blob: 6ff07489b35d3fc55d4d13c12d1e57207d40b3f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2007-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.Test;
* @author tschumann (Tim Schumann)
public class PluralFormatUnitTest extends TestFmwk {
public void TestConstructor() {
// Test correct formatting of numbers.
PluralFormat plFmts[] = new PluralFormat[10];
plFmts[0] = new PluralFormat();
plFmts[1] = new PluralFormat(PluralRules.DEFAULT);
plFmts[2] = new PluralFormat(PluralRules.DEFAULT, "other{#}");
plFmts[3] = new PluralFormat("other{#}");
plFmts[4] = new PluralFormat(ULocale.getDefault());
plFmts[5] = new PluralFormat(ULocale.getDefault(), PluralRules.DEFAULT);
plFmts[6] = new PluralFormat(ULocale.getDefault(),
plFmts[7] = new PluralFormat(ULocale.getDefault(), "other{#}");
// Constructors with Java Locale
plFmts[8] = new PluralFormat(Locale.getDefault());
plFmts[9] = new PluralFormat(Locale.getDefault(), PluralRules.DEFAULT);
// These plural formats should produce the same output as a
// NumberFormat for the default locale.
NumberFormat numberFmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(ULocale.getDefault());
for (int n = 1; n < 13; n++) {
String result = numberFmt.format(n);
for (int k = 0; k < plFmts.length; ++k) {
TestFmwk.assertEquals("PluralFormat's output is not as expected",
result, plFmts[k].format(n));
// Test some bigger numbers.
// Coverage: Use the format(Object, ...) version.
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
FieldPosition ignore = new FieldPosition(-1);
for (int n = 100; n < 113; n++) {
String result = numberFmt.format(n*n);
for (int k = 0; k < plFmts.length; ++k) {
sb.delete(0, sb.length());
String pfResult = plFmts[k].format(Long.valueOf(n*n), sb, ignore).toString();
TestFmwk.assertEquals("PluralFormat's output is not as expected", result, pfResult);
public void TestEquals() {
// There is neither clone() nor a copy constructor.
PluralFormat de_fee_1 = new PluralFormat(ULocale.GERMAN, PluralType.CARDINAL, "other{fee}");
PluralFormat de_fee_2 = new PluralFormat(ULocale.GERMAN, PluralType.CARDINAL, "other{fee}");
PluralFormat de_fi = new PluralFormat(ULocale.GERMAN, PluralType.CARDINAL, "other{fi}");
PluralFormat fr_fee = new PluralFormat(ULocale.FRENCH, PluralType.CARDINAL, "other{fee}");
assertTrue("different de_fee objects", de_fee_1 != de_fee_2);
assertTrue("equal de_fee objects", de_fee_1.equals(de_fee_2));
assertFalse("different pattern strings", de_fee_1.equals(de_fi));
assertFalse("different locales", de_fee_1.equals(fr_fee));
public void TestApplyPatternAndFormat() {
// Create rules for testing.
PluralRules oddAndEven = PluralRules.createRules("odd: n mod 2 is 1");
// Test full specified case for testing RuleSet
PluralFormat plfOddAndEven = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
plfOddAndEven.applyPattern("odd{# is odd.} other{# is even.}");
// Test fall back to other.
PluralFormat plfOddOrEven = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
plfOddOrEven.applyPattern("other{# is odd or even.}");
NumberFormat numberFormat =
for (int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) {
assertEquals("Fallback to other gave wrong results",
numberFormat.format(i) + " is odd or even.",
assertEquals("Fully specified PluralFormat gave wrong results",
numberFormat.format(i) + ((i%2 == 1) ? " is odd."
: " is even."),
// ICU 4.8 does not check for duplicate keywords any more.
PluralFormat pf = new PluralFormat(ULocale.ENGLISH, oddAndEven,
"odd{foo} odd{bar} other{foobar}");
assertEquals("should use first occurrence of the 'odd' keyword", "foo", pf.format(1));
pf.applyPattern("odd{foo} other{bar} other{foobar}");
assertEquals("should use first occurrence of the 'other' keyword", "bar", pf.format(2));
// This sees the first "other" before calling the PluralSelector which then selects "other".
pf.applyPattern("other{foo} odd{bar} other{foobar}");
assertEquals("should use first occurrence of the 'other' keyword", "foo", pf.format(2));
// omit other keyword.
try {
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
errln("Not defining plural case other should result in an " +
"exception but did not.");
}catch (IllegalArgumentException e){}
// ICU 4.8 does not check for unknown keywords any more.
PluralFormat pf = new PluralFormat(ULocale.ENGLISH, oddAndEven, "otto{foo} other{bar}");
assertEquals("should ignore unknown keywords", "bar", pf.format(1));
// Test invalid keyword.
try {
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
plFmt.applyPattern("*odd{foo} other{bar}");
errln("Defining a message for an invalid keyword should result in " +
"an exception but did not.");
}catch (IllegalArgumentException e){}
// Test invalid syntax
// -- comma between keyword{message} clauses
// -- space in keywords
// -- keyword{message1}{message2}
try {
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
errln("Separating keyword{message} items with other characters " +
"than space should provoke an exception but did not.");
}catch (IllegalArgumentException e){}
try {
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
plFmt.applyPattern("od d{foo} other{bar}");
errln("Spaces inside keywords should provoke an exception but " +
"did not.");
}catch (IllegalArgumentException e){}
try {
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
errln("Defining multiple messages after a keyword should provoke " +
"an exception but did not.");
}catch (IllegalArgumentException e){}
// Check that nested format is preserved.
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
plFmt.applyPattern("odd{The number {0, number, #.#0} is odd.}" +
"other{The number {0, number, #.#0} is even.}");
for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) {
assertEquals("format did not preserve a nested format string.",
((i % 2 == 1) ?
"The number {0, number, #.#0} is odd."
: "The number {0, number, #.#0} is even."),
// Check that a pound sign in curly braces is preserved.
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
plFmt.applyPattern("odd{The number {1,number,#} is odd.}" +
"other{The number {2,number,#} is even.}");
for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) {
assertEquals("format did not preserve # inside curly braces.",
((i % 2 == 1) ? "The number {1,number,#} is odd."
: "The number {2,number,#} is even."),
public void TestSamples() {
Map<ULocale,Set<ULocale>> same = new LinkedHashMap();
for (ULocale locale : PluralRules.getAvailableULocales()) {
ULocale otherLocale = PluralRules.getFunctionalEquivalent(locale, null);
Set<ULocale> others = same.get(otherLocale);
if (others == null) same.put(otherLocale, others = new LinkedHashSet());
for (ULocale locale0 : same.keySet()) {
PluralRules rules = PluralRules.forLocale(locale0);
String localeName = locale0.toString().length() == 0 ? "root" : locale0.toString();
logln(localeName + "\t=\t" + same.get(locale0));
logln(localeName + "\ttoString\t" + rules.toString());
Set<String> keywords = rules.getKeywords();
for (String keyword : keywords) {
Collection<Double> list = rules.getSamples(keyword);
if (list.size() == 0) {
// if there aren't any integer samples, get the decimal ones.
list = rules.getSamples(keyword, SampleType.DECIMAL);
if (list == null || list.size() == 0) {
errln("Empty list for " + localeName + " : " + keyword);
} else {
logln("\t" + localeName + " : " + keyword + " ; " + list);
public void TestSetLocale() {
// Create rules for testing.
PluralRules oddAndEven = PluralRules.createRules("odd__: n mod 2 is 1");
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
plFmt.applyPattern("odd__{odd} other{even}");
// Check that pattern gets deleted.
NumberFormat nrFmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
assertEquals("pattern was not resetted by setLocale() call.",
// Check that rules got updated.
plFmt.applyPattern("odd__{odd} other{even}");
assertEquals("SetLocale should reset rules but did not.", "even", plFmt.format(1));
plFmt.applyPattern("one{one} other{not one}");
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
assertEquals("Wrong ruleset loaded by setLocale()",
((i==1) ? "one" : "not one"),
public void TestParse() {
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat("other{test}");
try {
plFmt.parse("test", new ParsePosition(0));
errln("parse() should throw an UnsupportedOperationException but " +
"did not");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
plFmt = new PluralFormat("other{test}");
try {
plFmt.parseObject("test", new ParsePosition(0));
errln("parse() should throw an UnsupportedOperationException but " +
"did not");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
public void TestPattern() {
Object[] args = { "acme", null };
// ICU 4.8 PluralFormat does not trim() its pattern any more.
// None of the other *Format classes do.
String pat = " one {one ''widget} other {# widgets} ";
PluralFormat pf = new PluralFormat(pat);
assertEquals("should not trim() the pattern", pat, pf.toPattern());
MessageFormat pfmt = new MessageFormat("The disk ''{0}'' contains {1, plural, one {one ''''{1, number, #.0}'''' widget} other {# widgets}}.");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
args[1] = new Integer(i);
/* ICU 4.8 returns null instead of a choice/plural/select Format object
* (because it does not create an object for any "complex" argument).
PluralFormat pf = (PluralFormat)pfmt.getFormatsByArgumentIndex()[1];
MessageFormat pfmt2 = new MessageFormat(pfmt.toPattern());
assertEquals("message formats are equal", pfmt, pfmt2);
public void TestExtendedPluralFormat() {
String[] targets = {
"There are no widgets.",
"There is one widget.",
"There is a bling widget and one other widget.",
"There is a bling widget and 2 other widgets.",
"There is a bling widget and 3 other widgets.",
"Widgets, five (5-1=4) there be.",
"There is a bling widget and 5 other widgets.",
"There is a bling widget and 6 other widgets.",
String pluralStyle =
"offset:1.0 "
+ "=0 {There are no widgets.} "
+ "=1.0 {There is one widget.} "
+ "=5 {Widgets, five (5-1=#) there be.} "
+ "one {There is a bling widget and one other widget.} "
+ "other {There is a bling widget and # other widgets.}";
PluralFormat pf = new PluralFormat(ULocale.ENGLISH, pluralStyle);
MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("{0,plural," + pluralStyle + "}", ULocale.ENGLISH);
Integer args[] = new Integer[1];
for (int i = 0; i <= 7; ++i) {
String result = pf.format(i);
assertEquals("PluralFormat.format(value " + i + ")", targets[i], result);
args[0] = i;
result = mf.format(args);
assertEquals("MessageFormat.format(value " + i + ")", targets[i], result);
// Try explicit values after keywords.
assertEquals("should find first matching *explicit* value", "vv", pf.format(1));
public void TestExtendedPluralFormatParsing() {
String[] failures = {
"offset:1..0 =0 {Foo}",
"offset:1.0 {Foo}",
"=0= {Foo}",
"=0 {Foo} =0.0 {Bar}",
" = {Foo}",
for (String fmt : failures) {
try {
new PluralFormat(fmt);
fail("expected exception when parsing '" + fmt + "'");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// ok
public void TestOrdinalFormat() {
String pattern = "one{#st file}two{#nd file}few{#rd file}other{#th file}";
PluralFormat pf = new PluralFormat(ULocale.ENGLISH, PluralType.ORDINAL, pattern);
assertEquals("PluralFormat.format(321)", "321st file", pf.format(321));
assertEquals("PluralFormat.format(22)", "22nd file", pf.format(22));
assertEquals("PluralFormat.format(3)", "3rd file", pf.format(3));
// Code coverage: Use the other new-for-PluralType constructor as well.
pf = new PluralFormat(ULocale.ENGLISH, PluralType.ORDINAL);
assertEquals("PluralFormat.format(456)", "456th file", pf.format(456));
assertEquals("PluralFormat.format(111)", "111th file", pf.format(111));
// Code coverage: Use Locale not ULocale.
pf = new PluralFormat(Locale.ENGLISH, PluralType.ORDINAL);
assertEquals("PluralFormat.format(456)", "456th file", pf.format(456));
assertEquals("PluralFormat.format(111)", "111th file", pf.format(111));
public void TestDecimals() {
// Simple number replacement.
PluralFormat pf = new PluralFormat(ULocale.ENGLISH, "one{one meter}other{# meters}");
assertEquals("simple format(1)", "one meter", pf.format(1));
assertEquals("simple format(1.5)", "1.5 meters", pf.format(1.5));
PluralFormat pf2 = new PluralFormat(ULocale.ENGLISH,
"offset:1 one{another meter}other{another # meters}");
pf2.setNumberFormat(new DecimalFormat("0.0", new DecimalFormatSymbols(ULocale.ENGLISH)));
assertEquals("offset-decimals format(1)", "another 0.0 meters", pf2.format(1));
assertEquals("offset-decimals format(2)", "another 1.0 meters", pf2.format(2));
assertEquals("offset-decimals format(2.5)", "another 1.5 meters", pf2.format(2.5));
public void TestNegative() {
PluralFormat pluralFormat = new PluralFormat(ULocale.ENGLISH, "one{# foot}other{# feet}");
String actual = pluralFormat.format(-3);
assertEquals(pluralFormat.toString(), "-3 feet", actual);