blob: 71e36e397427dc10866a1ad6736a444a1cfe9f95 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
* Licensed under the MIT Open Source License, for details please see license.txt or the website
#include "dae/daeDatabase.h"
using namespace std;
daeDatabase::daeDatabase(DAE& dae) : dae(dae) { }
DAE* daeDatabase::getDAE() {
return &dae;
daeDocument* daeDatabase::getDoc(daeUInt index) {
return getDocument(index);
daeElement* daeDatabase::idLookup(const string& id, daeDocument* doc) {
vector<daeElement*> elts = idLookup(id);
for (size_t i = 0; i < elts.size(); i++)
if (elts[i]->getDocument() == doc)
return elts[i];
return NULL;
vector<daeElement*> daeDatabase::typeLookup(daeInt typeID, daeDocument* doc) {
vector<daeElement*> result;
typeLookup(typeID, result);
return result;
vector<daeElement*> daeDatabase::sidLookup(const string& sid, daeDocument* doc) {
vector<daeElement*> result;
sidLookup(sid, result, doc);
return result;