blob: f1eae5882e01a78cdcbc97274890066915fcaad1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- mode: java; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
Part of the Processing project -
Copyright (c) 2004-08 Ben Fry and Casey Reas
Copyright (c) 2001-04 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package processing.core;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
* Numbers shared throughout processing.core.
* <P>
* An attempt is made to keep the constants as short/non-verbose
* as possible. For instance, the constant is TIFF instead of
* FILE_TYPE_TIFF. We'll do this as long as we can get away with it.
* @usage Web &amp; Application
public interface PConstants {
static public final int X = 0; // model coords xyz (formerly MX/MY/MZ)
static public final int Y = 1;
static public final int Z = 2;
static public final int R = 3; // actual rgb, after lighting
static public final int G = 4; // fill stored here, transform in place
static public final int B = 5; // TODO don't do that anymore (?)
static public final int A = 6;
static public final int U = 7; // texture
static public final int V = 8;
static public final int NX = 9; // normal
static public final int NY = 10;
static public final int NZ = 11;
static public final int EDGE = 12;
// stroke
/** stroke argb values */
static public final int SR = 13;
static public final int SG = 14;
static public final int SB = 15;
static public final int SA = 16;
/** stroke weight */
static public final int SW = 17;
// transformations (2D and 3D)
static public final int TX = 18; // transformed xyzw
static public final int TY = 19;
static public final int TZ = 20;
static public final int VX = 21; // view space coords
static public final int VY = 22;
static public final int VZ = 23;
static public final int VW = 24;
// material properties
// Ambient color (usually to be kept the same as diffuse)
// fill(_) sets both ambient and diffuse.
static public final int AR = 25;
static public final int AG = 26;
static public final int AB = 27;
// Diffuse is shared with fill.
static public final int DR = 3; // TODO needs to not be shared, this is a material property
static public final int DG = 4;
static public final int DB = 5;
static public final int DA = 6;
// specular (by default kept white)
static public final int SPR = 28;
static public final int SPG = 29;
static public final int SPB = 30;
static public final int SHINE = 31;
// emissive (by default kept black)
static public final int ER = 32;
static public final int EG = 33;
static public final int EB = 34;
// has this vertex been lit yet
static public final int BEEN_LIT = 35;
static public final int VERTEX_FIELD_COUNT = 36;
// renderers known to processing.core
static final String P2D = "processing.core.PGraphics2D";
static final String P3D = "processing.core.PGraphics3D";
static final String JAVA2D = "processing.core.PGraphicsJava2D";
static final String OPENGL = "processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL";
static final String PDF = "processing.pdf.PGraphicsPDF";
static final String DXF = "processing.dxf.RawDXF";
// platform IDs for PApplet.platform
static final int OTHER = 0;
static final int WINDOWS = 1;
static final int MACOSX = 2;
static final int LINUX = 3;
static final String[] platformNames = {
"other", "windows", "macosx", "linux"
static final float EPSILON = 0.0001f;
// max/min values for numbers
* Same as Float.MAX_VALUE, but included for parity with MIN_VALUE,
* and to avoid teaching static methods on the first day.
static final float MAX_FLOAT = Float.MAX_VALUE;
* Note that Float.MIN_VALUE is the smallest <EM>positive</EM> value
* for a floating point number, not actually the minimum (negative) value
* for a float. This constant equals 0xFF7FFFFF, the smallest (farthest
* negative) value a float can have before it hits NaN.
static final float MIN_FLOAT = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
/** Largest possible (positive) integer value */
static final int MAX_INT = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
/** Smallest possible (negative) integer value */
static final int MIN_INT = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
// useful goodness
* PI is a mathematical constant with the value 3.14159265358979323846.
* It is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
* It is useful in combination with the trigonometric functions <b>sin()</b> and <b>cos()</b>.
* @webref constants
* @see processing.core.PConstants#HALF_PI
* @see processing.core.PConstants#TWO_PI
* @see processing.core.PConstants#QUARTER_PI
static final float PI = (float) Math.PI;
* HALF_PI is a mathematical constant with the value 1.57079632679489661923.
* It is half the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
* It is useful in combination with the trigonometric functions <b>sin()</b> and <b>cos()</b>.
* @webref constants
* @see processing.core.PConstants#PI
* @see processing.core.PConstants#TWO_PI
* @see processing.core.PConstants#QUARTER_PI
static final float HALF_PI = PI / 2.0f;
static final float THIRD_PI = PI / 3.0f;
* QUARTER_PI is a mathematical constant with the value 0.7853982.
* It is one quarter the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
* It is useful in combination with the trigonometric functions <b>sin()</b> and <b>cos()</b>.
* @webref constants
* @see processing.core.PConstants#PI
* @see processing.core.PConstants#TWO_PI
* @see processing.core.PConstants#HALF_PI
static final float QUARTER_PI = PI / 4.0f;
* TWO_PI is a mathematical constant with the value 6.28318530717958647693.
* It is twice the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
* It is useful in combination with the trigonometric functions <b>sin()</b> and <b>cos()</b>.
* @webref constants
* @see processing.core.PConstants#PI
* @see processing.core.PConstants#HALF_PI
* @see processing.core.PConstants#QUARTER_PI
static final float TWO_PI = PI * 2.0f;
static final float DEG_TO_RAD = PI/180.0f;
static final float RAD_TO_DEG = 180.0f/PI;
// angle modes
//static final int RADIANS = 0;
//static final int DEGREES = 1;
// used by split, all the standard whitespace chars
// (also includes unicode nbsp, that little bostage)
static final String WHITESPACE = " \t\n\r\f\u00A0";
// for colors and/or images
static final int RGB = 1; // image & color
static final int ARGB = 2; // image
static final int HSB = 3; // color
static final int ALPHA = 4; // image
static final int CMYK = 5; // image & color (someday)
// image file types
static final int TIFF = 0;
static final int TARGA = 1;
static final int JPEG = 2;
static final int GIF = 3;
// filter/convert types
static final int BLUR = 11;
static final int GRAY = 12;
static final int INVERT = 13;
static final int OPAQUE = 14;
static final int POSTERIZE = 15;
static final int THRESHOLD = 16;
static final int ERODE = 17;
static final int DILATE = 18;
// blend mode keyword definitions
// @see processing.core.PImage#blendColor(int,int,int)
public final static int REPLACE = 0;
public final static int BLEND = 1 << 0;
public final static int ADD = 1 << 1;
public final static int SUBTRACT = 1 << 2;
public final static int LIGHTEST = 1 << 3;
public final static int DARKEST = 1 << 4;
public final static int DIFFERENCE = 1 << 5;
public final static int EXCLUSION = 1 << 6;
public final static int MULTIPLY = 1 << 7;
public final static int SCREEN = 1 << 8;
public final static int OVERLAY = 1 << 9;
public final static int HARD_LIGHT = 1 << 10;
public final static int SOFT_LIGHT = 1 << 11;
public final static int DODGE = 1 << 12;
public final static int BURN = 1 << 13;
// colour component bitmasks
public static final int ALPHA_MASK = 0xff000000;
public static final int RED_MASK = 0x00ff0000;
public static final int GREEN_MASK = 0x0000ff00;
public static final int BLUE_MASK = 0x000000ff;
// for messages
static final int CHATTER = 0;
static final int COMPLAINT = 1;
static final int PROBLEM = 2;
// types of projection matrices
static final int CUSTOM = 0; // user-specified fanciness
static final int ORTHOGRAPHIC = 2; // 2D isometric projection
static final int PERSPECTIVE = 3; // perspective matrix
// shapes
// the low four bits set the variety,
// higher bits set the specific shape type
//static final int GROUP = (1 << 2);
static final int POINT = 2; // shared with light (!)
static final int POINTS = 2;
static final int LINE = 4;
static final int LINES = 4;
static final int TRIANGLE = 8;
static final int TRIANGLES = 9;
static final int TRIANGLE_STRIP = 10;
static final int TRIANGLE_FAN = 11;
static final int QUAD = 16;
static final int QUADS = 16;
static final int QUAD_STRIP = 17;
static final int POLYGON = 20;
static final int PATH = 21;
static final int RECT = 30;
static final int ELLIPSE = 31;
static final int ARC = 32;
static final int SPHERE = 40;
static final int BOX = 41;
// shape closing modes
static final int OPEN = 1;
static final int CLOSE = 2;
// shape drawing modes
/** Draw mode convention to use (x, y) to (width, height) */
static final int CORNER = 0;
/** Draw mode convention to use (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) coordinates */
static final int CORNERS = 1;
/** Draw mode from the center, and using the radius */
static final int RADIUS = 2;
/** @deprecated Use RADIUS instead. */
static final int CENTER_RADIUS = 2;
* Draw from the center, using second pair of values as the diameter.
* Formerly called CENTER_DIAMETER in alpha releases.
static final int CENTER = 3;
* Synonym for the CENTER constant. Draw from the center,
* using second pair of values as the diameter.
static final int DIAMETER = 3;
/** @deprecated Use DIAMETER instead. */
static final int CENTER_DIAMETER = 3;
// vertically alignment modes for text
/** Default vertical alignment for text placement */
static final int BASELINE = 0;
/** Align text to the top */
static final int TOP = 101;
/** Align text from the bottom, using the baseline. */
static final int BOTTOM = 102;
// uv texture orientation modes
/** texture coordinates in 0..1 range */
static final int NORMAL = 1;
/** @deprecated use NORMAL instead */
static final int NORMALIZED = 1;
/** texture coordinates based on image width/height */
static final int IMAGE = 2;
// text placement modes
* textMode(MODEL) is the default, meaning that characters
* will be affected by transformations like any other shapes.
* <p/>
* Changed value in 0093 to not interfere with LEFT, CENTER, and RIGHT.
static final int MODEL = 4;
* textMode(SHAPE) draws text using the the glyph outlines of
* individual characters rather than as textures. If the outlines are
* not available, then textMode(SHAPE) will be ignored and textMode(MODEL)
* will be used instead. For this reason, be sure to call textMode()
* <EM>after</EM> calling textFont().
* <p/>
* Currently, textMode(SHAPE) is only supported by OPENGL mode.
* It also requires Java 1.2 or higher (OPENGL requires 1.4 anyway)
static final int SHAPE = 5;
// text alignment modes
// are inherited from LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT
// stroke modes
static final int SQUARE = 1 << 0; // called 'butt' in the svg spec
static final int ROUND = 1 << 1;
static final int PROJECT = 1 << 2; // called 'square' in the svg spec
static final int MITER = 1 << 3;
static final int BEVEL = 1 << 5;
// lighting
static final int AMBIENT = 0;
static final int DIRECTIONAL = 1;
//static final int POINT = 2; // shared with shape feature
static final int SPOT = 3;
// key constants
// only including the most-used of these guys
// if people need more esoteric keys, they can learn about
// the esoteric java KeyEvent api and of virtual keys
// both key and keyCode will equal these values
// for 0125, these were changed to 'char' values, because they
// can be upgraded to ints automatically by Java, but having them
// as ints prevented split(blah, TAB) from working
static final char BACKSPACE = 8;
static final char TAB = 9;
static final char ENTER = 10;
static final char RETURN = 13;
static final char ESC = 27;
static final char DELETE = 127;
// i.e. if ((key == CODED) && (keyCode == UP))
static final int CODED = 0xffff;
// key will be CODED and keyCode will be this value
static final int UP = KeyEvent.VK_UP;
static final int DOWN = KeyEvent.VK_DOWN;
static final int LEFT = KeyEvent.VK_LEFT;
static final int RIGHT = KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT;
// key will be CODED and keyCode will be this value
static final int ALT = KeyEvent.VK_ALT;
static final int CONTROL = KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL;
static final int SHIFT = KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT;
// cursor types
static final int ARROW = Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR;
static final int CROSS = Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR;
static final int HAND = Cursor.HAND_CURSOR;
static final int MOVE = Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR;
static final int TEXT = Cursor.TEXT_CURSOR;
static final int WAIT = Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR;
// hints - hint values are positive for the alternate version,
// negative of the same value returns to the normal/default state
static final int DISABLE_OPENGL_2X_SMOOTH = 1;
static final int ENABLE_OPENGL_2X_SMOOTH = -1;
static final int ENABLE_OPENGL_4X_SMOOTH = 2;
static final int ENABLE_NATIVE_FONTS = 3;
static final int DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST = 4;
static final int ENABLE_DEPTH_TEST = -4;
static final int ENABLE_DEPTH_SORT = 5;
static final int DISABLE_DEPTH_SORT = -5;
static final int DISABLE_OPENGL_ERROR_REPORT = 6;
static final int ENABLE_OPENGL_ERROR_REPORT = -6;
static final int ENABLE_ACCURATE_TEXTURES = 7;
static final int DISABLE_ACCURATE_TEXTURES = -7;
static final int HINT_COUNT = 10;
// error messages
"background image must be the same size as your application";
"background images should be RGB or ARGB";
static final String ERROR_TEXTFONT_NULL_PFONT =
"A null PFont was passed to textFont()";
"Too many calls to pushMatrix().";
"Too many calls to popMatrix(), and not enough to pushMatrix().";