blob: d91e7aeddb7dec86fcf5f6f0499814dee4365750 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "components/copresence/public/copresence_manager.h"
namespace base {
class Timer;
namespace net {
class URLContextGetter;
namespace copresence {
class DirectiveHandler;
class GCMHandler;
class ReportRequest;
class RpcHandler;
class WhispernetClient;
// The implementation for CopresenceManager. Responsible primarily for
// client-side initialization. The RpcHandler handles all the details
// of interacting with the server.
// TODO(rkc): Add tests for this class.
class CopresenceManagerImpl : public CopresenceManager {
// The delegate is owned by the caller, and must outlive the manager.
explicit CopresenceManagerImpl(CopresenceDelegate* delegate);
~CopresenceManagerImpl() override;
void ExecuteReportRequest(const ReportRequest& request,
const std::string& app_id,
const std::string& auth_token,
const StatusCallback& callback) override;
void WhispernetInitComplete(bool success);
// This function will be called every kPollTimerIntervalMs milliseconds to
// poll the server for new messages.
void PollForMessages();
// This function will verify that we can hear the audio we're playing every
// kAudioCheckIntervalMs milliseconds.
void AudioCheck();
// Belongs to the caller.
CopresenceDelegate* const delegate_;
// We use a CancelableCallback here because Whispernet
// does not provide a way to unregister its init callback.
base::CancelableCallback<void(bool)> whispernet_init_callback_;
bool init_failed_;
// The GCMHandler must destruct before the DirectiveHandler,
// which must destruct before the RpcHandler. Do not change this order.
scoped_ptr<RpcHandler> rpc_handler_;
scoped_ptr<DirectiveHandler> directive_handler_;
scoped_ptr<GCMHandler> gcm_handler_;
scoped_ptr<base::Timer> poll_timer_;
scoped_ptr<base::Timer> audio_check_timer_;
} // namespace copresence