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// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 1996-2012, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Port From: JDK 1.4b1 : java.text.Format.IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI
* Source File: java/text/format/
@test 1.4 98/03/06
@summary test International Decimal Format API
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.Format;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.junit.Test;
public class IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI extends
* Problem 1: simply running
* decF4.setRoundingMode(java.math.BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) does not work
* as decF4.setRoundingIncrement(.0001) must also be run.
* Problem 2: decF4.format(8.88885) does not return 8.8889 as expected.
* You must run decF4.format(new BigDecimal(Double.valueOf(8.88885))) in
* order for this to work as expected.
* Problem 3: There seems to be no way to set half up to be the default
* rounding mode.
* We solved the problem with the code at the bottom of this page however
* this is not quite general purpose enough to include in icu4j. A static
* setDefaultRoundingMode function would solve the problem nicely. Also
* decimal places past 20 are not handled properly. A small ammount of work
* would make bring this up to snuff.
public void testJB1871()
// problem 2
double number = 8.88885;
String expected = "8.8889";
String pat = ",##0.0000";
DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat(pat);
double roundinginc = 0.0001;
String str = dec.format(number);
if (!str.equals(expected)) {
errln("Fail: " + number + " x \"" + pat + "\" = \"" +
str + "\", expected \"" + expected + "\"");
pat = ",##0.0001";
dec = new DecimalFormat(pat);
str = dec.format(number);
if (!str.equals(expected)) {
errln("Fail: " + number + " x \"" + pat + "\" = \"" +
str + "\", expected \"" + expected + "\"");
// testing 20 decimal places
pat = ",##0.00000000000000000001";
dec = new DecimalFormat(pat);
BigDecimal bignumber = new BigDecimal("8.888888888888888888885");
expected = "8.88888888888888888889";
str = dec.format(bignumber);
if (!str.equals(expected)) {
errln("Fail: " + bignumber + " x \"" + pat + "\" = \"" +
str + "\", expected \"" + expected + "\"");
* This test checks various generic API methods in DecimalFormat to achieve
* 100% API coverage.
public void TestAPI()
logln("DecimalFormat API test---"); logln("");
// ======= Test constructors
logln("Testing DecimalFormat constructors");
DecimalFormat def = new DecimalFormat();
final String pattern = new String("#,##0.# FF");
DecimalFormat pat = null;
try {
pat = new DecimalFormat(pattern);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
errln("ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (pattern)");
DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.FRENCH);
DecimalFormat cust1 = new DecimalFormat(pattern, symbols);
// ======= Test clone(), assignment, and equality
logln("Testing clone() and equality operators");
Format clone = (Format) def.clone();
if( ! def.equals(clone)) {
errln("ERROR: Clone() failed");
// ======= Test various format() methods
logln("Testing various format() methods");
// final double d = -10456.0037; // this appears as -10456.003700000001 on NT
// final double d = -1.04560037e-4; // this appears as -1.0456003700000002E-4 on NT
final double d = -10456.00370000000000; // this works!
final long l = 100000000;
logln("" + d + " is the double value");
StringBuffer res1 = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer res2 = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer res3 = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer res4 = new StringBuffer();
FieldPosition pos1 = new FieldPosition(0);
FieldPosition pos2 = new FieldPosition(0);
FieldPosition pos3 = new FieldPosition(0);
FieldPosition pos4 = new FieldPosition(0);
res1 = def.format(d, res1, pos1);
logln("" + d + " formatted to " + res1);
res2 = pat.format(l, res2, pos2);
logln("" + l + " formatted to " + res2);
res3 = cust1.format(d, res3, pos3);
logln("" + d + " formatted to " + res3);
res4 = cust1.format(l, res4, pos4);
logln("" + l + " formatted to " + res4);
// ======= Test parse()
logln("Testing parse()");
String text = new String("-10,456.0037");
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
String patt = new String("#,##0.#");
double d2 = pat.parse(text, pos).doubleValue();
if(d2 != d) {
errln("ERROR: Roundtrip failed (via parse(" + d2 + " != " + d + ")) for " + text);
logln(text + " parsed into " + (long) d2);
// ======= Test getters and setters
logln("Testing getters and setters");
final DecimalFormatSymbols syms = pat.getDecimalFormatSymbols();
if( ! pat.getDecimalFormatSymbols().equals(def.getDecimalFormatSymbols())) {
errln("ERROR: set DecimalFormatSymbols() failed");
String posPrefix;
posPrefix = pat.getPositivePrefix();
logln("Positive prefix (should be +): " + posPrefix);
if(posPrefix != "+") {
errln("ERROR: setPositivePrefix() failed");
String negPrefix;
negPrefix = pat.getNegativePrefix();
logln("Negative prefix (should be -): " + negPrefix);
if(negPrefix != "-") {
errln("ERROR: setNegativePrefix() failed");
String posSuffix;
posSuffix = pat.getPositiveSuffix();
logln("Positive suffix (should be _): " + posSuffix);
if(posSuffix != "_") {
errln("ERROR: setPositiveSuffix() failed");
String negSuffix;
negSuffix = pat.getNegativeSuffix();
logln("Negative suffix (should be ~): " + negSuffix);
if(negSuffix != "~") {
errln("ERROR: setNegativeSuffix() failed");
long multiplier = 0;
multiplier = pat.getMultiplier();
logln("Multiplier (should be 8): " + multiplier);
if(multiplier != 8) {
errln("ERROR: setMultiplier() failed");
int groupingSize = 0;
groupingSize = pat.getGroupingSize();
logln("Grouping size (should be 2): " + (long) groupingSize);
if(groupingSize != 2) {
errln("ERROR: setGroupingSize() failed");
boolean tf = pat.isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown();
logln("DecimalSeparatorIsAlwaysShown (should be true) is " + (tf ? "true" : "false"));
if(tf != true) {
errln("ERROR: setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown() failed");
String funkyPat;
funkyPat = pat.toPattern();
logln("Pattern is " + funkyPat);
String locPat;
locPat = pat.toLocalizedPattern();
logln("Localized pattern is " + locPat);
// ======= Test applyPattern()
logln("Testing applyPattern()");
String p1 = new String("#,##0.0#;(#,##0.0#)");
logln("Applying pattern " + p1);
String s2;
s2 = pat.toPattern();
logln("Extracted pattern is " + s2);
if( ! s2.equals(p1) ) {
errln("ERROR: toPattern() result did not match pattern applied");
String p2 = new String("#,##0.0# FF;(#,##0.0# FF)");
logln("Applying pattern " + p2);
String s3;
s3 = pat.toLocalizedPattern();
logln("Extracted pattern is " + s3);
if( ! s3.equals(p2) ) {
errln("ERROR: toLocalizedPattern() result did not match pattern applied");
public void testJB6134()
DecimalFormat decfmt = new DecimalFormat();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
FieldPosition fposByInt = new FieldPosition(NumberFormat.INTEGER_FIELD);
decfmt.format(123, buf, fposByInt);
FieldPosition fposByField = new FieldPosition(NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER);
decfmt.format(123, buf, fposByField);
if (fposByInt.getEndIndex() != fposByField.getEndIndex())
errln("ERROR: End index for integer field - fposByInt:" + fposByInt.getEndIndex() +
" / fposByField: " + fposByField.getEndIndex());
public void testJB4971()
DecimalFormat decfmt = new DecimalFormat();
MathContext resultICU;
MathContext comp1 = new MathContext(0, MathContext.PLAIN);
resultICU = decfmt.getMathContextICU();
if ((comp1.getDigits() != resultICU.getDigits()) ||
(comp1.getForm() != resultICU.getForm()) ||
(comp1.getLostDigits() != resultICU.getLostDigits()) ||
(comp1.getRoundingMode() != resultICU.getRoundingMode()))
errln("ERROR: Math context 1 not equal - result: " + resultICU.toString() +
" / expected: " + comp1.toString());
MathContext comp2 = new MathContext(5, MathContext.ENGINEERING);
resultICU = decfmt.getMathContextICU();
if ((comp2.getDigits() != resultICU.getDigits()) ||
(comp2.getForm() != resultICU.getForm()) ||
(comp2.getLostDigits() != resultICU.getLostDigits()) ||
(comp2.getRoundingMode() != resultICU.getRoundingMode()))
errln("ERROR: Math context 2 not equal - result: " + resultICU.toString() +
" / expected: " + comp2.toString());
java.math.MathContext result;
java.math.MathContext comp3 = new java.math.MathContext(3, java.math.RoundingMode.DOWN);
result = decfmt.getMathContext();
if ((comp3.getPrecision() != result.getPrecision()) ||
(comp3.getRoundingMode() != result.getRoundingMode()))
errln("ERROR: Math context 3 not equal - result: " + result.toString() +
" / expected: " + comp3.toString());
public void testJB6354()
DecimalFormat pat = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00");
java.math.BigDecimal r1, r2;
// get default rounding increment
r1 = pat.getRoundingIncrement();
// set rounding mode with zero increment. Rounding
// increment should be set by this operation
r2 = pat.getRoundingIncrement();
// check for different values
if ((r1 != null) && (r2 != null))
if (r1.compareTo(r2) == 0)
errln("ERROR: Rounding increment did not change");
public void testJB6648()
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
String numstr = new String();
String[] patterns = {
for(int i=0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
numstr = df.format(5);
try {
Number n = df.parse(numstr);
logln("INFO: Parsed " + numstr + " -> " + n);
} catch (ParseException pe) {
errln("ERROR: Failed round trip with strict parsing.");
numstr = "005";
try {
Number n = df.parse(numstr);
logln("INFO: Successful parse for " + numstr + " with strict parse enabled. Number is " + n);
} catch (ParseException pe) {
errln("ERROR: Parse Exception encountered in strict mode: numstr -> " + numstr);