blob: ae9eb46289b9423c092042af92b889124f4367ae [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2005 2006 Joel de Guzman
Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include "./post_process.hpp"
#include "./utils.hpp"
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_core.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <cctype>
namespace quickbook
using namespace boost::spirit::classic;
using boost::bind;
typedef std::string::const_iterator iter_type;
struct printer
printer(std::string& out, int& current_indent, int linewidth)
: prev(0), out(out), current_indent(current_indent) , column(0)
, in_string(false), linewidth(linewidth) {}
void indent()
BOOST_ASSERT(current_indent >= 0); // this should not happen!
for (int i = 0; i < current_indent; ++i)
out += ' ';
column = current_indent;
void break_line()
out.erase(out.find_last_not_of(' ')+1); // trim trailing spaces
out += '\n';
bool line_is_empty() const
for (iter_type i = out.end()-(column-current_indent); i != out.end(); ++i)
if (*i != ' ')
return false;
return true;
void align_indent()
// make sure we are at the proper indent position
if (column != current_indent)
if (column > current_indent)
if (line_is_empty())
// trim just enough trailing spaces down to current_indent position
out.erase(out.end()-(column-current_indent), out.end());
column = current_indent;
// nope, line is not empty. do a hard CR
// will this happen? (i.e. column <= current_indent)
while (column != current_indent)
out += ' ';
void print(char ch)
// Print a char. Attempt to break the line if we are exceeding
// the target linewidth. The linewidth is not an absolute limit.
// There are many cases where a line will exceed the linewidth
// and there is no way to properly break the line. Preformatted
// code that exceeds the linewidth are examples. We cannot break
// preformatted code. We shall not attempt to be very strict with
// line breaking. What's more important is to have a reproducable
// output (i.e. processing two logically equivalent xml files
// results in two lexically equivalent xml files). *** pretty
// formatting is a secondary goal ***
// Strings will occur only in tag attributes. Normal content
// will have &quot; instead. We shall deal only with tag
// attributes here.
if (ch == '"')
in_string = !in_string; // don't break strings!
if (!in_string && std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)))
// we can break spaces if they are not inside strings
if (!std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(prev)))
if (column >= linewidth)
if (column == 0 && ch == ' ')
out += ' ';
out += ' ';
// we can break tag boundaries and stuff after
// delimiters if they are not inside strings
// and *only-if* the preceding char is a space
if (!in_string
&& column >= linewidth
&& (ch == '<' && std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(prev))))
out += ch;
prev = ch;
print(iter_type f, iter_type l)
for (iter_type i = f; i != l; ++i)
print_tag(iter_type f, iter_type l, bool is_flow_tag)
if (is_flow_tag)
print(f, l);
// This is not a flow tag, so, we're going to do a
// carriage return anyway. Let us remove extra right
// spaces.
std::string str(f, l);
BOOST_ASSERT(f != l); // this should not happen
iter_type i = str.end();
while (i != str.begin() && std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(*(i-1))))
print(str.begin(), i);
char prev;
std::string& out;
int& current_indent;
int column;
bool in_string;
int linewidth;
char const* block_tags_[] =
, "blockquote"
, "bridgehead"
, "caution"
, "copyright"
, "footnote"
, "important"
, "informaltable"
, "itemizedlist"
, "legalnotice"
, "listitem"
, "note"
, "orderedlist"
, "para"
, "replaceable"
, "row"
, "section"
, "tbody"
, "textobject"
, "tgroup"
, "thead"
, "tip"
, "variablelist"
, "warning"
, "xml"
, "xi:include"
, "calloutlist"
, "callout"
char const* doc_types_[] =
, "article"
, "library"
, "chapter"
, "part"
, "appendix"
, "preface"
, "qandadiv"
, "qandaset"
, "reference"
, "set"
struct tidy_compiler
tidy_compiler(std::string& out, int linewidth)
: out(out), current_indent(0), printer_(out, current_indent, linewidth)
static int const n_block_tags = sizeof(block_tags_)/sizeof(char const*);
for (int i = 0; i != n_block_tags; ++i)
static int const n_doc_types = sizeof(doc_types_)/sizeof(char const*);
for (int i = 0; i != n_doc_types; ++i)
block_tags.insert(doc_types_[i] + std::string("info"));
block_tags.insert(doc_types_[i] + std::string("purpose"));
bool is_flow_tag(std::string const& tag)
return block_tags.find(tag) == block_tags.end();
std::set<std::string> block_tags;
std::stack<std::string> tags;
std::string& out;
int current_indent;
printer printer_;
std::string current_tag;
struct tidy_grammar : grammar<tidy_grammar>
tidy_grammar(tidy_compiler& state, int indent)
: state(state), indent(indent) {}
template <typename Scanner>
struct definition
definition(tidy_grammar const& self)
tag = (lexeme_d[+(alpha_p | '_' | ':')]) [bind(&tidy_grammar::do_tag, &self, _1, _2)];
code =
>> *(anychar_p - "</programlisting>")
>> "</programlisting>"
// What's the business of lexeme_d['>' >> *space_p]; ?
// It is there to preserve the space after the tag that is
// otherwise consumed by the space_p skipper.
escape =
str_p("<!--quickbook-escape-prefix-->") >>
(*(anychar_p - str_p("<!--quickbook-escape-postfix-->")))
bind(&tidy_grammar::do_escape, &self, _1, _2)
>> lexeme_d
str_p("<!--quickbook-escape-postfix-->") >>
bind(&tidy_grammar::do_escape_post, &self, _1, _2)
start_tag = '<' >> tag >> *(anychar_p - '>') >> lexeme_d['>' >> *space_p];
start_end_tag =
'<' >> tag >> *(anychar_p - ("/>" | ch_p('>'))) >> lexeme_d["/>" >> *space_p]
| "<?" >> tag >> *(anychar_p - '?') >> lexeme_d["?>" >> *space_p]
| "<!--" >> *(anychar_p - "-->") >> lexeme_d["-->" >> *space_p]
| "<!" >> tag >> *(anychar_p - '>') >> lexeme_d['>' >> *space_p]
content = lexeme_d[ +(anychar_p - '<') ];
end_tag = "</" >> +(anychar_p - '>') >> lexeme_d['>' >> *space_p];
markup =
| code [bind(&tidy_grammar::do_code, &self, _1, _2)]
| start_end_tag [bind(&tidy_grammar::do_start_end_tag, &self, _1, _2)]
| start_tag [bind(&tidy_grammar::do_start_tag, &self, _1, _2)]
| end_tag [bind(&tidy_grammar::do_end_tag, &self, _1, _2)]
| content [bind(&tidy_grammar::do_content, &self, _1, _2)]
tidy = +markup;
rule<Scanner> const&
start() { return tidy; }
rule<Scanner> tidy, tag, start_tag, start_end_tag,
content, end_tag, markup, code, escape;
void do_escape_post(iter_type f, iter_type l) const
for (iter_type i = f; i != l; ++i)
state.out += *i;
void do_escape(iter_type f, iter_type l) const
while (f != l && std::isspace(*f))
for (iter_type i = f; i != l; ++i)
state.out += *i;
void do_code(iter_type f, iter_type l) const
state.out += '\n';
// print the string taking care of line
// ending CR/LF platform issues
for (iter_type i = f; i != l; ++i)
if (*i == '\n')
state.out += '\n';
if (i != l && *i != '\r')
state.out += *i;
else if (*i == '\r')
state.out += '\n';
if (i != l && *i != '\n')
state.out += *i;
state.out += *i;
state.out += '\n';
void do_tag(iter_type f, iter_type l) const
state.current_tag = std::string(f, l);
void do_start_end_tag(iter_type f, iter_type l) const
bool is_flow_tag = state.is_flow_tag(state.current_tag);
if (!is_flow_tag)
state.printer_.print_tag(f, l, is_flow_tag);
if (!is_flow_tag)
void do_start_tag(iter_type f, iter_type l) const
bool is_flow_tag = state.is_flow_tag(state.current_tag);
if (!is_flow_tag)
state.printer_.print_tag(f, l, is_flow_tag);
if (!is_flow_tag)
state.current_indent += indent;
void do_content(iter_type f, iter_type l) const
state.printer_.print(f, l);
void do_end_tag(iter_type f, iter_type l) const
bool is_flow_tag = state.is_flow_tag(;
if (!is_flow_tag)
state.current_indent -= indent;
state.printer_.print_tag(f, l, is_flow_tag);
if (!is_flow_tag)
tidy_compiler& state;
int indent;
int post_process(
std::string const& in
, std::ostream& out
, int indent
, int linewidth)
if (indent == -1)
indent = 2; // set default to 2
if (linewidth == -1)
linewidth = 80; // set default to 80
std::string tidy;
tidy_compiler state(tidy, linewidth);
tidy_grammar g(state, indent);
parse_info<iter_type> r = parse(in.begin(), in.end(), g, space_p);
if (r.full)
out << tidy;
return 0;
// fallback!
<< "Warning: Post Processing Failed."
<< std::endl;
out << in;
return 1;
// fallback!
<< "Post Processing Failed."
<< std::endl;
out << in;
return 1;