blob: f536f5d867f2bba6436e1bf7f357c99c0766354b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'''Unit tests for grit.gather.policy_json'''
import os
import re
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..'))
import unittest
import StringIO
from grit.gather import policy_json
class PolicyJsonUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
def GetExpectedOutput(self, original):
expected = eval(original)
for key, message in expected['messages'].iteritems():
del message['desc']
return expected
def testEmpty(self):
original = "{'policy_definitions': [], 'messages': {}}"
gatherer = policy_json.PolicyJson(StringIO.StringIO(original))
self.failUnless(len(gatherer.GetCliques()) == 0)
self.failUnless(eval(original) == eval(gatherer.Translate('en')))
def testGeneralPolicy(self):
original = (
" 'policy_definitions': ["
" {"
" 'name': 'HomepageLocation',"
" 'type': 'string',"
" 'supported_on': ['chrome.*:8-'],"
" 'features': {'dynamic_refresh': 1},"
" 'example_value': '',"
" 'caption': 'nothing special 1',"
" 'desc': 'nothing special 2',"
" 'label': 'nothing special 3',"
" },"
" ],"
" 'messages': {"
" 'msg_identifier': {"
" 'text': 'nothing special 3',"
" 'desc': 'nothing special descr 3',"
" }"
" }"
gatherer = policy_json.PolicyJson(StringIO.StringIO(original))
self.failUnless(len(gatherer.GetCliques()) == 4)
expected = self.GetExpectedOutput(original)
self.failUnless(expected == eval(gatherer.Translate('en')))
def testEnum(self):
original = (
" 'policy_definitions': ["
" {"
" 'name': 'Policy1',"
" 'items': ["
" {"
" 'name': 'Item1',"
" 'caption': 'nothing special',"
" }"
" ]"
" },"
" ],"
" 'messages': {}"
gatherer = policy_json.PolicyJson(StringIO.StringIO(original))
self.failUnless(len(gatherer.GetCliques()) == 1)
expected = self.GetExpectedOutput(original)
self.failUnless(expected == eval(gatherer.Translate('en')))
def testSubPolicy(self):
original = (
" 'policy_definitions': ["
" {"
" 'policies': ["
" {"
" 'name': 'Policy1',"
" 'caption': 'nothing special',"
" }"
" ]"
" },"
" ],"
" 'messages': {}"
gatherer = policy_json.PolicyJson(StringIO.StringIO(original))
self.failUnless(len(gatherer.GetCliques()) == 1)
expected = self.GetExpectedOutput(original)
self.failUnless(expected == eval(gatherer.Translate('en')))
def testEscapingAndLineBreaks(self):
original = """{
'policy_definitions': [],
'messages': {
'msg1': {
# The following line will contain two backslash characters when it
# ends up in eval().
'text': '''backslashes, Sir? \\\\''',
'desc': '',
'msg2': {
'text': '''quotes, Madam? "''',
'desc': '',
'msg3': {
# The following line will contain two backslash characters when it
# ends up in eval().
'text': 'backslashes, Sir? \\\\',
'desc': '',
'msg4': {
'text': "quotes, Madam? '",
'desc': '',
'msg5': {
'text': '''what happens
with a newline?''',
'desc': ''
'msg6': {
# The following line will contain a backslash+n when it ends up in
# eval().
'text': 'what happens\\nwith a newline? (Episode 1)',
'desc': ''
gatherer = policy_json.PolicyJson(StringIO.StringIO(original))
self.failUnless(len(gatherer.GetCliques()) == 6)
expected = self.GetExpectedOutput(original)
self.failUnless(expected == eval(gatherer.Translate('en')))
def testPlaceholders(self):
original = """{
'policy_definitions': [
'name': 'Policy1',
'caption': '''Please install
<ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph>.''',
'messages': {}
gatherer = policy_json.PolicyJson(StringIO.StringIO(original))
self.failUnless(len(gatherer.GetCliques()) == 1)
expected = eval(re.sub('<ph.*ph>', '$1', original))
self.failUnless(expected == eval(gatherer.Translate('en')))
msg = gatherer.GetCliques()[0].GetMessage()
self.failUnless(len(msg.GetPlaceholders()) == 1)
ph = msg.GetPlaceholders()[0]
self.failUnless(ph.GetOriginal() == '$1')
self.failUnless(ph.GetPresentation() == 'PRODUCT_NAME')
self.failUnless(ph.GetExample() == 'Google Chrome')
def testGetDescription(self):
gatherer = policy_json.PolicyJson({})
gatherer._GetDescription({'name': 'Policy1'}, 'policy', None, 'desc'),
'Description of the policy named Policy1')
gatherer._GetDescription({'name': 'Plcy2'}, 'policy', None, 'caption'),
'Caption of the policy named Plcy2')
gatherer._GetDescription({'name': 'Plcy3'}, 'policy', None, 'label'),
'Label of the policy named Plcy3')
gatherer._GetDescription({'name': 'Item'}, 'enum_item',
{'name': 'Policy'}, 'caption'),
'Caption of the option named Item in policy Policy')
if __name__ == '__main__':