blob: a3edc2008e07d455bb88b93e5d1ed85d6c44cee9 [file] [log] [blame]
// ANTLRIntArrayTest.m
// Created by Ian Michell on 13/05/2010.
// Copyright 2010 Ian Michell. All rights reserved.
#import "ANTLRIntArrayTest.h"
#import "ANTLRIntArray.h"
@implementation ANTLRIntArrayTest
-(void) testAdd
ANTLRIntArray *intArray = [ANTLRIntArray newArrayWithLen:10];
[intArray addInteger:1];
STAssertTrue([intArray count] == 1, @"Int array should be of size 1");
STAssertTrue([intArray integerAtIndex:0] == 1, @"First item in int array should be 1");
[intArray release];
-(void) testPushPop
ANTLRIntArray *intArray = [ANTLRIntArray newArrayWithLen:10];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 10; i++)
[intArray push:i + 1];
NSInteger popped = [intArray pop];
NSLog(@"Popped value: %d", popped);
STAssertTrue(popped == 10, @"Pop should pull the last element out, which should be 10 was: %d", popped);
[intArray release];
-(void) testClearAndAdd
ANTLRIntArray *intArray = [ANTLRIntArray newArrayWithLen:10];
[intArray addInteger:1];
STAssertTrue([intArray count] == 1, @"Int array should be of size 1");
STAssertTrue([intArray integerAtIndex:0] == 1, @"First item in int array should be 1");
[intArray reset];
STAssertTrue([intArray count] == 0, @"Array size should be 0");
[intArray release];