blob: 3ec9dca37893f6bfe7dd425207866f314a74f32e [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2015, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
* A representation of a single NumberFormat specification test from a data driven test file.
* <p>
* The purpose of this class is to hide the details of the data driven test file from the
* main testing code.
* <p>
* This class contains fields describing an attribute of the test that may or may
* not be set. The name of each attribute corresponds to the name used in the
* data driven test file.
* <p>
* <b>Adding new attributes</b>
* <p>
* Each attribute name is lower case. Moreover, for each attribute there is also a
* setXXX method for that attribute that is used to initialize the attribute from a
* String value read from the data file. For example, there is a setLocale(String) method
* for the locale attribute and a setCurrency(String) method for the currency attribute.
* In general, for an attribute named abcd, the setter will be setAbcd(String).
* This naming rule must be strictly followed or else the test runner will not know how to
* initialize instances of this class.
* <p>
* In addition each attribute is listed in the fieldOrdering static array which specifies
* The order that attributes are printed whenever there is a test failure.
* <p>
* To add a new attribute, first create a public field for it.
* Next, add the attribute name to the fieldOrdering array.
* Finally, create a setter method for it.
* @author rocketman
public class NumberFormatTestData {
* The locale.
public ULocale locale = null;
* The currency.
public Currency currency = null;
* The pattern to initialize the formatter, for example 0.00"
public String pattern = null;
* The value to format as a string. For example 1234.5 would be "1234.5"
public String format = null;
* The formatted value.
public String output = null;
* Field for arbitrary comments.
public String comment = null;
public Integer minIntegerDigits = null;
public Integer maxIntegerDigits = null;
public Integer minFractionDigits = null;
public Integer maxFractionDigits = null;
public Integer minGroupingDigits = null;
public Integer useSigDigits = null;
public Integer minSigDigits = null;
public Integer maxSigDigits = null;
public Integer useGrouping = null;
public Integer multiplier = null;
public Double roundingIncrement = null;
public Integer formatWidth = null;
public String padCharacter = null;
public Integer useScientific = null;
public Integer grouping = null;
public Integer grouping2 = null;
public Integer roundingMode = null;
public Currency.CurrencyUsage currencyUsage = null;
public Integer minimumExponentDigits = null;
public Integer exponentSignAlwaysShown = null;
public Integer decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = null;
public Integer padPosition = null;
public String positivePrefix = null;
public String positiveSuffix = null;
public String negativePrefix = null;
public String negativeSuffix = null;
public String localizedPattern = null;
public String toPattern = null;
public String toLocalizedPattern = null;
public Integer style = null;
public String parse = null;
public Integer lenient = null;
public String plural = null;
public Integer parseIntegerOnly = null;
public Integer decimalPatternMatchRequired = null;
public Integer parseNoExponent = null;
public String outputCurrency = null;
* nothing or empty means that test ought to work for both C and JAVA;
* "C" means test is known to fail in C. "J" means test is known to fail in JAVA.
* "CJ" means test is known to fail for both languages.
public String breaks = null;
private static Map<String, Integer> roundingModeMap =
new HashMap<String, Integer>();
static {
roundingModeMap.put("ceiling", BigDecimal.ROUND_CEILING);
roundingModeMap.put("floor", BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);
roundingModeMap.put("down", BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
roundingModeMap.put("up", BigDecimal.ROUND_UP);
roundingModeMap.put("halfEven", BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
roundingModeMap.put("halfDown", BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
roundingModeMap.put("halfUp", BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
roundingModeMap.put("unnecessary", BigDecimal.ROUND_UNNECESSARY);
private static Map<String, Currency.CurrencyUsage> currencyUsageMap =
new HashMap<String, Currency.CurrencyUsage>();
static {
currencyUsageMap.put("standard", Currency.CurrencyUsage.STANDARD);
currencyUsageMap.put("cash", Currency.CurrencyUsage.CASH);
private static Map<String, Integer> padPositionMap =
new HashMap<String, Integer>();
static {
// TODO: Fix so that it doesn't depend on DecimalFormat.
padPositionMap.put("beforePrefix", DecimalFormat.PAD_BEFORE_PREFIX);
padPositionMap.put("afterPrefix", DecimalFormat.PAD_AFTER_PREFIX);
padPositionMap.put("beforeSuffix", DecimalFormat.PAD_BEFORE_SUFFIX);
padPositionMap.put("afterSuffix", DecimalFormat.PAD_AFTER_SUFFIX);
private static Map<String, Integer> formatStyleMap =
new HashMap<String, Integer>();
static {
formatStyleMap.put("decimal", NumberFormat.NUMBERSTYLE);
formatStyleMap.put("currency", NumberFormat.CURRENCYSTYLE);
formatStyleMap.put("percent", NumberFormat.PERCENTSTYLE);
formatStyleMap.put("scientific", NumberFormat.SCIENTIFICSTYLE);
formatStyleMap.put("currencyIso", NumberFormat.ISOCURRENCYSTYLE);
formatStyleMap.put("currencyPlural", NumberFormat.PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE);
formatStyleMap.put("currencyAccounting", NumberFormat.ACCOUNTINGCURRENCYSTYLE);
formatStyleMap.put("cashCurrency", NumberFormat.CASHCURRENCYSTYLE);
// Add any new fields here. On test failures, fields are printed in the same order they
// appear here.
private static String[] fieldOrdering = {
static {
HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
for (String s : fieldOrdering) {
if (!set.add(s)) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(s + "is a duplicate field.");
private static <T> T fromString(Map<String, T> map, String key) {
T value = map.get(key);
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad value: "+ key);
return value;
// start field setters.
// add setter for each new field in this block.
public void setLocale(String value) {
locale = new ULocale(value);
public void setCurrency(String value) {
currency = Currency.getInstance(value);
public void setPattern(String value) {
pattern = value;
public void setFormat(String value) {
format = value;
public void setOutput(String value) {
output = value;
public void setComment(String value) {
comment = value;
public void setMinIntegerDigits(String value) {
minIntegerDigits = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setMaxIntegerDigits(String value) {
maxIntegerDigits = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setMinFractionDigits(String value) {
minFractionDigits = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setMaxFractionDigits(String value) {
maxFractionDigits = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setMinGroupingDigits(String value) {
minGroupingDigits = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setBreaks(String value) {
breaks = value;
public void setUseSigDigits(String value) {
useSigDigits = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setMinSigDigits(String value) {
minSigDigits = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setMaxSigDigits(String value) {
maxSigDigits = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setUseGrouping(String value) {
useGrouping = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setMultiplier(String value) {
multiplier = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setRoundingIncrement(String value) {
roundingIncrement = Double.valueOf(value);
public void setFormatWidth(String value) {
formatWidth = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setPadCharacter(String value) {
padCharacter = value;
public void setUseScientific(String value) {
useScientific = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setGrouping(String value) {
grouping = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setGrouping2(String value) {
grouping2 = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setRoundingMode(String value) {
roundingMode = fromString(roundingModeMap, value);
public void setCurrencyUsage(String value) {
currencyUsage = fromString(currencyUsageMap, value);
public void setMinimumExponentDigits(String value) {
minimumExponentDigits = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setExponentSignAlwaysShown(String value) {
exponentSignAlwaysShown = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(String value) {
decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setPadPosition(String value) {
padPosition = fromString(padPositionMap, value);
public void setPositivePrefix(String value) {
positivePrefix = value;
public void setPositiveSuffix(String value) {
positiveSuffix = value;
public void setNegativePrefix(String value) {
negativePrefix = value;
public void setNegativeSuffix(String value) {
negativeSuffix = value;
public void setLocalizedPattern(String value) {
localizedPattern = value;
public void setToPattern(String value) {
toPattern = value;
public void setToLocalizedPattern(String value) {
toLocalizedPattern = value;
public void setStyle(String value) {
style = fromString(formatStyleMap, value);
public void setParse(String value) {
parse = value;
public void setLenient(String value) {
lenient = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setPlural(String value) {
plural = value;
public void setParseIntegerOnly(String value) {
parseIntegerOnly = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(String value) {
decimalPatternMatchRequired = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setParseNoExponent(String value) {
parseNoExponent = Integer.valueOf(value);
public void setOutputCurrency(String value) {
outputCurrency = value;
// end field setters.
// start of field clearers
// Add clear methods that can be set in one test and cleared
// in the next i.e the breaks field.
public void clearBreaks() {
breaks = null;
public void clearUseGrouping() {
useGrouping = null;
public void clearGrouping2() {
grouping2 = null;
public void clearGrouping() {
grouping = null;
public void clearMinGroupingDigits() {
minGroupingDigits = null;
public void clearUseScientific() {
useScientific = null;
public void clearDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown() {
decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = null;
// end field clearers
public void setField(String fieldName, String valueString)
throws NoSuchMethodException {
Method m = getClass().getMethod(
fieldToSetter(fieldName), String.class);
try {
m.invoke(this, valueString);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void clearField(String fieldName)
throws NoSuchMethodException {
Method m = getClass().getMethod(fieldToClearer(fieldName));
try {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (String fieldName : fieldOrdering) {
try {
Field field = getClass().getField(fieldName);
Object optionalValue = field.get(this);
if (optionalValue == null) {
if (!first) {
result.append(", ");
first = false;
result.append(": ");
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return result.toString();
private static String fieldToSetter(String fieldName) {
return "set"
+ Character.toUpperCase(fieldName.charAt(0))
+ fieldName.substring(1);
private static String fieldToClearer(String fieldName) {
return "clear"
+ Character.toUpperCase(fieldName.charAt(0))
+ fieldName.substring(1);