blob: c7cc015bae5fbff557133cea4e9e9424abc8e5b8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Connect to J-Link and debug application in sram on SAM3U
# Note:
# First,users should do Step1 and Step2 according to your project,
# then do Step3.
# Step1: Connect to the J-Link gdb server
#target remote localhost:2331
#mon reset
# Step2: Load file(eg. getting-started project)
#load bin/basic-dhrystone-project-at91sam3u-ek-at91sam3u4-sram.elf
#symbol-file bin/basic-dhrystone-project-at91sam3u-ek-at91sam3u4-sram.elf
# Step3: Initializing PC and stack pointer
# Perpheral reset RSTC_CR
set *0x400e1200 = 0xA5000004
# Modify pc value to even before writing pc register
mon reg sp=(0x20000000)
set *0x20000004 = *0x20000004 & 0xFFFFFFFE
mon reg pc=(0x20000004)