blob: 37d14d1390effb6c69fa1ca3784bf91e191b99e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WebDataConsumerHandle_h
#define WebDataConsumerHandle_h
#include <stddef.h>
namespace blink {
// WebDataConsumerHandle represents the "consumer" side of a data pipe. A user
// can read data from it.
// This data type is basically a wrapper of mojo data pipe consumer handle.
// See mojo/public/c/system/data_pipe.h for details.
// Note:
// - If you register a client, all of read / beginRead / endRead /
// registerClient / unregisterClient must be called on the same thread.
// Client notification is called on the thread.
class WebDataConsumerHandle {
// This corresponds to MojoReadDataFlags.
using Flags = unsigned;
static const Flags FlagNone = 0;
enum Result {
// Client gets notification from the pipe.
class Client {
virtual ~Client() { }
// The associated handle gets readable.
virtual void didGetReadable() = 0;
virtual ~WebDataConsumerHandle() { }
// Reads data into |data| up to |size| bytes. The actual read size will be
// stored in |*readSize|. This function cannot be called when a two-phase
// read is in progress.
// Returns Done when it reaches to the end of the data.
virtual Result read(void* data, size_t /* size */, Flags, size_t* readSize) { return UnexpectedError; }
// Begins a two-phase read. On success, the function stores a buffer that
// contains the read data of length |*available| into |*buffer|.
// Returns Done when it reaches to the end of the data.
// On fail, you don't have to (and should not) call endRead, because the
// read session implicitly ends in that case.
virtual Result beginRead(const void** buffer, Flags, size_t* available) { return UnexpectedError; }
// Ends a two-phase read.
// |readSize| indicates the actual read size.
virtual Result endRead(size_t readSize) { return UnexpectedError; }
// Registers |client| to this handle. The client must not be null and must
// be valid until it is unregistered (or the handle is destructed).
// Only one registration can be made for a handle at a time.
virtual void registerClient(Client* /* client */) { }
// Unregisters |client| from this handle.
virtual void unregisterClient() { }
} // namespace blink
#endif // WebDataConsumerHandle_h