blob: ef2b5758099e3cc1763f6ed141e110d5f4edf598 [file] [log] [blame]
from fontTools.misc.textTools import bytesjoin, safeEval, readHex
from fontTools.misc.encodingTools import getEncoding
from fontTools.ttLib import getSearchRange
from fontTools.unicode import Unicode
from . import DefaultTable
import sys
import struct
import array
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _make_map(font, chars, gids):
assert len(chars) == len(gids)
glyphNames = font.getGlyphNameMany(gids)
cmap = {}
for char,gid,name in zip(chars,gids,glyphNames):
if gid == 0:
cmap[char] = name
return cmap
class table__c_m_a_p(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
"""Character to Glyph Index Mapping Table
This class represents the `cmap <>`_
table, which maps between input characters (in Unicode or other system encodings)
and glyphs within the font. The ``cmap`` table contains one or more subtables
which determine the mapping of of characters to glyphs across different platforms
and encoding systems.
``table__c_m_a_p`` objects expose an accessor ``.tables`` which provides access
to the subtables, although it is normally easier to retrieve individual subtables
through the utility methods described below. To add new subtables to a font,
first determine the subtable format (if in doubt use format 4 for glyphs within
the BMP, format 12 for glyphs outside the BMP, and format 14 for Unicode Variation
Sequences) construct subtable objects with ``CmapSubtable.newSubtable(format)``,
and append them to the ``.tables`` list.
Within a subtable, the mapping of characters to glyphs is provided by the ``.cmap``
cmap4_0_3 = CmapSubtable.newSubtable(4)
cmap4_0_3.platformID = 0
cmap4_0_3.platEncID = 3
cmap4_0_3.language = 0
cmap4_0_3.cmap = { 0xC1: "Aacute" }
cmap = newTable("cmap")
cmap.tableVersion = 0
cmap.tables = [cmap4_0_3]
def getcmap(self, platformID, platEncID):
"""Returns the first subtable which matches the given platform and encoding.
platformID (int): The platform ID. Use 0 for Unicode, 1 for Macintosh
(deprecated for new fonts), 2 for ISO (deprecated) and 3 for Windows.
encodingID (int): Encoding ID. Interpretation depends on the platform ID.
See the OpenType specification for details.
An object which is a subclass of :py:class:`CmapSubtable` if a matching
subtable is found within the font, or ``None`` otherwise.
for subtable in self.tables:
if (subtable.platformID == platformID and
subtable.platEncID == platEncID):
return subtable
return None # not found
def getBestCmap(self, cmapPreferences=((3, 10), (0, 6), (0, 4), (3, 1), (0, 3), (0, 2), (0, 1), (0, 0))):
"""Returns the 'best' Unicode cmap dictionary available in the font
or ``None``, if no Unicode cmap subtable is available.
By default it will search for the following (platformID, platEncID)
pairs in order::
(3, 10), # Windows Unicode full repertoire
(0, 6), # Unicode full repertoire (format 13 subtable)
(0, 4), # Unicode 2.0 full repertoire
(3, 1), # Windows Unicode BMP
(0, 3), # Unicode 2.0 BMP
(0, 2), # Unicode ISO/IEC 10646
(0, 1), # Unicode 1.1
(0, 0) # Unicode 1.0
This particular order matches what HarfBuzz uses to choose what
subtable to use by default. This order prefers the largest-repertoire
subtable, and among those, prefers the Windows-platform over the
Unicode-platform as the former has wider support.
This order can be customized via the ``cmapPreferences`` argument.
for platformID, platEncID in cmapPreferences:
cmapSubtable = self.getcmap(platformID, platEncID)
if cmapSubtable is not None:
return cmapSubtable.cmap
return None # None of the requested cmap subtables were found
def buildReversed(self):
"""Builds a reverse mapping dictionary
Iterates over all Unicode cmap tables and returns a dictionary mapping
glyphs to sets of codepoints, such as::
'one': {0x31}
'A': {0x41,0x391}
The values are sets of Unicode codepoints because
some fonts map different codepoints to the same glyph.
For example, ``U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A`` and ``U+0391
GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA`` are sometimes the same glyph.
result = {}
for subtable in self.tables:
if subtable.isUnicode():
for codepoint, name in subtable.cmap.items():
result.setdefault(name, set()).add(codepoint)
return result
def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
tableVersion, numSubTables = struct.unpack(">HH", data[:4])
self.tableVersion = int(tableVersion)
self.tables = tables = []
seenOffsets = {}
for i in range(numSubTables):
platformID, platEncID, offset = struct.unpack(
">HHl", data[4+i*8:4+(i+1)*8])
platformID, platEncID = int(platformID), int(platEncID)
format, length = struct.unpack(">HH", data[offset:offset+4])
if format in [8,10,12,13]:
format, reserved, length = struct.unpack(">HHL", data[offset:offset+8])
elif format in [14]:
format, length = struct.unpack(">HL", data[offset:offset+6])
if not length:
"cmap subtable is reported as having zero length: platformID %s, "
"platEncID %s, format %s offset %s. Skipping table.",
platformID, platEncID, format, offset)
table = CmapSubtable.newSubtable(format)
table.platformID = platformID
table.platEncID = platEncID
# Note that by default we decompile only the subtable header info;
# any other data gets decompiled only when an attribute of the
# subtable is referenced.
table.decompileHeader(data[offset:offset+int(length)], ttFont)
if offset in seenOffsets: = None # Mark as decompiled
table.cmap = tables[seenOffsets[offset]].cmap
seenOffsets[offset] = i
if ttFont.lazy is False: # Be lazy for None and True
def ensureDecompiled(self, recurse=False):
# The recurse argument is unused, but part of the signature of
# ensureDecompiled across the library.
for st in self.tables:
def compile(self, ttFont):
self.tables.sort() # sort according to the spec; see CmapSubtable.__lt__()
numSubTables = len(self.tables)
totalOffset = 4 + 8 * numSubTables
data = struct.pack(">HH", self.tableVersion, numSubTables)
tableData = b""
seen = {} # Some tables are the same object reference. Don't compile them twice.
done = {} # Some tables are different objects, but compile to the same data chunk
for table in self.tables:
offset = seen.get(id(table.cmap))
if offset is None:
chunk = table.compile(ttFont)
offset = done.get(chunk)
if offset is None:
offset = seen[id(table.cmap)] = done[chunk] = totalOffset + len(tableData)
tableData = tableData + chunk
data = data + struct.pack(">HHl", table.platformID, table.platEncID, offset)
return data + tableData
def toXML(self, writer, ttFont):
writer.simpletag("tableVersion", version=self.tableVersion)
for table in self.tables:
table.toXML(writer, ttFont)
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont):
if name == "tableVersion":
self.tableVersion = safeEval(attrs["version"])
if name[:12] != "cmap_format_":
if not hasattr(self, "tables"):
self.tables = []
format = safeEval(name[12:])
table = CmapSubtable.newSubtable(format)
table.platformID = safeEval(attrs["platformID"])
table.platEncID = safeEval(attrs["platEncID"])
table.fromXML(name, attrs, content, ttFont)
class CmapSubtable(object):
"""Base class for all cmap subtable formats.
Subclasses which handle the individual subtable formats are named
``cmap_format_0``, ``cmap_format_2`` etc. Use :py:meth:`getSubtableClass`
to retrieve the concrete subclass, or :py:meth:`newSubtable` to get a
new subtable object for a given format.
The object exposes a ``.cmap`` attribute, which contains a dictionary mapping
character codepoints to glyph names.
def getSubtableClass(format):
"""Return the subtable class for a format."""
return cmap_classes.get(format, cmap_format_unknown)
def newSubtable(format):
"""Return a new instance of a subtable for the given format
subtableClass = CmapSubtable.getSubtableClass(format)
return subtableClass(format)
def __init__(self, format):
self.format = format = None
self.ttFont = None
self.platformID = None #: The platform ID of this subtable
self.platEncID = None #: The encoding ID of this subtable (interpretation depends on ``platformID``)
self.language = None #: The language ID of this subtable (Macintosh platform only)
def ensureDecompiled(self, recurse=False):
# The recurse argument is unused, but part of the signature of
# ensureDecompiled across the library.
if is None:
self.decompile(None, None) # use saved data. = None # Once this table has been decompiled, make sure we don't
# just return the original data. Also avoids recursion when
# called with an attribute that the cmap subtable doesn't have.
def __getattr__(self, attr):
# allow lazy decompilation of subtables.
if attr[:2] == '__': # don't handle requests for member functions like '__lt__'
raise AttributeError(attr)
if is None:
raise AttributeError(attr)
return getattr(self, attr)
def decompileHeader(self, data, ttFont):
format, length, language = struct.unpack(">HHH", data[:6])
assert len(data) == length, "corrupt cmap table format %d (data length: %d, header length: %d)" % (format, len(data), length)
self.format = int(format)
self.length = int(length)
self.language = int(language) = data[6:]
self.ttFont = ttFont
def toXML(self, writer, ttFont):
writer.begintag(self.__class__.__name__, [
("platformID", self.platformID),
("platEncID", self.platEncID),
("language", self.language),
codes = sorted(self.cmap.items())
self._writeCodes(codes, writer)
def getEncoding(self, default=None):
"""Returns the Python encoding name for this cmap subtable based on its platformID,
platEncID, and language. If encoding for these values is not known, by default
``None`` is returned. That can be overridden by passing a value to the ``default``
Note that if you want to choose a "preferred" cmap subtable, most of the time
``self.isUnicode()`` is what you want as that one only returns true for the modern,
commonly used, Unicode-compatible triplets, not the legacy ones.
return getEncoding(self.platformID, self.platEncID, self.language, default)
def isUnicode(self):
"""Returns true if the characters are interpreted as Unicode codepoints."""
return (self.platformID == 0 or
(self.platformID == 3 and self.platEncID in [0, 1, 10]))
def isSymbol(self):
"""Returns true if the subtable is for the Symbol encoding (3,0)"""
return self.platformID == 3 and self.platEncID == 0
def _writeCodes(self, codes, writer):
isUnicode = self.isUnicode()
for code, name in codes:
writer.simpletag("map", code=hex(code), name=name)
if isUnicode:
def __lt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, CmapSubtable):
return NotImplemented
# implemented so that list.sort() sorts according to the spec.
selfTuple = (
getattr(self, "platformID", None),
getattr(self, "platEncID", None),
getattr(self, "language", None),
otherTuple = (
getattr(other, "platformID", None),
getattr(other, "platEncID", None),
getattr(other, "language", None),
return selfTuple < otherTuple
class cmap_format_0(CmapSubtable):
def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
# we usually get here indirectly from the subtable __getattr__ function, in which case both args must be None.
# If not, someone is calling the subtable decompile() directly, and must provide both args.
if data is not None and ttFont is not None:
self.decompileHeader(data, ttFont)
assert (data is None and ttFont is None), "Need both data and ttFont arguments"
data = # decompileHeader assigns the data after the header to
assert 262 == self.length, "Format 0 cmap subtable not 262 bytes"
gids = array.array("B")
charCodes = list(range(len(gids)))
self.cmap = _make_map(self.ttFont, charCodes, gids)
def compile(self, ttFont):
return struct.pack(">HHH", 0, 262, self.language) +
cmap = self.cmap
assert set(cmap.keys()).issubset(range(256))
getGlyphID = ttFont.getGlyphID
valueList = [getGlyphID(cmap[i]) if i in cmap else 0 for i in range(256)]
gids = array.array("B", valueList)
data = struct.pack(">HHH", 0, 262, self.language) + gids.tobytes()
assert len(data) == 262
return data
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont):
self.language = safeEval(attrs["language"])
if not hasattr(self, "cmap"):
self.cmap = {}
cmap = self.cmap
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
name, attrs, content = element
if name != "map":
cmap[safeEval(attrs["code"])] = attrs["name"]
subHeaderFormat = ">HHhH"
class SubHeader(object):
def __init__(self):
self.firstCode = None
self.entryCount = None
self.idDelta = None
self.idRangeOffset = None
self.glyphIndexArray = []
class cmap_format_2(CmapSubtable):
def setIDDelta(self, subHeader):
subHeader.idDelta = 0
# find the minGI which is not zero.
minGI = subHeader.glyphIndexArray[0]
for gid in subHeader.glyphIndexArray:
if (gid != 0) and (gid < minGI):
minGI = gid
# The lowest gid in glyphIndexArray, after subtracting idDelta, must be 1.
# idDelta is a short, and must be between -32K and 32K. minGI can be between 1 and 64K.
# We would like to pick an idDelta such that the first glyphArray GID is 1,
# so that we are more likely to be able to combine glypharray GID subranges.
# This means that we have a problem when minGI is > 32K
# Since the final gi is reconstructed from the glyphArray GID by:
# (short)finalGID = (gid + idDelta) % 0x10000),
# we can get from a glypharray GID of 1 to a final GID of 65K by subtracting 2, and casting the
# negative number to an unsigned short.
if (minGI > 1):
if minGI > 0x7FFF:
subHeader.idDelta = -(0x10000 - minGI) -1
subHeader.idDelta = minGI -1
idDelta = subHeader.idDelta
for i in range(subHeader.entryCount):
gid = subHeader.glyphIndexArray[i]
if gid > 0:
subHeader.glyphIndexArray[i] = gid - idDelta
def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
# we usually get here indirectly from the subtable __getattr__ function, in which case both args must be None.
# If not, someone is calling the subtable decompile() directly, and must provide both args.
if data is not None and ttFont is not None:
self.decompileHeader(data, ttFont)
assert (data is None and ttFont is None), "Need both data and ttFont arguments"
data = # decompileHeader assigns the data after the header to
subHeaderKeys = []
maxSubHeaderindex = 0
# get the key array, and determine the number of subHeaders.
allKeys = array.array("H")
data = data[512:]
if sys.byteorder != "big": allKeys.byteswap()
subHeaderKeys = [ key//8 for key in allKeys]
maxSubHeaderindex = max(subHeaderKeys)
#Load subHeaders
subHeaderList = []
pos = 0
for i in range(maxSubHeaderindex + 1):
subHeader = SubHeader()
(subHeader.firstCode, subHeader.entryCount, subHeader.idDelta, \
subHeader.idRangeOffset) = struct.unpack(subHeaderFormat, data[pos:pos + 8])
pos += 8
giDataPos = pos + subHeader.idRangeOffset-2
giList = array.array("H")
giList.frombytes(data[giDataPos:giDataPos + subHeader.entryCount*2])
if sys.byteorder != "big": giList.byteswap()
subHeader.glyphIndexArray = giList
# How this gets processed.
# Charcodes may be one or two bytes.
# The first byte of a charcode is mapped through the subHeaderKeys, to select
# a subHeader. For any subheader but 0, the next byte is then mapped through the
# selected subheader. If subheader Index 0 is selected, then the byte itself is
# mapped through the subheader, and there is no second byte.
# Then assume that the subsequent byte is the first byte of the next charcode,and repeat.
# Each subheader references a range in the glyphIndexArray whose length is entryCount.
# The range in glyphIndexArray referenced by a sunheader may overlap with the range in glyphIndexArray
# referenced by another subheader.
# The only subheader that will be referenced by more than one first-byte value is the subheader
# that maps the entire range of glyphID values to glyphIndex 0, e.g notdef:
# {firstChar 0, EntryCount 0,idDelta 0,idRangeOffset xx}
# A byte being mapped though a subheader is treated as in index into a mapping of array index to font glyphIndex.
# A subheader specifies a subrange within (0...256) by the
# firstChar and EntryCount values. If the byte value is outside the subrange, then the glyphIndex is zero
# (e.g. glyph not in font).
# If the byte index is in the subrange, then an offset index is calculated as (byteIndex - firstChar).
# The index to glyphIndex mapping is a subrange of the glyphIndexArray. You find the start of the subrange by
# counting idRangeOffset bytes from the idRangeOffset word. The first value in this subrange is the
# glyphIndex for the index firstChar. The offset index should then be used in this array to get the glyphIndex.
# Example for Logocut-Medium
# first byte of charcode = 129; selects subheader 1.
# subheader 1 = {firstChar 64, EntryCount 108,idDelta 42,idRangeOffset 0252}
# second byte of charCode = 66
# the index offset = 66-64 = 2.
# The subrange of the glyphIndexArray starting at 0x0252 bytes from the idRangeOffset word is:
# [glyphIndexArray index], [subrange array index] = glyphIndex
# [256], [0]=1 from charcode [129, 64]
# [257], [1]=2 from charcode [129, 65]
# [258], [2]=3 from charcode [129, 66]
# [259], [3]=4 from charcode [129, 67]
# So, the glyphIndex = 3 from the array. Then if idDelta is not zero and the glyph ID is not zero,
# add it to the glyphID to get the final glyphIndex
# value. In this case the final glyph index = 3+ 42 -> 45 for the final glyphIndex. Whew! = b""
cmap = {}
notdefGI = 0
for firstByte in range(256):
subHeadindex = subHeaderKeys[firstByte]
subHeader = subHeaderList[subHeadindex]
if subHeadindex == 0:
if (firstByte < subHeader.firstCode) or (firstByte >= subHeader.firstCode + subHeader.entryCount):
continue # gi is notdef.
charCode = firstByte
offsetIndex = firstByte - subHeader.firstCode
gi = subHeader.glyphIndexArray[offsetIndex]
if gi != 0:
gi = (gi + subHeader.idDelta) % 0x10000
continue # gi is notdef.
cmap[charCode] = gi
if subHeader.entryCount:
charCodeOffset = firstByte * 256 + subHeader.firstCode
for offsetIndex in range(subHeader.entryCount):
charCode = charCodeOffset + offsetIndex
gi = subHeader.glyphIndexArray[offsetIndex]
if gi != 0:
gi = (gi + subHeader.idDelta) % 0x10000
cmap[charCode] = gi
# If not subHeader.entryCount, then all char codes with this first byte are
# mapped to .notdef. We can skip this subtable, and leave the glyphs un-encoded, which is the
# same as mapping it to .notdef.
gids = list(cmap.values())
charCodes = list(cmap.keys())
self.cmap = _make_map(self.ttFont, charCodes, gids)
def compile(self, ttFont):
return struct.pack(">HHH", self.format, self.length, self.language) +
kEmptyTwoCharCodeRange = -1
notdefGI = 0
items = sorted(self.cmap.items())
charCodes = [item[0] for item in items]
names = [item[1] for item in items]
nameMap = ttFont.getReverseGlyphMap()
gids = [nameMap[name] for name in names]
except KeyError:
nameMap = ttFont.getReverseGlyphMap(rebuild=True)
gids = [nameMap[name] for name in names]
except KeyError:
# allow virtual GIDs in format 2 tables
gids = []
for name in names:
gid = nameMap[name]
except KeyError:
if (name[:3] == 'gid'):
gid = int(name[3:])
gid = ttFont.getGlyphID(name)
raise KeyError(name)
# Process the (char code to gid) item list in char code order.
# By definition, all one byte char codes map to subheader 0.
# For all the two byte char codes, we assume that the first byte maps maps to the empty subhead (with an entry count of 0,
# which defines all char codes in its range to map to notdef) unless proven otherwise.
# Note that since the char code items are processed in char code order, all the char codes with the
# same first byte are in sequential order.
subHeaderKeys = [kEmptyTwoCharCodeRange for x in range(256)] # list of indices into subHeaderList.
subHeaderList = []
# We force this subheader entry 0 to exist in the subHeaderList in the case where some one comes up
# with a cmap where all the one byte char codes map to notdef,
# with the result that the subhead 0 would not get created just by processing the item list.
charCode = charCodes[0]
if charCode > 255:
subHeader = SubHeader()
subHeader.firstCode = 0
subHeader.entryCount = 0
subHeader.idDelta = 0
subHeader.idRangeOffset = 0
lastFirstByte = -1
items = zip(charCodes, gids)
for charCode, gid in items:
if gid == 0:
firstbyte = charCode >> 8
secondByte = charCode & 0x00FF
if firstbyte != lastFirstByte: # Need to update the current subhead, and start a new one.
if lastFirstByte > -1:
# fix GI's and iDelta of current subheader.
# If it was sunheader 0 for one-byte charCodes, then we need to set the subHeaderKeys value to zero
# for the indices matching the char codes.
if lastFirstByte == 0:
for index in range(subHeader.entryCount):
charCode = subHeader.firstCode + index
subHeaderKeys[charCode] = 0
assert (subHeader.entryCount == len(subHeader.glyphIndexArray)), "Error - subhead entry count does not match len of glyphID subrange."
# init new subheader
subHeader = SubHeader()
subHeader.firstCode = secondByte
subHeader.entryCount = 1
subHeaderKeys[firstbyte] = len(subHeaderList) -1
lastFirstByte = firstbyte
# need to fill in with notdefs all the code points between the last charCode and the current charCode.
codeDiff = secondByte - (subHeader.firstCode + subHeader.entryCount)
for i in range(codeDiff):
subHeader.entryCount = subHeader.entryCount + codeDiff + 1
# fix GI's and iDelta of last subheader that we we added to the subheader array.
# Now we add a final subheader for the subHeaderKeys which maps to empty two byte charcode ranges.
subHeader = SubHeader()
subHeader.firstCode = 0
subHeader.entryCount = 0
subHeader.idDelta = 0
subHeader.idRangeOffset = 2
emptySubheadIndex = len(subHeaderList) - 1
for index in range(256):
if subHeaderKeys[index] == kEmptyTwoCharCodeRange:
subHeaderKeys[index] = emptySubheadIndex
# Since this is the last subheader, the GlyphIndex Array starts two bytes after the start of the
# idRangeOffset word of this subHeader. We can safely point to the first entry in the GlyphIndexArray,
# since the first subrange of the GlyphIndexArray is for subHeader 0, which always starts with
# charcode 0 and GID 0.
idRangeOffset = (len(subHeaderList)-1)*8 + 2 # offset to beginning of glyphIDArray from first subheader idRangeOffset.
subheadRangeLen = len(subHeaderList) -1 # skip last special empty-set subheader; we've already hardocodes its idRangeOffset to 2.
for index in range(subheadRangeLen):
subHeader = subHeaderList[index]
subHeader.idRangeOffset = 0
for j in range(index):
prevSubhead = subHeaderList[j]
if prevSubhead.glyphIndexArray == subHeader.glyphIndexArray: # use the glyphIndexArray subarray
subHeader.idRangeOffset = prevSubhead.idRangeOffset - (index-j)*8
subHeader.glyphIndexArray = []
if subHeader.idRangeOffset == 0: # didn't find one.
subHeader.idRangeOffset = idRangeOffset
idRangeOffset = (idRangeOffset - 8) + subHeader.entryCount*2 # one less subheader, one more subArray.
idRangeOffset = idRangeOffset - 8 # one less subheader
# Now we can write out the data!
length = 6 + 512 + 8*len(subHeaderList) # header, 256 subHeaderKeys, and subheader array.
for subhead in subHeaderList[:-1]:
length = length + len(subhead.glyphIndexArray)*2 # We can't use subhead.entryCount, as some of the subhead may share subArrays.
dataList = [struct.pack(">HHH", 2, length, self.language)]
for index in subHeaderKeys:
dataList.append(struct.pack(">H", index*8))
for subhead in subHeaderList:
dataList.append(struct.pack(subHeaderFormat, subhead.firstCode, subhead.entryCount, subhead.idDelta, subhead.idRangeOffset))
for subhead in subHeaderList[:-1]:
for gi in subhead.glyphIndexArray:
dataList.append(struct.pack(">H", gi))
data = bytesjoin(dataList)
assert (len(data) == length), "Error: cmap format 2 is not same length as calculated! actual: " + str(len(data))+ " calc : " + str(length)
return data
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont):
self.language = safeEval(attrs["language"])
if not hasattr(self, "cmap"):
self.cmap = {}
cmap = self.cmap
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
name, attrs, content = element
if name != "map":
cmap[safeEval(attrs["code"])] = attrs["name"]
cmap_format_4_format = ">7H"
#uint16 endCode[segCount] # Ending character code for each segment, last = 0xFFFF.
#uint16 reservedPad # This value should be zero
#uint16 startCode[segCount] # Starting character code for each segment
#uint16 idDelta[segCount] # Delta for all character codes in segment
#uint16 idRangeOffset[segCount] # Offset in bytes to glyph indexArray, or 0
#uint16 glyphIndexArray[variable] # Glyph index array
def splitRange(startCode, endCode, cmap):
# Try to split a range of character codes into subranges with consecutive
# glyph IDs in such a way that the cmap4 subtable can be stored "most"
# efficiently. I can't prove I've got the optimal solution, but it seems
# to do well with the fonts I tested: none became bigger, many became smaller.
if startCode == endCode:
return [], [endCode]
lastID = cmap[startCode]
lastCode = startCode
inOrder = None
orderedBegin = None
subRanges = []
# Gather subranges in which the glyph IDs are consecutive.
for code in range(startCode + 1, endCode + 1):
glyphID = cmap[code]
if glyphID - 1 == lastID:
if inOrder is None or not inOrder:
inOrder = 1
orderedBegin = lastCode
if inOrder:
inOrder = 0
subRanges.append((orderedBegin, lastCode))
orderedBegin = None
lastID = glyphID
lastCode = code
if inOrder:
subRanges.append((orderedBegin, lastCode))
assert lastCode == endCode
# Now filter out those new subranges that would only make the data bigger.
# A new segment cost 8 bytes, not using a new segment costs 2 bytes per
# character.
newRanges = []
for b, e in subRanges:
if b == startCode and e == endCode:
break # the whole range, we're fine
if b == startCode or e == endCode:
threshold = 4 # split costs one more segment
threshold = 8 # split costs two more segments
if (e - b + 1) > threshold:
newRanges.append((b, e))
subRanges = newRanges
if not subRanges:
return [], [endCode]
if subRanges[0][0] != startCode:
subRanges.insert(0, (startCode, subRanges[0][0] - 1))
if subRanges[-1][1] != endCode:
subRanges.append((subRanges[-1][1] + 1, endCode))
# Fill the "holes" in the segments list -- those are the segments in which
# the glyph IDs are _not_ consecutive.
i = 1
while i < len(subRanges):
if subRanges[i-1][1] + 1 != subRanges[i][0]:
subRanges.insert(i, (subRanges[i-1][1] + 1, subRanges[i][0] - 1))
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
# Transform the ranges into startCode/endCode lists.
start = []
end = []
for b, e in subRanges:
assert len(start) + 1 == len(end)
return start, end
class cmap_format_4(CmapSubtable):
def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
# we usually get here indirectly from the subtable __getattr__ function, in which case both args must be None.
# If not, someone is calling the subtable decompile() directly, and must provide both args.
if data is not None and ttFont is not None:
self.decompileHeader(data, ttFont)
assert (data is None and ttFont is None), "Need both data and ttFont arguments"
data = # decompileHeader assigns the data after the header to
(segCountX2, searchRange, entrySelector, rangeShift) = \
struct.unpack(">4H", data[:8])
data = data[8:]
segCount = segCountX2 // 2
allCodes = array.array("H")
allCodes.frombytes(data) = data = None
if sys.byteorder != "big": allCodes.byteswap()
# divide the data
endCode = allCodes[:segCount]
allCodes = allCodes[segCount+1:] # the +1 is skipping the reservedPad field
startCode = allCodes[:segCount]
allCodes = allCodes[segCount:]
idDelta = allCodes[:segCount]
allCodes = allCodes[segCount:]
idRangeOffset = allCodes[:segCount]
glyphIndexArray = allCodes[segCount:]
lenGIArray = len(glyphIndexArray)
# build 2-byte character mapping
charCodes = []
gids = []
for i in range(len(startCode) - 1): # don't do 0xffff!
start = startCode[i]
delta = idDelta[i]
rangeOffset = idRangeOffset[i]
partial = rangeOffset // 2 - start + i - len(idRangeOffset)
rangeCharCodes = list(range(startCode[i], endCode[i] + 1))
if rangeOffset == 0:
gids.extend([(charCode + delta) & 0xFFFF for charCode in rangeCharCodes])
for charCode in rangeCharCodes:
index = charCode + partial
assert (index < lenGIArray), "In format 4 cmap, range (%d), the calculated index (%d) into the glyph index array is not less than the length of the array (%d) !" % (i, index, lenGIArray)
if glyphIndexArray[index] != 0: # if not missing glyph
glyphID = glyphIndexArray[index] + delta
glyphID = 0 # missing glyph
gids.append(glyphID & 0xFFFF)
self.cmap = _make_map(self.ttFont, charCodes, gids)
def compile(self, ttFont):
return struct.pack(">HHH", self.format, self.length, self.language) +
charCodes = list(self.cmap.keys())
if not charCodes:
startCode = [0xffff]
endCode = [0xffff]
names = [self.cmap[code] for code in charCodes]
nameMap = ttFont.getReverseGlyphMap()
gids = [nameMap[name] for name in names]
except KeyError:
nameMap = ttFont.getReverseGlyphMap(rebuild=True)
gids = [nameMap[name] for name in names]
except KeyError:
# allow virtual GIDs in format 4 tables
gids = []
for name in names:
gid = nameMap[name]
except KeyError:
if (name[:3] == 'gid'):
gid = int(name[3:])
gid = ttFont.getGlyphID(name)
raise KeyError(name)
cmap = {} # code:glyphID mapping
for code, gid in zip(charCodes, gids):
cmap[code] = gid
# Build startCode and endCode lists.
# Split the char codes in ranges of consecutive char codes, then split
# each range in more ranges of consecutive/not consecutive glyph IDs.
# See splitRange().
lastCode = charCodes[0]
endCode = []
startCode = [lastCode]
for charCode in charCodes[1:]: # skip the first code, it's the first start code
if charCode == lastCode + 1:
lastCode = charCode
start, end = splitRange(startCode[-1], lastCode, cmap)
lastCode = charCode
start, end = splitRange(startCode[-1], lastCode, cmap)
# build up rest of cruft
idDelta = []
idRangeOffset = []
glyphIndexArray = []
for i in range(len(endCode)-1): # skip the closing codes (0xffff)
indices = []
for charCode in range(startCode[i], endCode[i] + 1):
if (indices == list(range(indices[0], indices[0] + len(indices)))):
idDelta.append((indices[0] - startCode[i]) % 0x10000)
idRangeOffset.append(2 * (len(endCode) + len(glyphIndexArray) - i))
idDelta.append(1) # 0xffff + 1 == (tadaa!) 0. So this end code maps to .notdef
# Insane.
segCount = len(endCode)
segCountX2 = segCount * 2
searchRange, entrySelector, rangeShift = getSearchRange(segCount, 2)
charCodeArray = array.array("H", endCode + [0] + startCode)
idDeltaArray = array.array("H", idDelta)
restArray = array.array("H", idRangeOffset + glyphIndexArray)
if sys.byteorder != "big": charCodeArray.byteswap()
if sys.byteorder != "big": idDeltaArray.byteswap()
if sys.byteorder != "big": restArray.byteswap()
data = charCodeArray.tobytes() + idDeltaArray.tobytes() + restArray.tobytes()
length = struct.calcsize(cmap_format_4_format) + len(data)
header = struct.pack(cmap_format_4_format, self.format, length, self.language,
segCountX2, searchRange, entrySelector, rangeShift)
return header + data
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont):
self.language = safeEval(attrs["language"])
if not hasattr(self, "cmap"):
self.cmap = {}
cmap = self.cmap
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
nameMap, attrsMap, dummyContent = element
if nameMap != "map":
assert 0, "Unrecognized keyword in cmap subtable"
cmap[safeEval(attrsMap["code"])] = attrsMap["name"]
class cmap_format_6(CmapSubtable):
def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
# we usually get here indirectly from the subtable __getattr__ function, in which case both args must be None.
# If not, someone is calling the subtable decompile() directly, and must provide both args.
if data is not None and ttFont is not None:
self.decompileHeader(data, ttFont)
assert (data is None and ttFont is None), "Need both data and ttFont arguments"
data = # decompileHeader assigns the data after the header to
firstCode, entryCount = struct.unpack(">HH", data[:4])
firstCode = int(firstCode)
data = data[4:]
#assert len(data) == 2 * entryCount # XXX not true in Apple's Helvetica!!!
gids = array.array("H")
gids.frombytes(data[:2 * int(entryCount)])
if sys.byteorder != "big": gids.byteswap() = data = None
charCodes = list(range(firstCode, firstCode + len(gids)))
self.cmap = _make_map(self.ttFont, charCodes, gids)
def compile(self, ttFont):
return struct.pack(">HHH", self.format, self.length, self.language) +
cmap = self.cmap
codes = sorted(cmap.keys())
if codes: # yes, there are empty cmap tables.
codes = list(range(codes[0], codes[-1] + 1))
firstCode = codes[0]
valueList = [
ttFont.getGlyphID(cmap[code]) if code in cmap else 0
for code in codes
gids = array.array("H", valueList)
if sys.byteorder != "big": gids.byteswap()
data = gids.tobytes()
data = b""
firstCode = 0
header = struct.pack(">HHHHH",
6, len(data) + 10, self.language, firstCode, len(codes))
return header + data
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont):
self.language = safeEval(attrs["language"])
if not hasattr(self, "cmap"):
self.cmap = {}
cmap = self.cmap
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
name, attrs, content = element
if name != "map":
cmap[safeEval(attrs["code"])] = attrs["name"]
class cmap_format_12_or_13(CmapSubtable):
def __init__(self, format):
self.format = format
self.reserved = 0 = None
self.ttFont = None
def decompileHeader(self, data, ttFont):
format, reserved, length, language, nGroups = struct.unpack(">HHLLL", data[:16])
assert len(data) == (16 + nGroups*12) == (length), "corrupt cmap table format %d (data length: %d, header length: %d)" % (self.format, len(data), length)
self.format = format
self.reserved = reserved
self.length = length
self.language = language
self.nGroups = nGroups = data[16:]
self.ttFont = ttFont
def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
# we usually get here indirectly from the subtable __getattr__ function, in which case both args must be None.
# If not, someone is calling the subtable decompile() directly, and must provide both args.
if data is not None and ttFont is not None:
self.decompileHeader(data, ttFont)
assert (data is None and ttFont is None), "Need both data and ttFont arguments"
data = # decompileHeader assigns the data after the header to
charCodes = []
gids = []
pos = 0
for i in range(self.nGroups):
startCharCode, endCharCode, glyphID = struct.unpack(">LLL",data[pos:pos+12] )
pos += 12
lenGroup = 1 + endCharCode - startCharCode
charCodes.extend(list(range(startCharCode, endCharCode +1)))
gids.extend(self._computeGIDs(glyphID, lenGroup)) = data = None
self.cmap = _make_map(self.ttFont, charCodes, gids)
def compile(self, ttFont):
return struct.pack(">HHLLL", self.format, self.reserved, self.length, self.language, self.nGroups) +
charCodes = list(self.cmap.keys())
names = list(self.cmap.values())
nameMap = ttFont.getReverseGlyphMap()
gids = [nameMap[name] for name in names]
except KeyError:
nameMap = ttFont.getReverseGlyphMap(rebuild=True)
gids = [nameMap[name] for name in names]
except KeyError:
# allow virtual GIDs in format 12 tables
gids = []
for name in names:
gid = nameMap[name]
except KeyError:
if (name[:3] == 'gid'):
gid = int(name[3:])
gid = ttFont.getGlyphID(name)
raise KeyError(name)
cmap = {} # code:glyphID mapping
for code, gid in zip(charCodes, gids):
cmap[code] = gid
index = 0
startCharCode = charCodes[0]
startGlyphID = cmap[startCharCode]
lastGlyphID = startGlyphID - self._format_step
lastCharCode = startCharCode - 1
nGroups = 0
dataList = []
maxIndex = len(charCodes)
for index in range(maxIndex):
charCode = charCodes[index]
glyphID = cmap[charCode]
if not self._IsInSameRun(glyphID, lastGlyphID, charCode, lastCharCode):
dataList.append(struct.pack(">LLL", startCharCode, lastCharCode, startGlyphID))
startCharCode = charCode
startGlyphID = glyphID
nGroups = nGroups + 1
lastGlyphID = glyphID
lastCharCode = charCode
dataList.append(struct.pack(">LLL", startCharCode, lastCharCode, startGlyphID))
nGroups = nGroups + 1
data = bytesjoin(dataList)
lengthSubtable = len(data) +16
assert len(data) == (nGroups*12) == (lengthSubtable-16)
return struct.pack(">HHLLL", self.format, self.reserved, lengthSubtable, self.language, nGroups) + data
def toXML(self, writer, ttFont):
writer.begintag(self.__class__.__name__, [
("platformID", self.platformID),
("platEncID", self.platEncID),
("format", self.format),
("reserved", self.reserved),
("length", self.length),
("language", self.language),
("nGroups", self.nGroups),
codes = sorted(self.cmap.items())
self._writeCodes(codes, writer)
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont):
self.format = safeEval(attrs["format"])
self.reserved = safeEval(attrs["reserved"])
self.length = safeEval(attrs["length"])
self.language = safeEval(attrs["language"])
self.nGroups = safeEval(attrs["nGroups"])
if not hasattr(self, "cmap"):
self.cmap = {}
cmap = self.cmap
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
name, attrs, content = element
if name != "map":
cmap[safeEval(attrs["code"])] = attrs["name"]
class cmap_format_12(cmap_format_12_or_13):
_format_step = 1
def __init__(self, format=12):
cmap_format_12_or_13.__init__(self, format)
def _computeGIDs(self, startingGlyph, numberOfGlyphs):
return list(range(startingGlyph, startingGlyph + numberOfGlyphs))
def _IsInSameRun(self, glyphID, lastGlyphID, charCode, lastCharCode):
return (glyphID == 1 + lastGlyphID) and (charCode == 1 + lastCharCode)
class cmap_format_13(cmap_format_12_or_13):
_format_step = 0
def __init__(self, format=13):
cmap_format_12_or_13.__init__(self, format)
def _computeGIDs(self, startingGlyph, numberOfGlyphs):
return [startingGlyph] * numberOfGlyphs
def _IsInSameRun(self, glyphID, lastGlyphID, charCode, lastCharCode):
return (glyphID == lastGlyphID) and (charCode == 1 + lastCharCode)
def cvtToUVS(threeByteString):
data = b"\0" + threeByteString
val, = struct.unpack(">L", data)
return val
def cvtFromUVS(val):
assert 0 <= val < 0x1000000
fourByteString = struct.pack(">L", val)
return fourByteString[1:]
class cmap_format_14(CmapSubtable):
def decompileHeader(self, data, ttFont):
format, length, numVarSelectorRecords = struct.unpack(">HLL", data[:10]) = data[10:]
self.length = length
self.numVarSelectorRecords = numVarSelectorRecords
self.ttFont = ttFont
self.language = 0xFF # has no language.
def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
if data is not None and ttFont is not None:
self.decompileHeader(data, ttFont)
assert (data is None and ttFont is None), "Need both data and ttFont arguments"
data =
self.cmap = {} # so that clients that expect this to exist in a cmap table won't fail.
uvsDict = {}
recOffset = 0
for n in range(self.numVarSelectorRecords):
uvs, defOVSOffset, nonDefUVSOffset = struct.unpack(">3sLL", data[recOffset:recOffset +11])
recOffset += 11
varUVS = cvtToUVS(uvs)
if defOVSOffset:
startOffset = defOVSOffset - 10
numValues, = struct.unpack(">L", data[startOffset:startOffset+4])
startOffset +=4
for r in range(numValues):
uv, addtlCnt = struct.unpack(">3sB", data[startOffset:startOffset+4])
startOffset += 4
firstBaseUV = cvtToUVS(uv)
cnt = addtlCnt+1
baseUVList = list(range(firstBaseUV, firstBaseUV+cnt))
glyphList = [None]*cnt
localUVList = zip(baseUVList, glyphList)
except KeyError:
uvsDict[varUVS] = list(localUVList)
if nonDefUVSOffset:
startOffset = nonDefUVSOffset - 10
numRecs, = struct.unpack(">L", data[startOffset:startOffset+4])
startOffset +=4
localUVList = []
for r in range(numRecs):
uv, gid = struct.unpack(">3sH", data[startOffset:startOffset+5])
startOffset += 5
uv = cvtToUVS(uv)
glyphName = self.ttFont.getGlyphName(gid)
localUVList.append((uv, glyphName))
except KeyError:
uvsDict[varUVS] = localUVList
self.uvsDict = uvsDict
def toXML(self, writer, ttFont):
writer.begintag(self.__class__.__name__, [
("platformID", self.platformID),
("platEncID", self.platEncID),
uvsDict = self.uvsDict
uvsList = sorted(uvsDict.keys())
for uvs in uvsList:
uvList = uvsDict[uvs]
uvList.sort(key=lambda item: (item[1] is not None, item[0], item[1]))
for uv, gname in uvList:
attrs = [("uv", hex(uv)), ("uvs", hex(uvs))]
if gname is not None:
attrs.append(("name", gname))
writer.simpletag("map", attrs)
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont):
self.language = 0xFF # provide a value so that CmapSubtable.__lt__() won't fail
if not hasattr(self, "cmap"):
self.cmap = {} # so that clients that expect this to exist in a cmap table won't fail.
if not hasattr(self, "uvsDict"):
self.uvsDict = {}
uvsDict = self.uvsDict
# For backwards compatibility reasons we accept "None" as an indicator
# for "default mapping", unless the font actually has a glyph named
# "None".
_hasGlyphNamedNone = None
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
name, attrs, content = element
if name != "map":
uvs = safeEval(attrs["uvs"])
uv = safeEval(attrs["uv"])
gname = attrs.get("name")
if gname == "None":
if _hasGlyphNamedNone is None:
_hasGlyphNamedNone = "None" in ttFont.getGlyphOrder()
if not _hasGlyphNamedNone:
gname = None
uvsDict[uvs].append((uv, gname))
except KeyError:
uvsDict[uvs] = [(uv, gname)]
def compile(self, ttFont):
return struct.pack(">HLL", self.format, self.length, self.numVarSelectorRecords) +
uvsDict = self.uvsDict
uvsList = sorted(uvsDict.keys())
self.numVarSelectorRecords = len(uvsList)
offset = 10 + self.numVarSelectorRecords*11 # current value is end of VarSelectorRecords block.
data = []
varSelectorRecords =[]
for uvs in uvsList:
entryList = uvsDict[uvs]
defList = [entry for entry in entryList if entry[1] is None]
if defList:
defList = [entry[0] for entry in defList]
defOVSOffset = offset
lastUV = defList[0]
cnt = -1
defRecs = []
for defEntry in defList:
cnt +=1
if (lastUV+cnt) != defEntry:
rec = struct.pack(">3sB", cvtFromUVS(lastUV), cnt-1)
lastUV = defEntry
cnt = 0
rec = struct.pack(">3sB", cvtFromUVS(lastUV), cnt)
numDefRecs = len(defRecs)
data.append(struct.pack(">L", numDefRecs))
offset += 4 + numDefRecs*4
defOVSOffset = 0
ndefList = [entry for entry in entryList if entry[1] is not None]
if ndefList:
nonDefUVSOffset = offset
numNonDefRecs = len(ndefList)
data.append(struct.pack(">L", numNonDefRecs))
offset += 4 + numNonDefRecs*5
for uv, gname in ndefList:
gid = ttFont.getGlyphID(gname)
ndrec = struct.pack(">3sH", cvtFromUVS(uv), gid)
nonDefUVSOffset = 0
vrec = struct.pack(">3sLL", cvtFromUVS(uvs), defOVSOffset, nonDefUVSOffset)
data = bytesjoin(varSelectorRecords) + bytesjoin(data)
self.length = 10 + len(data)
headerdata = struct.pack(">HLL", self.format, self.length, self.numVarSelectorRecords)
return headerdata + data
class cmap_format_unknown(CmapSubtable):
def toXML(self, writer, ttFont):
cmapName = self.__class__.__name__[:12] + str(self.format)
writer.begintag(cmapName, [
("platformID", self.platformID),
("platEncID", self.platEncID),
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont): = readHex(content)
self.cmap = {}
def decompileHeader(self, data, ttFont):
self.language = 0 # dummy value = data
def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
# we usually get here indirectly from the subtable __getattr__ function, in which case both args must be None.
# If not, someone is calling the subtable decompile() directly, and must provide both args.
if data is not None and ttFont is not None:
self.decompileHeader(data, ttFont)
assert (data is None and ttFont is None), "Need both data and ttFont arguments"
def compile(self, ttFont):
return None
cmap_classes = {
0: cmap_format_0,
2: cmap_format_2,
4: cmap_format_4,
6: cmap_format_6,
12: cmap_format_12,
13: cmap_format_13,
14: cmap_format_14,