blob: a8df0609ec568c01eee00e1ad3648ffe17289f85 [file] [log] [blame]
\dX [parameter...] where X is one of the following.
a: list Aliases
i: list Indexes (for some databases, must specify literal target table)
n: list schema Names
r: list Roles
s: list Sequences
S: list System tables
t: list Tables
u: list Users
v: list Views
*: list table-like objects
In most cases, 'parameter...' is a case-specific SUBSTRING to narrow matches.
The following details apply to those commands which list schema objects.
By default, objects in all schemas will be listed (excepting some exclusions
for system schemas or system objects), with filtering if specified.
If a filter param is supplied and begins with a dot, then the search is
narrowed to the session's current schema.
If the filter param contains a dot in any other position, then the characters
before the dot specify a literal and case-sensitive schema name.
Some or all of these dot filters will not work if your database doesn't support
schemas according to the SQL specifications.