blob: 7b6b66e575d4fc293ceed4ab931b9e3879010f59 [file] [log] [blame]
// ANTLRStringStreamTest.m
// Created by Ian Michell on 12/05/2010.
// Copyright 2010 Ian Michell. All rights reserved.
#import "ANTLRStringStreamTest.h"
#import "ANTLRCharStream.h"
#import "ANTLRStringStream.h"
#import "ANTLRError.h"
@implementation ANTLRStringStreamTest
-(void) testInitWithInput
NSString *input = @"This is a string used for ANTLRStringStream input ;)";
ANTLRStringStream *stream = [ANTLRStringStream newANTLRStringStream:input];
NSString *subString = [stream substring:0 To:10];
NSLog(@"The first ten chars are '%@'", subString);
STAssertTrue([@"This is a " isEqualToString:subString], @"The strings do not match");
[stream release];
-(void) testConsumeAndReset
ANTLRStringStream *stream = [ANTLRStringStream newANTLRStringStream:@"This is a string used for input"];
[stream consume];
STAssertTrue(stream.index > 0, @"Index should be greater than 0 after consume");
[stream reset];
STAssertTrue(stream.index == 0, @"Index should be 0 after reset");
[stream release];
-(void) testConsumeWithNewLine
ANTLRStringStream *stream = [ANTLRStringStream newANTLRStringStream:@"This is a string\nused for input"];
while (stream.index < [stream size] && stream.line == 1)
[stream consume];
STAssertTrue(stream.line == 2, @"Line number is incorrect, should be 2, was %d!", stream.line);
STAssertTrue(stream.charPositionInLine == 0, @"Char position in line should be 0, it was: %d!", stream.charPositionInLine);
[stream release];
-(void) testLAEOF
NSInteger i;
ANTLRStringStream *stream = [ANTLRStringStream newANTLRStringStream:@"This is a string\nused for input"];
BOOL eofFound = NO;
for (i = 1; i <= [stream size]+1; i++) {
NSInteger r = [stream LA:i];
if (r == (NSInteger)ANTLRCharStreamEOF) {
eofFound = YES;
STAssertTrue(eofFound, @"EOF Was not found in stream, Length =%d, index = %d, i = %d", [stream size], stream.index, i);
[stream release];
-(void) testLTEOF
NSInteger i;
ANTLRStringStream *stream = [ANTLRStringStream newANTLRStringStream:@"This is a string\nused for input"];
BOOL eofFound = NO;
for ( i = 1; i <= [stream size]+1; i++) {
NSInteger r = [stream LT:i];
if (r == (NSInteger)ANTLRCharStreamEOF) {
eofFound = YES;
STAssertTrue(eofFound, @"EOF Was not found in stream, Length =%d, index = %d, i = %d", [stream size], stream.index, i);
[stream release];
-(void) testSeek
ANTLRStringStream *stream =[ANTLRStringStream newANTLRStringStream:@"This is a string used for input"];
[stream seek:10];
STAssertTrue(stream.index == 10, @"Index should be 10");
// Get char 10 which is s (with 0 being T)
STAssertTrue([stream LA:1] > -1 && (char)[stream LA:1] == 's', @"Char returned should be s");
[stream release];
-(void) testSeekMarkAndRewind
ANTLRStringStream *stream =[ANTLRStringStream newANTLRStringStream:@"This is a string used for input"];
[stream mark];
[stream seek:10];
STAssertTrue(stream.index == 10, @"Index should be 10");
[stream rewind];
STAssertTrue(stream.index == 0, @"Index should be 0");
[stream seek:5];
STAssertTrue(stream.index == 5, @"Index should be 5");
[stream mark]; // make a new marker to test a branch.
[stream seek:10];
STAssertTrue(stream.index == 10, @"Index should be 10");
[stream rewind]; // should be marked to 5.
STAssertTrue(stream.index == 5, @"Index should be 5");
[stream release];