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// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
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* others. All Rights Reserved.
* Port From: ICU4C v2.1 : Collate/CollationCurrencyTest
* Source File: $ICU4CRoot/source/test/intltest/currcoll.cpp
import java.util.Locale;
import org.junit.Test;
public class CollationCurrencyTest extends TestFmwk {
public void TestCurrency() {
// All the currency symbols, in collation order
char[][] currency = {
{ 0x00A4 }, /*00A4; L; [14 36, 03, 03] # [082B.0020.0002] # CURRENCY SIGN*/
{ 0x00A2 }, /*00A2; L; [14 38, 03, 03] # [082C.0020.0002] # CENT SIGN*/
{ 0xFFE0 }, /*FFE0; L; [14 38, 03, 05] # [082C.0020.0003] # FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN*/
{ 0x0024 }, /*0024; L; [14 3A, 03, 03] # [082D.0020.0002] # DOLLAR SIGN*/
{ 0xFF04 }, /*FF04; L; [14 3A, 03, 05] # [082D.0020.0003] # FULLWIDTH DOLLAR SIGN*/
{ 0xFE69 }, /*FE69; L; [14 3A, 03, 1D] # [082D.0020.000F] # SMALL DOLLAR SIGN*/
{ 0x00A3 }, /*00A3; L; [14 3C, 03, 03] # [082E.0020.0002] # POUND SIGN*/
{ 0xFFE1 }, /*FFE1; L; [14 3C, 03, 05] # [082E.0020.0003] # FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN*/
{ 0x00A5 }, /*00A5; L; [14 3E, 03, 03] # [082F.0020.0002] # YEN SIGN*/
{ 0xFFE5 }, /*FFE5; L; [14 3E, 03, 05] # [082F.0020.0003] # FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN*/
{ 0x09F2 }, /*09F2; L; [14 40, 03, 03] # [0830.0020.0002] # BENGALI RUPEE MARK*/
{ 0x09F3 }, /*09F3; L; [14 42, 03, 03] # [0831.0020.0002] # BENGALI RUPEE SIGN*/
{ 0x0E3F }, /*0E3F; L; [14 44, 03, 03] # [0832.0020.0002] # THAI CURRENCY SYMBOL BAHT*/
{ 0x17DB }, /*17DB; L; [14 46, 03, 03] # [0833.0020.0002] # KHMER CURRENCY SYMBOL RIEL*/
{ 0x20A0 }, /*20A0; L; [14 48, 03, 03] # [0834.0020.0002] # EURO-CURRENCY SIGN*/
{ 0x20A1 }, /*20A1; L; [14 4A, 03, 03] # [0835.0020.0002] # COLON SIGN*/
{ 0x20A2 }, /*20A2; L; [14 4C, 03, 03] # [0836.0020.0002] # CRUZEIRO SIGN*/
{ 0x20A3 }, /*20A3; L; [14 4E, 03, 03] # [0837.0020.0002] # FRENCH FRANC SIGN*/
{ 0x20A4 }, /*20A4; L; [14 50, 03, 03] # [0838.0020.0002] # LIRA SIGN*/
{ 0x20A5 }, /*20A5; L; [14 52, 03, 03] # [0839.0020.0002] # MILL SIGN*/
{ 0x20A6 }, /*20A6; L; [14 54, 03, 03] # [083A.0020.0002] # NAIRA SIGN*/
{ 0x20A7 }, /*20A7; L; [14 56, 03, 03] # [083B.0020.0002] # PESETA SIGN*/
{ 0x20A9 }, /*20A9; L; [14 58, 03, 03] # [083C.0020.0002] # WON SIGN*/
{ 0xFFE6 }, /*FFE6; L; [14 58, 03, 05] # [083C.0020.0003] # FULLWIDTH WON SIGN*/
{ 0x20AA }, /*20AA; L; [14 5A, 03, 03] # [083D.0020.0002] # NEW SHEQEL SIGN*/
{ 0x20AB }, /*20AB; L; [14 5C, 03, 03] # [083E.0020.0002] # DONG SIGN*/
{ 0x20AC }, /*20AC; L; [14 5E, 03, 03] # [083F.0020.0002] # EURO SIGN*/
{ 0x20AD }, /*20AD; L; [14 60, 03, 03] # [0840.0020.0002] # KIP SIGN*/
{ 0x20AE }, /*20AE; L; [14 62, 03, 03] # [0841.0020.0002] # TUGRIK SIGN*/
{ 0x20AF } /*20AF; L; [14 64, 03, 03] # [0842.0020.0002] # DRACHMA SIGN*/
int i, j;
int expectedResult = 0;
RuleBasedCollator c = (RuleBasedCollator)Collator.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
// Compare each currency symbol against all the
// currency symbols, including itself
String source;
String target;
for (i = 0; i < currency.length; i += 1) {
for (j = 0; j < currency.length; j += 1) {
source = new String(currency[i]);
target = new String(currency[j]);
if (i < j) {
expectedResult = -1;
} else if ( i == j) {
expectedResult = 0;
} else {
expectedResult = 1;
int compareResult =, target);
CollationKey sourceKey = null;
sourceKey = c.getCollationKey(source);
if (sourceKey == null) {
errln("Couldn't get collationKey for source");
CollationKey targetKey = null;
targetKey = c.getCollationKey(target);
if (targetKey == null) {
errln("Couldn't get collationKey for source");
int keyResult = sourceKey.compareTo(targetKey);
reportCResult( source, target, sourceKey, targetKey, compareResult, keyResult, compareResult, expectedResult );
private void reportCResult( String source, String target, CollationKey sourceKey, CollationKey targetKey,
int compareResult, int keyResult, int incResult, int expectedResult ) {
if (expectedResult < -1 || expectedResult > 1) {
errln("***** invalid call to reportCResult ****");
boolean ok1 = (compareResult == expectedResult);
boolean ok2 = (keyResult == expectedResult);
boolean ok3 = (incResult == expectedResult);
if (ok1 && ok2 && ok3 && !isVerbose()) {
} else {
String msg1 = ok1? "Ok: compare(\"" : "FAIL: compare(\"";
String msg2 = "\", \"";
String msg3 = "\") returned ";
String msg4 = "; expected ";
String sExpect = new String("");
String sResult = new String("");
sResult = CollationTest.appendCompareResult(compareResult, sResult);
sExpect = CollationTest.appendCompareResult(expectedResult, sExpect);
if (ok1) {
logln(msg1 + source + msg2 + target + msg3 + sResult);
} else {
errln(msg1 + source + msg2 + target + msg3 + sResult + msg4 + sExpect);
msg1 = ok2 ? "Ok: key(\"" : "FAIL: key(\"";
msg2 = "\").compareTo(key(\"";
msg3 = "\")) returned ";
sResult = CollationTest.appendCompareResult(keyResult, sResult);
if (ok2) {
logln(msg1 + source + msg2 + target + msg3 + sResult);
} else {
errln(msg1 + source + msg2 + target + msg3 + sResult + msg4 + sExpect);
msg1 = " ";
msg2 = " vs. ";
errln(msg1 + CollationTest.prettify(sourceKey) + msg2 + CollationTest.prettify(targetKey));
msg1 = ok3 ? "Ok: incCompare(\"" : "FAIL: incCompare(\"";
msg2 = "\", \"";
msg3 = "\") returned ";
sResult = CollationTest.appendCompareResult(incResult, sResult);
if (ok3) {
logln(msg1 + source + msg2 + target + msg3 + sResult);
} else {
errln(msg1 + source + msg2 + target + msg3 + sResult + msg4 + sExpect);