Don't return a fallback value for Alias property of BT device.

When getting properties for a Bluetooth device, or getting info about a newly
discovered device, do not set the Alias property to the device name or to the
Bluetooth address as a fallback. The Alias property will only be set if the
user has actually set a custom alias for the device.

Bug: 5346926
Change-Id: Iea51b642592fae066ab075b0fe46d255f2d73119
diff --git a/src/adapter.c b/src/adapter.c
index 0ddbda9..08cd94f 100755
--- a/src/adapter.c
+++ b/src/adapter.c
@@ -3396,11 +3396,18 @@
 	icon = class_to_icon(dev->class);
 	if (!dev->alias) {
+#ifdef ANDROID
+		/* Android doesn't fallback to name or address if there is no alias.
+		   It's safe to set alias to NULL because dict_append_entry() will
+		   silently return and not set the property when value is NULL. */
+		alias = NULL;
 		if (!dev->name) {
 			alias = g_strdup(peer_addr);
 			g_strdelimit(alias, ":", '-');
 		} else
 			alias = g_strdup(dev->name);
 	} else
 		alias = g_strdup(dev->alias);
diff --git a/src/device.c b/src/device.c
index 8728644..7324c36 100755
--- a/src/device.c
+++ b/src/device.c
@@ -279,6 +279,13 @@
 	ptr = device->name;
 	dict_append_entry(&dict, "Name", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &ptr);
+#ifdef ANDROID
+	/* Alias (Android doesn't fallback to name or address) */
+	if (device->alias != NULL) {
+		ptr = device->alias;
+		dict_append_entry(&dict, "Alias", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &ptr);
+	}
 	/* Alias (fallback to name or address) */
 	if (device->alias != NULL)
 		ptr = device->alias;
@@ -288,6 +295,7 @@
 	dict_append_entry(&dict, "Alias", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &ptr);
 	/* Class */
 	if (read_remote_class(&src, &device->bdaddr, &class) == 0) {