blob: 2a86dbd0839c3bddee4ee9b8884dbd377c38bab9 [file] [log] [blame]
/// \file eval.hpp
/// Contains the eval() expression evaluator.
// Copyright 2008 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#ifndef BOOST_PROTO_EVAL_HPP_EAN_03_29_2007
#define BOOST_PROTO_EVAL_HPP_EAN_03_29_2007
#include <boost/proto/detail/prefix.hpp> // must be first include
#include <boost/proto/proto_fwd.hpp> // BOOST_PROTO_CALLABLE
#include <boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp>
#include <boost/proto/detail/suffix.hpp> // must be last include
namespace boost { namespace proto
namespace result_of
/// \brief A metafunction for calculating the return type
/// of \c proto::eval() given a certain \c Expr and \c Context
/// types.
/// \note The types \c Expr and \c Context should not be
/// reference types. They may be cv-qualified, but the
/// cv-qualification on the \c Context parameter is ignored.
template<typename Expr, typename Context>
struct eval
typedef typename Context::template eval<Expr>::result_type type;
namespace functional
/// \brief A PolymorphicFunctionObject type for
/// evaluating a given Proto expression with a given
/// context.
struct eval
template<typename Sig>
struct result;
template<typename This, typename Expr, typename Context>
struct result<This(Expr, Context)>
typename proto::result_of::eval<
typename remove_reference<Expr>::type
, typename remove_reference<Context>::type
/// \brief Evaluate a given Proto expression with a given
/// context.
/// \param expr The Proto expression to evaluate
/// \param context The context in which the expression should be
/// evaluated.
/// \return <tt>typename Context::template eval<Expr>()(expr, context)</tt>
template<typename Expr, typename Context>
typename proto::result_of::eval<Expr, Context>::type
operator ()(Expr &expr, Context &context) const
return typename Context::template eval<Expr>()(expr, context);
/// \overload
template<typename Expr, typename Context>
typename proto::result_of::eval<Expr, Context>::type
operator ()(Expr &expr, Context const &context) const
return typename Context::template eval<Expr>()(expr, context);
/// \brief Evaluate a given Proto expression with a given
/// context.
/// \param expr The Proto expression to evaluate
/// \param context The context in which the expression should be
/// evaluated.
/// \return <tt>typename Context::template eval<Expr>()(expr, context)</tt>
template<typename Expr, typename Context>
typename proto::result_of::eval<Expr, Context>::type
eval(Expr &expr, Context &context)
return typename Context::template eval<Expr>()(expr, context);
/// \overload
template<typename Expr, typename Context>
typename proto::result_of::eval<Expr, Context>::type
eval(Expr &expr, Context const &context)
return typename Context::template eval<Expr>()(expr, context);