blob: 00da0ccb98ad9a34e50f6891348485f9a99d54db [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
def GetConfigurationForBuild(defines):
'''Returns a configuration dictionary for the given build that contains
build-specific settings and information.
defines: Definitions coming from the build system.
Exception: If 'defines' contains an unknown build-type.
# The prefix of key names in config determines which writer will use their
# corresponding values:
# win: Both ADM and ADMX.
# mac: Only plist.
# admx: Only ADMX.
# none/other: Used by all the writers.
if '_chromium' in defines:
config = {
'build': 'chromium',
'app_name': 'Chromium',
'frame_name': 'Chromium Frame',
'os_name': 'Chromium OS',
'win_reg_mandatory_key_name': 'Software\\Policies\\Chromium',
'win_mandatory_category_path': ['chromium'],
'win_recommended_category_path': ['chromium_recommended'],
'admx_namespace': 'Chromium.Policies.Chromium',
'admx_prefix': 'chromium',
elif '_google_chrome' in defines:
config = {
'build': 'chrome',
'app_name': 'Google Chrome',
'frame_name': 'Google Chrome Frame',
'os_name': 'Google Chrome OS',
'win_reg_mandatory_key_name': 'Software\\Policies\\Google\\Chrome',
'win_mandatory_category_path': ['google', 'googlechrome'],
'win_recommended_category_path': ['google', 'googlechrome_recommended'],
'admx_namespace': 'Google.Policies.Chrome',
'admx_prefix': 'chrome',
raise Exception('Unknown build')
config['win_group_policy_class'] = 'Both'
config['win_supported_os'] = 'SUPPORTED_WINXPSP2'
if 'mac_bundle_id' in defines:
config['mac_bundle_id'] = defines['mac_bundle_id']
return config