blob: 17351ae5a675cc175389c2ee264a45c1cc98755e [file] [log] [blame]
Example stand-alone gSOAP Web server based on the gSOAP HTTP GET plugin.
This is a small but fully functional (embedded) Web server for serving
static and dynamic pages and SOAP/XML responses.
gSOAP XML Web services tools
Copyright (C) 2001-2004, Robert van Engelen, Genivia, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This software is released under one of the following two licenses:
GPL or Genivia's license for commercial use.
GPL license.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Author contact information: /
A commercial use license is available from Genivia, Inc.,
The Web server handles HTTP GET requests to serve pages and HTTP POST
reguests to handle SOAP/XML messages. This example only implements
a simple calculator XML Web service for demonstration purposes (the
service responds with SOAP/XML).
This application requires Zlib and Pthreads (you can replace Pthreads
with another thread library, but you need to study the OpenSSL thread
changes in the OpenSSL documentation).
On Unix/Linux, please enable SIGPIPE handling, see main function below.
SIGPIPE handling will avoid your server from termination when sockets
are disconnected by clients before the transaction was completed
(aka broken pipe).
Compile without OpenSSL:
soapcpp2 -c -n -popt opt.h
soapcpp2 -c webserver.h
Customize your COOKIE_DOMAIN in this file
gcc -DWITH_COOKIES -DWITH_ZLIB -o webserver webserver.c options.c plugin/httpget.c plugin/httpform.c plugin/logging.c stdsoap2.c soapC.c soapClient.c soapServer.c -lpthread -lz
Compile with OpenSSL:
soapcpp2 -c -n -popt opt.h
soapcpp2 -c webserver.h
Customize your COOKIE_DOMAIN in this file
gcc -DWITH_OPENSSL -DWITH_COOKIES -DWITH_ZLIB -o webserver webserver.c options.c plugin/httpget.c plugin/httpform.c plugin/logging.c stdsoap2.c soapC.c soapClient.c soapServer.c -lpthread -lz -lssl -lcrypto
Compile the web server as explained above
Start the web server on an even numbered port (e.g. 8080):
> webserver 8080 &
Start a web browser and open a (localhost) location:
and type userid 'admin' and passwd 'guest' to gain access
Open the location:
then enter an expression
Open the locations:
Create the SSL certificate
Compile the web server with OpenSSL as explained above
Start the web server on an odd numbered port (e.g. 8081)
> webserver 8081 &
Actually, you can start two servers, one on 8080 and a secure one on
Start a web browser and open a (localhost) location:
and type userid 'admin' and passwd 'guest' to gain access
Open the location:
and enter an expression
Open the locations:
Serves SOAP/XML calculation requests
Command-line options:
-z enables compression
-c enables chunking
-k enables keep-alive
-i enables non-threaded iterative server
-v enables verbose mode
-o<num> pool of <num> threads (cannot be used with option -i)
Note: interactive chunking/keep-alive settings cannot be
changed, unless the number of threads is interactively
changed to restart the pool
Note: <num>=0 specifies unlimited threads
-t<num> sets I/O timeout value (seconds)
-s<num> sets server timeout value (seconds)
-d<host> sets cookie domain
-p<path> sets cookie path
-l[none inbound outbound both]
enables logging
Requires options.h and options.c for command line option parsing and
for parsing interactive Web page options settings. The
default_options[] array defines application options, short-hands,
selection lists, and default values. See options.h for more details.
#include "soapH.h"
#include "webserver.nsmap"
#include "options.h"
#include "httpget.h"
#include "httpform.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "threads.h"
/* #include "httpda.h" */ /* enable HTTP Digest Authentication */
#include <signal.h> /* defines SIGPIPE */
#define BACKLOG (100)
#define AUTH_REALM "gSOAP Web Server Admin"
#define AUTH_USERID "admin" /* user ID to access admin pages */
#define AUTH_PASSWD "guest" /* user pw to access admin pages */
* Thread pool and request queue
#define MAX_THR (100)
#define MAX_QUEUE (1000)
static int poolsize = 0;
static int queue[MAX_QUEUE];
static int head = 0, tail = 0;
static MUTEX_TYPE queue_cs;
static COND_TYPE queue_cv;
* Program options
static const struct option default_options[] =
{ { "z.compress", NULL, },
{ "c.chunking", NULL, },
{ "k.keepalive", NULL, },
{ "i.iterative", NULL, },
{ "v.verbose", NULL, },
{ "o.pool", "threads", 6, "none"},
{ "t.ioTimeout", "seconds", 6, "120"},
{ "s.serverTimeout", "seconds", 6, "3600"},
{ "d.cookieDomain", "host", 20, "localhost:8080"},
{ "p.cookiePath", "path", 20, "/"},
{ "l.logging", "none inbound outbound both", },
{ "", "port", }, /* rest of command line args */
{ NULL }, /* must be NULL terminated */
/* The numbering of these defines must correspond to the option sequence */
#define OPTION_z 0
#define OPTION_c 1
#define OPTION_k 2
#define OPTION_i 3
#define OPTION_v 4
#define OPTION_o 5
#define OPTION_t 6
#define OPTION_s 7
#define OPTION_d 8
#define OPTION_p 9
#define OPTION_l 10
#define OPTION_port 11
* Static
static struct option *options = NULL;
static time_t start;
static int secure = 0; /* =0: no SSL, =1: support SSL */
static const char *minutes[60] = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" };
static const char *hours[24] = {"00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23"};
* Forward decls
void server_loop(struct soap*);
void *process_request(void*); /* multi-threaded request handler */
void *process_queue(void*); /* multi-threaded request handler for pool */
int enqueue(SOAP_SOCKET);
SOAP_SOCKET dequeue();
int http_get_handler(struct soap*); /* HTTP get handler */
int http_form_handler(struct soap*); /* HTTP form handler */
int check_authentication(struct soap*); /* HTTP authentication check */
int copy_file(struct soap*, const char*, const char*); /* copy file as HTTP response */
int calcget(struct soap*);
int calcpost(struct soap*);
int info(struct soap*);
int html_hbar(struct soap*, const char*, size_t, size_t, unsigned long);
int html_hist(struct soap*, const char*, size_t, size_t, size_t, const char**, size_t*, size_t);
void sigpipe_handle(int); /* SIGPIPE handler: Unix/Linux only */
* OpenSSL
int CRYPTO_thread_setup();
void CRYPTO_thread_cleanup();
* Main
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct soap soap;
int port = 0;
start = time(NULL);
options = copy_options(default_options); /* must copy, so option values can be modified */
if (parse_options(argc, argv, options))
if (options[OPTION_port].value)
port = atol(options[OPTION_port].value);
if (!port)
port = 8080;
fprintf(stderr, "Starting Web server on port %d\n", port);
if (port != 8080)
fprintf(stderr, "[Note: use port 8080 to test server from browser with test.html and calc.html]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "[Note: you must enable Linux/Unix SIGPIPE handler to avoid broken pipe]\n");
/* SSL init (to enable: compile all sources with -DWITH_OPENSSL) */
if (CRYPTO_thread_setup())
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot setup thread mutex\n");
/* if the port is an odd number, the Web server uses HTTPS only */
if (port % 2)
secure = 1;
if (secure && soap_ssl_server_context(&soap,
"server.pem", /* keyfile: see SSL docs on how to obtain this file */
"password", /* password to read the key file */
NULL, /* cacert */
NULL, /* capath */
"dh512.pem", /* DH file, if NULL use RSA */
NULL, /* if randfile!=NULL: use a file with random data to seed randomness */
"webserver" /* server identification for SSL session cache (must be a unique name) */
soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr);
/* Register HTTP GET plugin */
if (soap_register_plugin_arg(&soap, http_get, (void*)http_get_handler))
soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr);
/* Register HTTP POST plugin */
if (soap_register_plugin_arg(&soap, http_form, (void*)http_form_handler))
soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr);
/* Register logging plugin */
if (soap_register_plugin(&soap, logging))
soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr);
#ifdef HTTPDA_H
/* Register HTTP Digest Authentication plugin */
if (soap_register_plugin(&soap, http_da))
soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr);
/* Unix SIGPIPE, this is OS dependent (win does not need this) */
/* soap.accept_flags = SO_NOSIGPIPE; */ /* some systems like this */
/* soap.socket_flags = MSG_NOSIGNAL; */ /* others need this */
/* signal(SIGPIPE, sigpipe_handle); */ /* and some older Unix systems may require a sigpipe handler */
master = soap_bind(&soap, NULL, port, BACKLOG);
if (!soap_valid_socket(master))
soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "Port bind successful: master socket = %d\n", master);
return 0;
void server_loop(struct soap *soap)
struct soap *soap_thr[MAX_THR];
int req;
struct logging_data *logdata;
logdata = (struct logging_data*)soap_lookup_plugin(soap, logging_id); /* need to access plugin's data */
for (req = 1; ; req++)
int newpoolsize;
soap->cookie_domain = options[OPTION_d].value;
soap->cookie_path = options[OPTION_p].value;
soap_set_cookie(soap, "visit", "true", NULL, NULL);
soap_set_cookie_expire(soap, "visit", 600, NULL, NULL);
if (options[OPTION_c].selected)
soap_set_omode(soap, SOAP_IO_CHUNK); /* use chunked HTTP content (fast) */
if (options[OPTION_k].selected)
soap_set_omode(soap, SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE);
if (options[OPTION_t].value)
soap->send_timeout = soap->recv_timeout = atol(options[OPTION_t].value);
if (options[OPTION_s].value)
soap->accept_timeout = atol(options[OPTION_s].value);
if (options[OPTION_l].selected == 1 || options[OPTION_l].selected == 3)
logdata->inbound = stdout;
logdata->inbound = NULL;
if (options[OPTION_l].selected == 2 || options[OPTION_l].selected == 3)
logdata->outbound = stdout;
logdata->outbound = NULL;
newpoolsize = atol(options[OPTION_o].value);
if (newpoolsize < 0)
newpoolsize = 0;
else if (newpoolsize > MAX_THR)
newpoolsize = MAX_THR;
if (poolsize > newpoolsize)
int job;
for (job = 0; job < poolsize; job++)
while (enqueue(SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET) == SOAP_EOM)
for (job = 0; job < poolsize; job++)
fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for thread %d to terminate...\n", job);
fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d has stopped\n", job);
poolsize = 0;
if (poolsize < newpoolsize)
int job;
for (job = poolsize; job < newpoolsize; job++)
soap_thr[job] = soap_copy(soap);
if (!soap_thr[job])
soap_thr[job]->user = (void*)job;
fprintf(stderr, "Starting thread %d\n", job);
THREAD_CREATE(&tids[job], (void*(*)(void*))process_queue, (void*)soap_thr[job]);
poolsize = job;
sock = soap_accept(soap);
if (!soap_valid_socket(sock))
if (soap->errnum)
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "Retry...\n");
fprintf(stderr, "gSOAP Web server timed out\n");
if (options[OPTION_v].selected)
fprintf(stderr, "Request #%d accepted on socket %d connected from IP %d.%d.%d.%d\n", req, sock, (int)(soap->ip>>24)&0xFF, (int)(soap->ip>>16)&0xFF, (int)(soap->ip>>8)&0xFF, (int)soap->ip&0xFF);
if (poolsize > 0)
while (enqueue(sock) == SOAP_EOM)
struct soap *tsoap = NULL;
if (!options[OPTION_i].selected)
tsoap = soap_copy(soap);
if (tsoap)
if (secure && soap_ssl_accept(tsoap))
soap_print_fault(tsoap, stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "SSL request failed, continue with next call...\n");
tsoap->user = (void*)req;
THREAD_CREATE(&tid, (void*(*)(void*))process_request, (void*)tsoap);
if (secure && soap_ssl_accept(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "SSL request failed, continue with next call...\n");
if (soap_serve(soap))
fprintf(stderr, "Request #%d completed with failure %d\n", req, soap->error);
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
if (options[OPTION_v].selected)
fprintf(stderr, "Request #%d completed\n", req);
if (poolsize > 0)
int job;
for (job = 0; job < poolsize; job++)
while (enqueue(SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET) == SOAP_EOM)
for (job = 0; job < poolsize; job++)
fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for thread %d to terminate... ", job);
fprintf(stderr, "terminated\n");
* Process dispatcher
void *process_request(void *soap)
struct soap *tsoap = (struct soap*)soap;
if (soap_serve(tsoap))
fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d completed with failure %d\n", (int)tsoap->user, tsoap->error);
soap_print_fault(tsoap, stderr);
else if (options[OPTION_v].selected)
fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d completed\n", (int)tsoap->user);
/* soap_destroy((struct soap*)soap); */ /* cleanup class instances (but this is a C app) */
return NULL;
* Thread pool (enabled with option -o<num>)
void *process_queue(void *soap)
struct soap *tsoap = (struct soap*)soap;
for (;;)
tsoap->socket = dequeue();
if (!soap_valid_socket(tsoap->socket))
{ if (options[OPTION_v].selected)
fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d terminating\n", (int)tsoap->user);
if (secure && soap_ssl_accept(tsoap))
soap_print_fault(tsoap, stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "SSL request failed, continue with next call...\n");
if (options[OPTION_v].selected)
fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d accepted a request\n", (int)tsoap->user);
if (soap_serve(tsoap))
fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d finished serving request with failure %d\n", (int)tsoap->user, tsoap->error);
soap_print_fault(tsoap, stderr);
else if (options[OPTION_v].selected)
fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d finished serving request\n", (int)tsoap->user);
return NULL;
int enqueue(SOAP_SOCKET sock)
int status = SOAP_OK;
int next;
int ret;
if ((ret = MUTEX_LOCK(queue_cs)))
fprintf(stderr, "MUTEX_LOCK error %d\n", ret);
next = (tail + 1) % MAX_QUEUE;
if (head == next)
/* don't block on full queue, return SOAP_EOM */
status = SOAP_EOM;
queue[tail] = sock;
tail = next;
if (options[OPTION_v].selected)
fprintf(stderr, "enqueue(%d)\n", sock);
if ((ret = COND_SIGNAL(queue_cv)))
fprintf(stderr, "COND_SIGNAL error %d\n", ret);
if ((ret = MUTEX_UNLOCK(queue_cs)))
fprintf(stderr, "MUTEX_UNLOCK error %d\n", ret);
return status;
SOAP_SOCKET dequeue()
int ret;
if ((ret = MUTEX_LOCK(queue_cs)))
fprintf(stderr, "MUTEX_LOCK error %d\n", ret);
while (head == tail)
if ((ret = COND_WAIT(queue_cv, queue_cs)))
fprintf(stderr, "COND_WAIT error %d\n", ret);
sock = queue[head];
head = (head + 1) % MAX_QUEUE;
if (options[OPTION_v].selected)
fprintf(stderr, "dequeue(%d)\n", sock);
if ((ret = MUTEX_UNLOCK(queue_cs)))
fprintf(stderr, "MUTEX_UNLOCK error %d\n", ret);
return sock;
* SOAP/XML handling: calculator example
int ns__add(struct soap *soap, double a, double b, double *c)
*c = a + b;
return SOAP_OK;
int ns__sub(struct soap *soap, double a, double b, double *c)
*c = a - b;
return SOAP_OK;
int ns__mul(struct soap *soap, double a, double b, double *c)
*c = a * b;
return SOAP_OK;
int ns__div(struct soap *soap, double a, double b, double *c)
*c = a / b;
return SOAP_OK;
* Server dummy methods to avoid link errors
int ns__addResponse_(struct soap *soap, double a)
return SOAP_NO_METHOD; /* we don't use this: we use soap_send_ns__addResponse instead */
int ns__subResponse_(struct soap *soap, double a)
return SOAP_NO_METHOD; /* we don't use this: we use soap_send_ns__subResponse instead */
int ns__mulResponse_(struct soap *soap, double a)
return SOAP_NO_METHOD; /* we don't use this: we use soap_send_ns__mulResponse instead */
int ns__divResponse_(struct soap *soap, double a)
return SOAP_NO_METHOD; /* we don't use this: we use soap_send_ns__divResponse instead */
* HTTP GET handler for plugin
int http_get_handler(struct soap *soap)
/* gSOAP >=2.5 soap_response() will do this automatically for us, when sending SOAP_HTML or SOAP_FILE:
if ((soap->omode & SOAP_IO) != SOAP_IO_CHUNK)
soap_set_omode(soap, SOAP_IO_STORE); */ /* if not chunking we MUST buffer entire content when returning HTML pages to determine content length */
#ifdef WITH_ZLIB
if (options[OPTION_z].selected && soap->zlib_out == SOAP_ZLIB_GZIP) /* client accepts gzip */
soap_set_omode(soap, SOAP_ENC_ZLIB); /* so we can compress content (gzip) */
soap->z_level = 9; /* best compression */
/* Use soap->path (from request URL) to determine request: */
if (options[OPTION_v].selected)
fprintf(stderr, "HTTP GET Request: %s\n", soap->endpoint);
/* Note: soap->path always starts with '/' */
if (strchr(soap->path + 1, '/') || strchr(soap->path + 1, '\\')) /* we don't like snooping in dirs */
return 403; /* HTTP forbidden */
if (!soap_tag_cmp(soap->path, "*.html"))
return copy_file(soap, soap->path + 1, "text/html");
if (!soap_tag_cmp(soap->path, "*.xml")
|| !soap_tag_cmp(soap->path, "*.xsd")
|| !soap_tag_cmp(soap->path, "*.wsdl"))
return copy_file(soap, soap->path + 1, "text/xml");
if (!soap_tag_cmp(soap->path, "*.jpg"))
return copy_file(soap, soap->path + 1, "image/jpeg");
if (!soap_tag_cmp(soap->path, "*.gif"))
return copy_file(soap, soap->path + 1, "image/gif");
if (!soap_tag_cmp(soap->path, "*.png"))
return copy_file(soap, soap->path + 1, "image/png");
if (!soap_tag_cmp(soap->path, "*.ico"))
return copy_file(soap, soap->path + 1, "image/ico");
if (!strncmp(soap->path, "/calc?", 6))
return calcget(soap);
if (!strncmp(soap->path, "/genivia", 8))
{ strcpy(soap->endpoint, ""); /* redirect */
strcat(soap->endpoint, soap->path + 8);
return 307; /* Temporary Redirect */
/* Check requestor's authentication: */
if (check_authentication(soap))
return 401; /* HTTP not authorized */
/* Return Web server status */
if (soap->path[1] == '\0' || soap->path[1] == '?')
return info(soap);
return 404; /* HTTP not found */
int check_authentication(struct soap *soap)
{ if (soap->userid && soap->passwd)
{ if (!strcmp(soap->userid, AUTH_USERID) && !strcmp(soap->passwd, AUTH_PASSWD))
return SOAP_OK;
#ifdef HTTPDA_H
else if (soap->authrealm && soap->userid)
{ if (!strcmp(soap->authrealm, AUTH_REALM) && !strcmp(soap->userid, AUTH_USERID))
if (!http_da_verify_get(soap, AUTH_PASSWD))
return SOAP_OK;
soap->authrealm = AUTH_REALM;
return 401;
* HTTP POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded handler for plugin
int http_form_handler(struct soap *soap)
#ifdef WITH_ZLIB
if (options[OPTION_z].selected && soap->zlib_out == SOAP_ZLIB_GZIP) /* client accepts gzip */
soap_set_omode(soap, SOAP_ENC_ZLIB); /* so we can compress content (gzip) */
soap->z_level = 9; /* best compression */
/* Use soap->path (from request URL) to determine request: */
if (options[OPTION_v].selected)
fprintf(stderr, "HTTP POST Request: %s\n", soap->endpoint);
/* Note: soap->path always starts with '/' */
if (!strcmp(soap->path, "/calc"))
return calcpost(soap);
return 404; /* HTTP not found */
* Copy static page
int copy_file(struct soap *soap, const char *name, const char *type)
{ FILE *fd;
size_t r;
fd = fopen(name, "rb"); /* open file to copy */
if (!fd)
return 404; /* return HTTP not found */
soap->http_content = type;
if (soap_response(soap, SOAP_FILE)) /* OK HTTP response header */
{ soap_end_send(soap);
return soap->error;
for (;;)
{ r = fread(soap->tmpbuf, 1, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), fd);
if (!r)
if (soap_send_raw(soap, soap->tmpbuf, r))
{ soap_end_send(soap);
return soap->error;
return soap_end_send(soap);
* Example dynamic HTTP GET application/x-www-form-urlencoded calculator
int calcget(struct soap *soap)
{ int o = 0, a = 0, b = 0, val;
char buf[256];
char *s = query(soap); /* get argument string from URL ?query string */
while (s)
{ char *key = query_key(soap, &s); /* decode next query string key */
char *val = query_val(soap, &s); /* decode next query string value (if any) */
if (key && val)
{ if (!strcmp(key, "o"))
o = val[0];
else if (!strcmp(key, "a"))
a = strtol(val, NULL, 10);
else if (!strcmp(key, "b"))
b = strtol(val, NULL, 10);
switch (o)
{ case 'a':
val = a + b;
case 's':
val = a - b;
case 'm':
val = a * b;
case 'd':
val = a / b;
return soap_sender_fault(soap, "Unknown operation", NULL);
soap_response(soap, SOAP_HTML);
sprintf(buf, "<html>value=%d</html>", val);
soap_send(soap, buf);
return SOAP_OK;
* Example dynamic HTTP POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded calculator
int calcpost(struct soap *soap)
{ int o = 0, a = 0, b = 0, val;
char buf[256];
char *s = form(soap); /* get form data from body */
while (s)
{ char *key = query_key(soap, &s); /* decode next key */
char *val = query_val(soap, &s); /* decode next value (if any) */
if (key && val)
{ if (!strcmp(key, "o"))
o = val[0];
else if (!strcmp(key, "a"))
a = strtol(val, NULL, 10);
else if (!strcmp(key, "b"))
b = strtol(val, NULL, 10);
switch (o)
{ case 'a':
val = a + b;
case 's':
val = a - b;
case 'm':
val = a * b;
case 'd':
val = a / b;
return soap_sender_fault(soap, "Unknown operation", NULL);
soap_response(soap, SOAP_HTML);
sprintf(buf, "<html>value=%d</html>", val);
soap_send(soap, buf);
return SOAP_OK;
* Example dynamic HTTP POST multipart/form-data form-based calculator
int f__form1(struct soap *soap)
{ int o = 0, a = 0, b = 0, val;
char buf[256];
struct soap_multipart *content;
for (content = soap->mime.list; content; content = content->next)
{ if (content->id && content->ptr)
{ /* may have to check content->encoding to convert data when necessary! */
if (!strcmp(content->id, "o"))
o = content->ptr[0];
else if (!strcmp(content->id, "a"))
a = strtol(content->ptr, NULL, 10);
else if (!strcmp(content->id, "b"))
b = strtol(content->ptr, NULL, 10);
switch (o)
{ case 'a':
val = a + b;
case 's':
val = a - b;
case 'm':
val = a * b;
case 'd':
val = a / b;
return soap_sender_fault(soap, "Unknown operation", NULL);
soap_response(soap, SOAP_HTML);
sprintf(buf, "<html>value=%d</html>", val);
soap_send(soap, buf);
return SOAP_OK;
return SOAP_OK;
int f__form2(struct soap *soap, struct f__formResponse *response)
{ int o = 0, a = 0, b = 0;
struct soap_multipart *content;
for (content = soap->mime.list; content; content = content->next)
{ if (content->id && content->ptr)
{ /* may have to check content->encoding to convert data when necessary! */
if (!strcmp(content->id, "o"))
o = content->ptr[0];
else if (!strcmp(content->id, "a"))
a = strtol(content->ptr, NULL, 10);
else if (!strcmp(content->id, "b"))
b = strtol(content->ptr, NULL, 10);
switch (o)
{ case 'a':
response->result = a + b;
case 's':
response->result = a - b;
case 'm':
response->result = a * b;
case 'd':
response->result = a / b;
return soap_sender_fault(soap, "Unknown operation", NULL);
return SOAP_OK;
* Dynamic Web server info page
int info(struct soap *soap)
{ struct http_get_data *getdata;
struct logging_data *logdata;
const char *t0, *t1, *t2, *t3, *t4, *t5, *t6, *t7;
char buf[2048]; /* buffer large enough to hold HTML content */
struct soap_plugin *p;
time_t now = time(NULL), elapsed = now - start;
query_options(soap, options);
if (soap->omode & SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE)
t0 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='green'>YES</td>";
t0 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='red'>NO</td>";
t1 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='green'>YES</td>";
/* soap_env_cookie_value() returns value of a cookie received (from client) */
if (soap_env_cookie_value(soap, "visit", NULL, NULL))
t2 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='green'>PASS</td>";
t2 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='yellow'>WAIT</td>";
t1 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='red'>NO</td>";
t2 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='blue'>N/A</td>";
if (secure)
{ t3 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='green'>YES</td>";
if (soap->imode & SOAP_ENC_SSL)
t4 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='green'>PASS</td>";
t4 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='red'><blink>FAIL</blink></td>";
{ t3 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='red'>NO</td>";
t4 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='blue'>N/A</td>";
#ifdef WITH_ZLIB
if (options[OPTION_z].selected)
{ t5 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='green'>YES</td>";
if (soap->omode & SOAP_ENC_ZLIB)
t6 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='green'>PASS</td>";
t6 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='yellow'>WAIT</td>";
{ t5 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='red'>NO</td>";
t6 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='blue'>N/A</td>";
t5 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='red'>NO</td>";
t6 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='blue'>N/A</td>";
if (options[OPTION_c].selected || (soap->omode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK)
t7 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='green'>YES</td>";
t7 = "<td align='center' bgcolor='red'>NO</td>";
if (soap_response(soap, SOAP_HTML))
return soap->error;
sprintf(buf, "\
<meta name='Author' content='Robert A. van Engelen'>\
<meta name='Generator' content='gSOAP'>\
<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='60'>\
<style type='text/css' media='screen'><!-- table { background-color: #666 } td { color: white; font-size: 10px; line-height: 10px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular } --></style>\
<title>gSOAP Web Server Administration</title>\
<body bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>\
<h1>gSOAP Web Server Administration</h1>\
<p>Server endpoint=%s client agent IP=%d.%d.%d.%d\
<h2>Registered Plugins</h2>\
", soap->endpoint, (int)(soap->ip>>24)&0xFF, (int)(soap->ip>>16)&0xFF, (int)(soap->ip>>8)&0xFF, (int)soap->ip&0xFF);
if (soap_send(soap, buf))
return soap->error;
for (p = soap->plugins; p; p = p->next)
{ sprintf(buf, "%s<br>", p->id);
if (soap_send(soap, buf))
return soap->error;
if (soap_send(soap, "<h2>Elapsed Time</h2>"))
return soap->error;
if (elapsed >= 86400)
html_hbar(soap, "Days:", 100, elapsed/86400, 0x000000);
if (elapsed >= 3600)
html_hbar(soap, "Hours:", 100, elapsed/3600%24, 0x000000);
html_hbar(soap, "Minutes:", 100, elapsed/60%60, 0x000000);
soap_send(soap, "<h2>Control Panel</h2>");
if (html_form_options(soap, options))
return soap->error;
sprintf(buf, "\
<h2>Function Tests</h2>\
<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bgcolor='#666666' nosave>\
<tr height='10'><td height='10' background='bl.gif'></td><td height='10'><i>Function</i></td><td align='center' height='10'><i>Result</i></td><td height='10' background='obls.gif'></td></tr>\
<tr><td background='bl.gif'></td><td>HTTP operational</td><td align='center' bgcolor='green'>YES</td><td width='10' background='ls.gif'></td></tr>\
<tr><td background='bl.gif'></td><td>HTTP keep alive enabled</td>%s<td width='10' background='ls.gif'></td></tr>\
<tr><td background='bl.gif'></td><td>HTTP cookies enabled</td>%s<td width='10' background='ls.gif'></td></tr>\
<tr><td background='bl.gif'></td><td>HTTP cookies test</td>%s<td width='10' background='ls.gif'></td></tr>\
<tr><td background='bl.gif'></td><td>HTTPS (OpenSSL) enabled</td>%s<td width='10' background='ls.gif'></td></tr>\
<tr><td background='bl.gif'></td><td>HTTPS (OpenSSL) test</td>%s<td width='10' background='ls.gif'></td></tr>\
<tr><td background='bl.gif'></td><td>HTTP compression enabled</td>%s<td width='10' background='ls.gif'></td></tr>\
<tr><td background='bl.gif'></td><td>HTTP compression test</td>%s<td width='10' background='ls.gif'></td></tr>\
<tr><td background='bl.gif'></td><td>HTTP chunking enabled</td>%s<td width='10' background='ls.gif'></td></tr>\
<tr height='10'><td width='10' height='10' background=otrs.gif></td><td height='10' background='ts.gif'></td><td height='10' background='ts.gif'></td><td width='10' height='10' background='otls.gif'></td></tr>\
</table>", t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7);
if (soap_send(soap, buf))
return soap->error;
getdata = (struct http_get_data*)soap_lookup_plugin(soap, http_get_id);
logdata = (struct logging_data*)soap_lookup_plugin(soap, logging_id);
soap_send(soap, "<h2>Usage Statistics</h2>");
if (getdata)
{ html_hbar(soap, "HTTP&nbsp;GET", 120, getdata->stat_get, 0x0000FF);
html_hbar(soap, "HTTP&nbsp;POST", 120, getdata->stat_post, 0x00FF00);
html_hbar(soap, "HTTP&nbsp;FAIL", 120, getdata->stat_fail, 0xFF0000);
if (logdata)
{ html_hbar(soap, "SENT(kB)", 120, logdata->stat_sent/1024, 0x00FFFF);
html_hbar(soap, "RECV(kB)", 120, logdata->stat_recv/1024, 0x00FFFF);
if (elapsed > 0)
{ html_hbar(soap, "SENT(kB/s)", 120, logdata->stat_sent/elapsed/1024, 0x00FFFF);
html_hbar(soap, "RECV(kB/s)", 120, logdata->stat_recv/elapsed/1024, 0x00FFFF);
if (getdata)
{ struct tm T;
T.tm_min = 99;
T.tm_hour = 99;
T.tm_yday = 999;
localtime_r(&now, &T);
T = *localtime(&now);
soap_send(soap, "<h2>Requests by the Minute</h2>");
html_hist(soap, "Minute", 12, 0, 60, minutes, getdata->min, T.tm_min);
soap_send(soap, "<h2>Requests by the Hour</h2>");
html_hist(soap, "Hour", 30, 0, 24, hours, getdata->hour, T.tm_hour);
soap_send(soap, "<h2>Requests by Day of the Year</h2>");
html_hist(soap, "Day", 2, 0, 365, NULL, getdata->day, T.tm_yday);
soap_send(soap, "\
<p>This page will automatically reload every minute to refresh the statistics.\
<br><br><br><img src='favicon.gif' align='absmiddle'>Powered by gSOAP\
return soap_end_send(soap);
static size_t html_scaled(char *buf, size_t len)
{ if (len > 1000000)
{ sprintf(buf, "%.2f&#183;10<sup>6</sup>", (float)len/1000000.0);
return len / 1000000;
if (len > 1000)
{ sprintf(buf, "%.2f&#183;10<sup>3</sup>", (float)len/1000.0);
return len / 1000;
sprintf(buf, "%lu", (unsigned long)len);
return len;
int html_hbar(struct soap *soap, const char *title, size_t pix, size_t len, unsigned long color)
{ char buf[2048]; /* buffer large enough to hold HTML content */
char lab[32];
len = html_scaled(lab, len);
sprintf(buf, "\
<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' height='30'>\
<tr height='10'>\
<td width='10' height='10' background='bl.gif'></td>\
<td rowspan='2' bgcolor='#666666' width='%lu' height='20'>%s&nbsp;%s</td>\
<td bgcolor='#%.6lx' width='%lu' height='10'></td>\
<td width='10' height='10' background='obls.gif'></td>\
<tr height='10'>\
<td width='10' height='10' background='bl.gif'></td>\
<td height='10' background='ruler.gif'></td>\
<td width='10' height='10' background='ls.gif'></td>\
<tr height='10'>\
<td width='10' height='10' background='otrs.gif'></td>\
<td colspan='2' height='10' background='ts.gif'></td>\
<td width='10' height='10' background='otls.gif'></td>\
</table>", (unsigned long)pix, title ? title : "", lab, color, (unsigned long)len * 2);
return soap_send(soap, buf);
int html_hist(struct soap *soap, const char *title, size_t barwidth, size_t height, size_t num, const char **key, size_t *val, size_t highlight)
{ char buf[2048]; /* buffer large enough to hold HTML content */
char lab[32];
size_t i, max;
float scale;
max = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
{ if (val[i] > max)
max = val[i];
if (height < 20)
{ height = max;
if (height < 20)
height = 20;
else if (height > 256)
height = 256;
scale = (float)height / (float)max;
html_scaled(lab, max);
sprintf(buf, "\
<a name='%s'></a>\
<table bgcolor='#FFFFFF' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' height='%lu' align='center'>\
<tr height='10'>\
<td width='10' height='10' background='btl.gif'></td><td colspan='%lu' height='10' background='bt.gif'></td><td width='10' height='10' background='btr.gif'></td><td width='10' height='10' background='obls.gif'></td>\
<tr height='%lu' align='center' valign='bottom'>\
<td width='10' height='%lu' background='bl.gif'></td>\
<td bgcolor='#666666' valign='top'>%s</td>", title ? title : "", (unsigned long)height + 50, (unsigned long)num + 1, (unsigned long)height, (unsigned long)height, lab);
if (soap_send(soap, buf))
return soap->error;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
{ unsigned long bar = (scale * val[i] + 0.5);
if (bar >= 1)
sprintf(buf, "\
<td bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><a onmouseover=\"window.status='%lu';return true\" onmouseout=\"window.status='';return true\" href='#%s'><img src='top.gif' alt='' width='%lu' height='1' align='bottom' border='0'><br><img src='bar.gif' alt='' width='%lu' height='%lu' align='bottom' border='0'></a></td>", (unsigned long)i, title ? title : "", (unsigned long)barwidth, (unsigned long)barwidth, bar - 1);
sprintf(buf, "\
<td bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><img src='bar.gif' alt='' width='%lu' height='0' align='bottom' border='0'></td>", (unsigned long)barwidth);
if (soap_send(soap, buf))
return soap->error;
sprintf(buf, "\
<td width='10' height='%lu' background='br.gif'></td>\
<td width='10' height='%lu' background='ls.gif'></td>\
<tr bgcolor='#666666' height='20' align='center'>\
<td width='10' height='20' background='bl.gif'></td>\
<td bgcolor='#666666'>%s</td>", (unsigned long)height, (unsigned long)height, title ? title : "");
if (soap_send(soap, buf))
return soap->error;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
{ sprintf(buf, "<td%s>%s</td>", (i == highlight) ? " bgcolor='#777777'" : "", key ? key[i] : "<img src='bar.gif'>");
if (soap_send(soap, buf))
return soap->error;
if (soap_send(soap, "\
<td width='10' height='20' background='br.gif'></td>\
<td width='10' height='20' background='ls.gif'></td>"))
return soap->error;
sprintf(buf, "\
<tr height='10'>\
<td width='10' height='10' background='bbl.gif'></td><td colspan='%lu' height='10' background='bb.gif'></td><td width='10' height='10' background='bbr.gif'></td><td width='10' height='10' background='ls.gif'></td>\
<tr height='10'>\
<td width='10' height='10' background='otrs.gif'></td>\
<td colspan='%lu' height='10' background='ts.gif'></td>\
<td width='10' height='10' background='otls.gif'></td>\
</table>", (unsigned long)num + 1, (unsigned long)num + 2);
return soap_send(soap, buf);
* OpenSSL
struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value
{ MUTEX_TYPE mutex;
static MUTEX_TYPE *mutex_buf;
static struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *dyn_create_function(const char *file, int line)
{ struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *value;
value = (struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value*)malloc(sizeof(struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value));
if (value)
return value;
static void dyn_lock_function(int mode, struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *l, const char *file, int line)
{ if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK)
static void dyn_destroy_function(struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *l, const char *file, int line)
{ MUTEX_CLEANUP(l->mutex);
void locking_function(int mode, int n, const char *file, int line)
{ if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK)
unsigned long id_function()
{ return (unsigned long)THREAD_ID;
int CRYPTO_thread_setup()
{ int i;
mutex_buf = (MUTEX_TYPE*)malloc(CRYPTO_num_locks() * sizeof(MUTEX_TYPE));
if (!mutex_buf)
return SOAP_EOM;
for (i = 0; i < CRYPTO_num_locks(); i++)
return SOAP_OK;
void CRYPTO_thread_cleanup()
{ int i;
if (!mutex_buf)
for (i = 0; i < CRYPTO_num_locks(); i++)
mutex_buf = NULL;
void sigpipe_handle(int x) { }