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// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
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* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
import org.junit.Test;
* Regression test for variants to the UBA.
* @author Lina Kemmel, Matitiahu Allouche
public class TestReorderRunsOnly extends BidiFmwk {
static class TestCase {
String textIn;
String textOut[][];
int noroundtrip[];
TestCase(String in, String[][] out, int[] nrd) {
this.textIn = in;
this.textOut = out;
this.noroundtrip = nrd;
static final TestCase testCases[] = {
new TestCase("ab 234 896 de", // 0
new String[][] {{"de 896 ab 234", "de 896 ab 234"},
{"ab 234 @896@ de", "de 896 ab 234"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("abcGHI", // 1
new String[][] {{"GHIabc", "GHIabc"}, {"GHIabc", "GHIabc"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("a.>67->", // 2
new String[][] {{"<-67<.a", "<-67<.a"}, {"<-67<.a", "<-67<.a"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("-=%$123/ *", // 3
new String[][] {{"* /%$123=-", "* /%$123=-"},
{"* /%$123=-", "* /%$123=-"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("abc->12..>JKL", // 4
new String[][] {{"JKL<..12<-abc", "JKL<>12"},
{"JKL<..12<-abc", "JKL<>12"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("JKL->12..>abc", // 5
new String[][] {{"abc<..JKL->12", "abc<..12<-JKL"},
{"abc<..JKL->12", "abc<..12<-JKL"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("123->abc", // 6
new String[][] {{"abc<-123", "abc<-123"},
{"abc&<-123", "abc<-123"}},
new int[] {1, 0}),
new TestCase("123->JKL", // 7
new String[][] {{"JKL<-123", "123->JKL"},
{"JKL<-123", "JKL<-@123"}},
new int[] {0, 1}),
new TestCase("*>12.>34->JKL", // 8
new String[][] {{"JKL<-34<.12<*", "12.>34->JKL<*"},
{"JKL<-34<.12<*", "JKL<-@34<.12<*"}},
new int[] {0, 1}),
new TestCase("*>67.>89->JKL", // 9
new String[][] {{"67.>89->JKL<*", "67.>89->JKL<*"},
{"67.>89->JKL<*", "67.>89->JKL<*"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("* /abc-=$%123", // 10
new String[][] {{"$%123=-abc/ *", "abc-=$%123/ *"},
{"$%123=-abc/ *", "abc-=$%123/ *"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("* /$%def-=123", // 11
new String[][] {{"123=-def%$/ *", "def-=123%$/ *"},
{"123=-def%$/ *", "def-=123%$/ *"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("-=GHI* /123%$", // 12
new String[][] {{"GHI* /123%$=-", "123%$/ *GHI=-"},
{"GHI* /123%$=-", "123%$/ *GHI=-"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("-=%$JKL* /123", // 13
new String[][] {{"JKL* /%$123=-", "123/ *JKL$%=-"},
{"JKL* /%$123=-", "123/ *JKL$%=-"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("ab =#CD *?450", // 14
new String[][] {{"CD *?450#= ab", "450?* CD#= ab"},
{"CD *?450#= ab", "450?* CD#= ab"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("ab 234 896 de", // 15
new String[][] {{"de 896 ab 234", "de 896 ab 234"},
{"ab 234 @896@ de", "de 896 ab 234"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("abc-=%$LMN* /123",// 16
new String[][] {{"LMN* /%$123=-abc", "123/ *LMN$%=-abc"},
{"LMN* /%$123=-abc", "123/ *LMN$%=-abc"}},
new int[] {0, 0}),
new TestCase("123->JKL&MN&P", // 17
new String[][] {{"JKLMNP<-123", "123->JKLMNP"},
{"JKLMNP<-123", "JKLMNP<-@123"}},
new int[] {0, 1}),
new TestCase("123", // 18 just one run
new String[][] {{"123", "123"},
{"123", "123"}},
new int[] {0, 0})
public void testReorderRunsOnly() {
Bidi bidi = new Bidi();
Bidi bidiL2V = new Bidi();
String src, dest, visual1, visual2;
String srcU16, destU16, visual1U16, visual2U16;
int option, i, j, nCases;
byte level;
logln("\nEntering TestReorderRunsOnly\n");
for (option = 0; option < 2; option++) {
bidi.setReorderingOptions(option == 0 ? Bidi.OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS
for (i = 0, nCases = testCases.length; i < nCases; i++) {
src = testCases[i].textIn;
srcU16 = pseudoToU16(src);
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
logln("Now doing test for option " + option +
", case " + i + ", level " + j);
level = (byte)j;
bidi.setPara(srcU16, level, null);
destU16 = bidi.writeReordered(Bidi.DO_MIRRORING);
dest = u16ToPseudo(destU16);
checkWhatYouCan(bidi, src, dest);
assertEquals("Reorder runs only failed for case " + i,
dest, src, null, null, Byte.toString(level));
if ((option == 0) && (testCases[i].noroundtrip[level] > 0)) {
bidiL2V.setPara(srcU16, level, null);
visual1U16 = bidiL2V.writeReordered(Bidi.DO_MIRRORING);
visual1 = u16ToPseudo(visual1U16);
checkWhatYouCan(bidiL2V, src, visual1);
bidiL2V.setPara(destU16, (byte)(level^1), null);
visual2U16 = bidiL2V.writeReordered(Bidi.DO_MIRRORING);
visual2 = u16ToPseudo(visual2U16);
checkWhatYouCan(bidiL2V, dest, visual2);
assertEquals("Round trip failed for case " + i,
visual1, visual2, src,
option == 0 ? "0" : "OPTION_INSERT_MARKS",
/* test with null or empty text */
int paras;
bidi.setPara((String)null, Bidi.LTR, null);
paras = bidi.countParagraphs();
assertEquals("\nInvalid number of paras #1 (should be 0): ", 0, paras);
bidi.setPara((char[])null, Bidi.LTR, null);
paras = bidi.countParagraphs();
assertEquals("\nInvalid number of paras #2 (should be 0): ", 0, paras);
bidi.setPara("", Bidi.LTR, null);
paras = bidi.countParagraphs();
assertEquals("\nInvalid number of paras #3 (should be 0): ", 0, paras);
bidi.setPara(new char[0], Bidi.LTR, null);
paras = bidi.countParagraphs();
assertEquals("\nInvalid number of paras #4 (should be 0): ", 0, paras);
logln("\nExiting TestReorderRunsOnly\n");