blob: 4101092462ba49dfc208672bbbc826d802c71313 [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright Olaf Krzikalla 2004-2006.
// (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2006-2008
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for documentation.
#include <boost/intrusive/detail/config_begin.hpp>
#include <iterator>
#include <boost/intrusive/detail/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/detail/pointer_to_other.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace intrusive {
template<class VoidPointer>
struct slist_node
typedef typename boost::pointer_to_other
<VoidPointer, slist_node>::type node_ptr;
node_ptr next_;
// slist_node_traits can be used with circular_slist_algorithms and supplies
// a slist_node holding the pointers needed for a singly-linked list
// it is used by slist_base_hook and slist_member_hook
template<class VoidPointer>
struct slist_node_traits
typedef slist_node<VoidPointer> node;
typedef typename boost::pointer_to_other
<VoidPointer, node>::type node_ptr;
typedef typename boost::pointer_to_other
<VoidPointer, const node>::type const_node_ptr;
static node_ptr get_next(const_node_ptr n)
{ return n->next_; }
static void set_next(node_ptr n, node_ptr next)
{ n->next_ = next; }
// slist_iterator provides some basic functions for a
// node oriented bidirectional iterator:
template<class Container, bool IsConst>
class slist_iterator
: public std::iterator
< std::forward_iterator_tag
, typename detail::add_const_if_c
<typename Container::value_type, IsConst>::type
typedef typename Container::real_value_traits real_value_traits;
typedef typename real_value_traits::node_traits node_traits;
typedef typename node_traits::node node;
typedef typename node_traits::node_ptr node_ptr;
typedef typename boost::pointer_to_other
<node_ptr, void>::type void_pointer;
static const bool store_container_ptr =
typedef typename detail::add_const_if_c
<typename Container::value_type, IsConst>
::type value_type;
typedef value_type & reference;
typedef value_type * pointer;
: members_ (node_ptr(0), 0)
explicit slist_iterator(node_ptr node, const Container *cont_ptr)
: members_ (node, cont_ptr)
slist_iterator(slist_iterator<Container, false> const& other)
: members_(other.pointed_node(), other.get_container())
const node_ptr &pointed_node() const
{ return members_.nodeptr_; }
slist_iterator &operator=(const node_ptr &node)
{ members_.nodeptr_ = node; return static_cast<slist_iterator&>(*this); }
slist_iterator& operator++()
members_.nodeptr_ = node_traits::get_next(members_.nodeptr_);
return static_cast<slist_iterator&> (*this);
slist_iterator operator++(int)
slist_iterator result (*this);
members_.nodeptr_ = node_traits::get_next(members_.nodeptr_);
return result;
bool operator== (const slist_iterator& i) const
{ return members_.nodeptr_ == i.pointed_node(); }
bool operator!= (const slist_iterator& i) const
{ return !operator== (i); }
value_type& operator*() const
{ return *operator->(); }
pointer operator->() const
{ return detail::get_pointer(this->get_real_value_traits()->to_value_ptr(members_.nodeptr_)); }
const Container *get_container() const
return static_cast<const Container*>(members_.get_ptr());
return 0;
slist_iterator<Container, false> unconst() const
{ return slist_iterator<Container, false>(this->pointed_node(), this->get_container()); }
const real_value_traits *get_real_value_traits() const
return &this->get_container()->get_real_value_traits();
return 0;
struct members
: public detail::select_constptr
<void_pointer, store_container_ptr>::type
typedef typename detail::select_constptr
<void_pointer, store_container_ptr>::type Base;
members(const node_ptr &n_ptr, const void *cont)
: Base(cont), nodeptr_(n_ptr)
node_ptr nodeptr_;
} members_;
} //namespace intrusive
} //namespace boost
#include <boost/intrusive/detail/config_end.hpp>