for locale " + locale + ": " + pattern);
if (!pattern.equals("{0}\uFF08{1}\uFF09")) {
errln("Unexpected LocaleDisplayPattern for locale: "+ locale);
logln("LocaleSeparator for locale " + locale + ": " + separator);
if (!separator.equals("\uFF0C")) {
errln("Unexpected LocaleSeparator for locale: "+ locale);
for(int i = 0; i < availableLocales.length; i++){
locale = availableLocales[i];
ld = LocaleData.getInstance(locale);
logln(locale.toString() + " LocaleDisplayPattern:" + ld.getLocaleDisplayPattern());
logln(locale.toString() + " LocaleSeparator:" + ld.getLocaleSeparator());