blob: 957326edc02bf465fb250e6f73410061e9c8dd0e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'''Unit tests for ChromeScaledImage.'''
import re
import struct
import unittest
import zlib
from grit import exception
from grit import util
from grit.format import data_pack
from grit.tool import build
('.h', 'rc_header'),
('', 'resource_map_source'),
('_map.h', 'resource_map_header'),
('.pak', 'data_package'),
('.rc', 'rc_all'),
def _MakePNG(chunks):
pack_int32 = struct.Struct('>i').pack
chunks = [pack_int32(len(payload)) + type + payload + pack_int32(zlib.crc32(type + payload))
for type, payload in chunks]
return _PNG_HEADER + ''.join(chunks) + _PNG_FOOTER
def _GetFilesInPak(pakname):
'''Get a set of the files that were actually included in the .pak output.
return set(data_pack.DataPack.ReadDataPack(pakname).resources.values())
def _GetFilesInRc(rcname, tmp_dir, contents):
'''Get a set of the files that were actually included in the .rc output.
data = util.ReadFile(rcname, util.BINARY).decode('utf-16')
contents = dict((tmp_dir.GetPath(k), v) for k, v in contents.items())
return set(contents[]
for m in re.finditer(ur'(?m)^\w+\s+BINDATA\s+"([^"]+)"$', data))
def _MakeFallbackAttr(fallback):
if fallback is None:
return ''
return ' fallback_to_low_resolution="%s"' % ('false', 'true')[fallback]
def _Structures(fallback, *body):
return '<structures%s>\n%s\n</structures>' % (
_MakeFallbackAttr(fallback), '\n'.join(body))
def _Structure(name, file, fallback=None):
return '<structure name="%s" file="%s" type="chrome_scaled_image"%s />' % (
name, file, _MakeFallbackAttr(fallback))
def _If(expr, *body):
return '<if expr="%s">\n%s\n</if>' % (expr, '\n'.join(body))
def _RunBuildTest(self, structures, inputs, expected_outputs, skip_rc=False):
outputs = '\n'.join('<output filename="out/%s%s" type="%s" context="%s" />'
% (context, ext, type, context)
for ext, type in _OUTFILETYPES
for context in expected_outputs)
infiles = {
'in/in.grd': '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<grit latest_public_release="0" current_release="1">
<release seq="1">
''' % (outputs, structures),
for pngpath, pngdata in inputs.items():
infiles['in/' + pngpath] = pngdata
class Options(object):
with util.TempDir(infiles) as tmp_dir:
with tmp_dir.AsCurrentDir():
options = Options()
options.input = tmp_dir.GetPath('in/in.grd')
options.verbose = False
options.extra_verbose = False
build.RcBuilder().Run(options, [])
for context, expected_data in expected_outputs.items():
_GetFilesInPak(tmp_dir.GetPath('out/%s.pak' % context)))
if not skip_rc:
_GetFilesInRc(tmp_dir.GetPath('out/%s.rc' % context),
tmp_dir, infiles))
class ChromeScaledImageUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
def testNormalFallback(self):
d123a = _MakePNG([('AbCd', '')])
t123a = _MakePNG([('EfGh', '')])
d123b = _MakePNG([('IjKl', '')])
_Structure('IDR_A', 'a.png'),
_Structure('IDR_B', 'b.png'),
{'default_123_percent/a.png': d123a,
'tactile_123_percent/a.png': t123a,
'default_123_percent/b.png': d123b,
{'default_123_percent': set([d123a, d123b]),
'tactile_123_percent': set([t123a, d123b]),
def testNormalFallbackFailure(self):
_RunBuildTest, self,
_Structure('IDR_A', 'a.png'),
{'default_100_percent/a.png': _MakePNG([('AbCd', '')]),
'tactile_100_percent/a.png': _MakePNG([('EfGh', '')]),
{'tactile_123_percent': 'should fail before using this'})
def testLowresFallback(self):
png = _MakePNG([('Abcd', '')])
png_with_csCl = _MakePNG([('csCl', ''),('Abcd', '')])
for outer in (None, False, True):
for inner in (None, False, True):
args = (
_Structure('IDR_A', 'a.png', inner),
{'default_100_percent/a.png': png},
{'tactile_200_percent': set([png_with_csCl])})
if inner or (inner is None and outer):
# should fall back to 100%
_RunBuildTest(*args, skip_rc=True)
# shouldn't fall back
self.assertRaises(exception.FileNotFound, _RunBuildTest, *args)
# Test fallback failure with fallback_to_low_resolution=True
_RunBuildTest, self,
_Structure('IDR_A', 'a.png'),
{}, # no files
{'tactile_123_percent': 'should fail before using this'})